This is an important result:
Azithromycin is on the WHO Watch Group of Antibiotics: antibiotics.
Widespread use of azithromycin for COVID-19 for which it is ineffective risks the development of resistance by bacterial infections for which it is effective.
We have seen time and again during this epidemic the importance of large randomised clinical trials in determining which of the many promising treatments deliver real benefits for patients.
If in doubt:
- don’t guess
- don’t prescribe & hope
- randomise & learn.
Once again, we thank the thousands of NHS doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and research staff who have contributed to the RECOVERY trial and the quest for knowledge about how best to reduce the terrible burden of this disease.
Above all we must thank the 20,000 patients who have taken part in this extraordinary and truly world-leading effort.
The improved care of COVID patients today is thanks to the selfless contribution of RECOVERY participants in the past – and in turn, the care of patients tomorrow will be better as a consequence of those volunteering today.
Thank you.
Note: We did not study, and cannot comment on, the role of azithromycin for patients with early COVID-19 who have not (yet) been admitted to hospital.
Full details of this preliminary analysis are available as a pre-print on @medrxivpreprint:
More results from the RECOVERY trial - Hydroxychloroquine:
Among patients hospitalised with COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) did not improve 28-day mortality, duration of hospital stay, or risk of progressing to invasive mechanical ventilation or death
1561 patients were randomised to HCQ + usual care
3155 patients were randomised to usual care alone
in the largest randomised trial of HCQ for treatment of COVID
No evidence of benefit of HCQ on any of the pre-specified endpoints.
In patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19, lopinavir–ritonavir did not reduce 28-day mortality, duration of hospital stay, or risk of progressing to invasive mechanical ventilation or death.
Lopinavir-ritonavir is an HIV treatment that was widely recommended and used for #COVID19. The RECOVERY trial has shown it does not work - so doctors no longer use it.
That’s why we do trials - to separate out drugs we think might work from drugs we know do work.