I’ve always thought of severe hypertension as a cause of increased myocardial oxygen demand. Which makes sense for the SBP (afterload, wall stress)... it’s what the LV is contracting against.
But what role does the DBP play?
Not much of one as far as the LV’s workload far as I can think...
But diastole is when coronary perfusion happens. Applying Ohm’s law in that vascular bed,
Is CVR any higher than baseline in setting of systemic hypertension?
On the one hand, maybe, because of a common confounder of elevated systemic catecholamine levels. But esp if the heart is working harder, there must be some local vasodilatory mediators at play too...
So if we assume CVR is not elevated, then any increase in DBP should proportionally increase CBF.
If DBP is 130 instead of 65 with the same coronary resistance, then coronary flow doubles.
Which should offset a lot of the increase demand from SBP?
The other term to question is LVEDP. Does high DBP translate to high LVEDP and this keep the gradient flat? Somewhat... but I think not linearly. Especially if there’s not much dyspnea / pulmonary edema, the LVEDP probably isn’t elevated by as the DBP is. If AV intact.
OR... is myocardial ischemia, dysfunction, injury in severe HTN more mediated by hypertensive MICROangiopathy, in which case all the formulas and assumptions above get thrown out the window.
+1 for organization/structure as foundation of effective communication.
Learners often struggle with shifting expectations. And teachers sometimes associated highly structured presentations with wordy ones. So I want to emphasize:
What about this stool, which might be blood or food pigment? Or the self-evacuated black stool of a patient who’s on iron or pepto, and is tachy today?
I’d Guaiac that, and change management if overtly + vs -.
Had a realization about quiet heart sounds that came about a decade late.
Short thread.
S1 and S2 happen when pressure gradients snap them shut. Right-sided cardiac pressures and thus valve-closing pressure gradients are lower, this P2 is quieter than A2.
And if you get pulmonary hypertension, P2 gets louder.
A bit more from UpToDate:
What about hypOtension? If you’re septic or bleeding or in cardiogenic shock, the lower pressure gradients should translate to quieter sounds.
Thus, quiet heart sounds in this setting are probably less discerning for pericardial fluid.
Thanks for comments, y’all. Regarding utility in detecting reinfarction:
First, I must say that I do hospital medicine and minimal ICU, so this isn’t a daily quandary for me. I was mostly imagining the “new docs” on the wards.
That being said, some thoughts/references:
First, the whole idea is that MB may have an earlier rise than troponin, and a quicker fall (especially if low GFR).
As such, in back to back events, there may be a clearer separation of humps in the MB curve.