1/ AIR CLEANERS: recommendations from the scientists of what to use and what to avoid
2/ More details about how to remove the virus from the air (best ventilation, otherwise filtration, UV in some special cases, avoid others): sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
3/ A thread on air cleaners that explains the recommendations:
4/ A Medium article explaining why spraying disinfectants in the air is a very BAD idea when people are present. These techniques are ONLY useful for surfaces when NOBODY is present and you can ventilate afterwards.
5/ Note that since surfaces transmit SARS-COV-2 poorly, and if you ventilate, you already remove the virus from the air, there is little point on spraying a disinfectant for COVID-19.
6/ Filtration is very effective to remove virus-containing aerosols from the air. Either within HVAC systems (with MERV13 when possible), or portable HEPA (great but expensive) or cheap fan-filter combos (works!). Follow @JbcLiftec@JimRosenthal4@SmartAirFilters for fan-filter
7/ Germicidal UV works, BUT it is more expensive, it is dangerous if shone on people, and needs professional design, installation, and maintenance. So we recommend it only when filtration not possible (e.g. prisons, waiting rooms for Emergency in hospitals etc.)
8/ Avoid air cleaners that "kill" the virus with chemical reactions with its biomolecules (thru ions, plasmas, hydroxyl etc.). The same chemistry reacts with abundant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) indoors, which is expected to form toxic oxidized VOCs and chemical aerosols.
9/ What about controlling humidity?
- Virus survives better if very dry or very humid. Worst 40-60% RH
- Controlling RH is useful, but it just shortens the virus lifetime. We favor removing the virus from the air through ventilation or filtration first.
10/ For ventilation, need to measure CO2 in all shared spaces. Low-cost NDIR $90-$200
- 400 ppm outdoor
- 800 ppm = 1% of the air you air breathing, someone else has breathed it before
- 4400 ppm = 10% rebreathing, very dangerous! Common in classrooms etc. without ventilation
11/ Going forward, and since many more diseases (e.g. flu, next pandemic) transmit via aerosols, we need to mandate visible CO2 meters in all public spaces where we share air. Doable with very limited cost.
12/ An example of bringing a CO2 meter in an aircraft trip in Europe:
13/ And an example of a poorly ventilated supermarket. Citizens should themselves of CO2 meters and report poor ventilation to those responsible for public spaces.
14/ With a CO2 meter, natural ventilation (by opening windows) can be managed in shared spaces, so that infection risk is greatly reduced, while thermal comfort is not reduced majorly.
15/ Finally, a reminder that when we think about masks and filters, that the virus is not naked in the air, but it flies in much larger aerosol-vessels. Which still float in the air for some time, but are much easier to filter.
15/ If you want more details, see these top-scientist generated Frequently Asked Questions, which has more info and links to many resources.
16/ To see my whole slide deck on this topic, or a recent presentation to @APSphysics (more focused on why we think, based on the science, that this virus is transmitted mainly through the air, and dispelling the misconceptions that plague @WHO et al), see
1/ Hace tiempo que es obvio que #COVID19 se transmite sobre todo por el aire. Infectados exhalan como un humo invisible, que flota. Nos infectamos al inhalarlo
Gotas y superficies: poco importantes
¿Cuándo lo dirá la OMS @WHO fuerte y claro, para que la gente se pueda proteger?
2/ La OMS @WHO tiene que decir que la transmisión por el aire es importante, TAN FUERTE Y CLARO como dijeron el 28 de Marzo que era un bulo.
Un error que se estudiará en los libros de historia... Y que todavía no han admitido claramente que es un error!
When will inconvenient science be finally accepted by @WHO?
How many infections will we have failed to prevent, by not explaining to ppl how it is really transmitted?
(Hint: >>1e6)
Please sign the citizen's petition to @WHO, for them to finally acknowledge that COVID-19 has an important component of transmission through the air (aerosols)
1/ Mañana jueves, 3 de diciembre a las 18:30 h se presentará en una rueda de prensa el grupo AIREAMOS.
Este grupo está formado por científicos y expertos españoles que proponen la medición de CO2 como indicador de la necesidad de ventilación para reducir el riesgo de contagio...
2/ de coronavirus, entre otras medidas para contener la expansión de la pandemia por aerosoles.
1/ Nos escriben muchos fabricantes y distribuidores de equipos que quitan al virus de aire a través de quimica (iones, hidroxilos, fotocatálisis, plasmas, etc.).
No recomendamos este tipo de equipos porque es muy probable (dado sus principios de funcionamiento y...
2/ nuestros conocimientos de química atmosférica) que puedan formar compuestos orgánicos y aerosoles químicos que sean tóxicos. y formar compuestos tóxicos, y esto no se ha estudiado. Pedimos estudios sobre esto revisados por pares, ningún fab. nos han enviado ninguno todavía.
3/ Por esta razón el informe del Ministerio de Ciencia desaconseja el uso de estos equipos, salvo que se investigue este tema y se demuestre su inocuidad:
1/ IMPORTANTE: persona que trabaja en administración (para divulgar anónimamente) le encomiendan encontrar razones para justificar que los filtros no funcionan o son contraproducentes.
Razón? Si admiten que funcionan los tendrian que comprar, y no hay presupuesto
2/ ?Método? encontrar los bulos que ya han dicho otras administraciones y repetirlos. Que si no quitan el virus, que si lo esparcen todavía más...
Terraplanismo por motivos económicos...
Esto tiene que parar, al menos que dejen a la gente protegerse.
3/ La OMS, la CDC, el ministerio de Sanidad y Ciencia en España, todos reconocen que los filtros funcionan para quitar virus del aire.
Si la ventilación funciona, los filtros tienen que funcionar. Negar eso es decir que la tierra es plana.