Let's talk about the evidence behind the use of visual abstracts to communicate SCIENCE!!
This field started with @AndrewMIbrahim, the whizz kid from @UMich. He was a surgical resident exploring ways to communicate scientific manuscripts and came up with the visual abstract
He realized that these would be a great way to communicate information on social media and started creating visual abstracts as part of his gig as creative director at Annals of Surgery (what do you mean your journal doesn't have a creative director?) @Atul_Gawande agreed
Ibrahim then put his theory to the test with a prospective trial where articles were tweeted with either the citation and link or citation link and visual abstract. Then after a washout period the groups crossed over.
But there was an obvious pitfall to the study. Any image increases the impact of a tweet. Was the effect that @AndrewMIbrahim was seeing from the visual abstract or could any picture generate that kind of response?
So @edgarvlermamd, Sandra Oska, and I recreated Ibrahim's study but we used a triple cross-over design in order to separate out the effect of a key figure versus a visual abstract. jmir.org/2020/12/e22327
Sandra, who began the project as a second year medical student at @OUWB and is now applying for internal medicine as an M4, did the heavy lifting, picking the key figures and doing all the tweeting. We are super grateful to @AmJNephrol for cooperating with this study.
Our results were similar to @AndrewMIbrahim in direction, if not in magnitude.
In @AndrewMIbrahim's study, he found a significant increase in people clicking through to the article, we did not find that. Additionally he found 7x effect on impressions and retweets. Our effect size was smaller 2x on views and 5x on impressions.
Some of this may have to do with the fact that visual abstracts are not the shiny new thing anymore and some of the effect may have attenuated as people get used to them. Also @AmJNephrol (H-index 80) is not the Annals of Surgery (H-index 298) scimagojr.com/journalrank.php
It's time to vote for the nephrology study of the year in the #NephJCkidneys. I think a lot of people are going to vote for DAPA-CKD and there is no doubt that it is an important study, but...
DAPA-CKD is largely just a replication study of CREDENCE, last year's winner. I'd like to make the case for ISCHEMIA-CKD
A dialysis patient misses a dialysis session and comes to the hospital with shortness of breath. The ER orders a troponin. The troponin is elevated but is stable over three draws.
I have a patient with anti-PLA2r + membranous nephropathy who was taking a lot of NSAIDs before the onset of disease. Does the anti-PLA2r antibodies exonerate the NSAIDs? #AskRenal
It is an incredibly interesting case. The patient, who was born in east Asia, presented to me years ago with a history of HIV (treated with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) with a mild increase in cr. U/A showed heavy proteinuria.
Patient was not concerned with the increased proteinuria but the lower extremity edema. We treated with furosemide and did a biopsy. The biopsy was inadequate with only 2 gloms🤯
both sclerosed 🤯🤯🤯
Patient with advancing CKD, currently stage 4. Labs show HCO3 19 on the last two lab draws. Anion gap 13. What do you do?
So the current thinking is that correcting metabolic acidosis (CO2 < 22) slows the progression of CKD. This has been shown in RCTs with oral sodium bicarbonate (placebo controlled):
How not to write a letter of recommendation for nephrology fellowship
How to write a letter of recommendation for nephrology fellowship:
1. know your audience. Offer to write letters to programs where you know key people. When I read letters from people I know it moves the needle. Otherwise not so much.
2. Be honest. Don't lie and exaggerate the skills of an applicant. We received a letter with glowing praise for a fellow who turned out to be less than stellar. I no longer trust that program's LOR. In this game it is one strike and you are out.