When England & Scotland united in 1707 to form Great Britain, it was in the interests of & dictated by both countries ruling elites. Their peoples were not asked. Neither were the Welsh nor the Irish.
The elites had dictated a change in "national identity". And now they're at it again, changing us from a White European "nation" into multi-racial global "nation" & #MeltingPot.
Again, the people were not asked, but are having it imposed on them by their ruling elites.
Is Britain not supposed to be a democracy, in which the PEOPLE decide?
The vast majority of Native Britons did NOT want Britain to become a global melting pot for all humanity, in which they would soon be reduced to a racial minority.
This, however, is what is happening!
How were our elites able to impose this madness on us?
By dismissing all objections to it as RACIST.
The West is dominated by a moral supremacist elite of #AntiRacists.
We must liberate ourselves, as we did from the moral supremacism of the medieval church.
How do we go about liberating ourselves from the madness our moral supremacist elites are imposing on us?
We can't do it by force, but must proceed peacefully, legally & grassroots-democratically, which is what I am here to advise on. It is what most of my tweets are about.
We should look to Eastern Europe & how they cast off the shackles of communist rule & its moral-supremacist ideology of Marxist-Leninism. The moral-supremacist ideology cum religion we need to cast off is that of #PostRacial#Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism.
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I have a lot of sympathy for the liberal-left leaning views of #DavidAaronovitch & #NichCohen, but profoundly disagree with them on the issue of RACE, which they both deny the importance - if not the very existence - of, dismissing those who disagree with them as RACISTS.
I have attempted to discuss the issue of race with them both, but they refused, one blocking, the other muting me on Twitter. In their eyes I'm just a RACIST.
Rather than hate them back, I have put my mind to trying to understand them & their inflexible attitude to RACE.
Both have Jewish fathers, whose direct or indirect trauma at the hands of the Nazis, they must have passed on to their sons. I can think of no other explanation.
And then there's #SamHarris, both of whose parents, I believe, are Jewish:
The West (Britain & America in particular) are dominated by an ideology of White racial self-denial, self-contempt & self-hatred.
So too was #PhilipOfMacedon when he threatened to "destroy the farms, slay the people, and raze the city" of his fellow Greeks.
Philip's son, Alexander, who we are taught to admire as a "great" conquerer, Greek & man, was no different from his father & responsible for the destruction of Greek civilisation, which was NOT so great.
We in the West are not nearly as free as we are taught to believe.
We don't have government of, by & for the people, which is Orwellian newspeak for government of, by & for the elites, to which #AbrahamLincoln himself (a lawyer) belonged.
Our elites & other favoured clients of the state enjoy a lot of apparent freedom, because of their relative wealth, but in reality we are ALL enslaved - rich & poor, Black & White, high & low IQ alike - to #BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state & capital.
Most especially, those of us who are White are NOT free to express any sense of racial identity & solidarity we may feel, without being accused of #WhiteSupremacy, while other racial/ethnic groups ARE free to do so.
It is no coincidence that most of the world's richest people are White, while at the same time, their own race is declining & will soon "achieve" minority status in countries where it was, until very recently, the overwhelming & dominant majority, if not also indigenous.
The inspiration for both nationalism & socialism is deeply rooted in evolved human nature & tribalism, which the Nazis manipulated & abused for their own evil purposes.
In overreaction to this abuse, western academics demonised human tribalism itself, which was a huge mistake.
Tribalism is as essential to being human as is our sexuality, which most of us are able to control in a civilised fashion, without the need for state intervention.
It is by demonising human tribalism that the state is able to manipulate & control it, along with society itself.
This is how #BigBrother operates in liberal democracies, like Britain & America, while tricking us into loving him by deceitfully posing as our nation. The Nazis proved very useful in this regard:
Our civilisation, in which privileged individuals (incl. myself) are able to prosper at the expense of society at large & the natural environment, is inherently unjust, inhumane & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
It's not just our civilisation. Ancient Greece & Rome were no different, which is why they declined & fell, as will our civilisation, in the very near future, unless we recognise this flaw & correct it.
It can be corrected. But first it must be recognised & understood.