6 hot tips before accusing me or @TheFIREorg of #freespeech hypocrisy for missing your pet case or cause:
1) Do a search on our website. Good chance we've already written on it.
2) If we JUST found out about it or it JUST happened, we are probably already looking into it diligently in addition to the *1500* other cases we got this year.
3) Ask yourself: "Shouldn't I do some basic research first before slamming folks? Might I be unfairly smearing a field involving serious & devoted professionals who do work I don’t even bother to look into?”
4) Ask yourself: “Could *I* be the #freespeech hypocrite if I only care about #freespeech issues relating to my existing political inclinations or favorite causes!? If so should I really be calling out others?”
5) If you see an outrageous case of censorship & your VERY FIRST instinct is “man I’ll use this to stick it to people I don’t like!” rather than “How can I help?” your priorities might be messed up.
6) On campus there are plenty of folks who could use your support. An e-mail or tweet to a dean or univ. president can really help that student or prof. These people are not abstractions for your culture war grudge, they are real people who could use your support.
And if you know of a college professor or student who is facing trouble for their #freespeech & academic freedom please send them our way.
So your standard is now “prove to me that you were forced out of your website/newspaper for ideological error, but my starting place is those concerned are [insert series of insults]?”
It doesn’t concern you that big time names like @mattyglesias@sullydish@bariweiss@ggreenwald all departing just since JULY are saying pretty much the same thing? (@JBennet & MANY others not included because they didn’t say anything or much)
I understand you are much more concerned about other aspects of the culture war. That’s fine. I am too. But you have a lot of friends & followers who have spent countless hours reporting on problems relating to unusually intense conformist norms coming from campus, like...
I had the pleasure of sending a letter (arriving next week) to 602 campus news rooms.
If you know me, you’ve almost certainly heard me talk about my time as a college journalist. It “radicalized” me toward #FreeSpeech & the #FirstAmendment. 1/7
Whenever we (@TheEagleOnline) printed something controversial, someone would come into my office demanding I fire a reporter or columnist. Sometimes over something tiny, other times something understandably controversial. 2/7
.@Portland_State graduate student Lindy Treece said “I’m going to accept the results of the election no matter what because I’m not a snowflake” in a social work class. When she finished these words, she was muted, her camera shut off, AND THEN... 1/7 thefire.org/portland-state…
...the prof told her she could only return to class if she agreed not to use “derogatory” language.
Lindy replied that she could NOT & argued that what’s “derogatory'' is subjective & as an autistic person, she’s often unaware how people will be impacted before she speaks. 2/7
It’s a week about choices! Either click the link below to read my response to a bizarre claim that I/@TheFIREorg only care about the speech of my “wealthy friends,” OR continue reading to learn about the oft-misunderstood heckler’s veto! 0/5
Today, the inimitable @AdGo writes for my blog on one of the worst misunderstandings of a #freespeech concept (in this case, the heckler’s veto) I’ve ever seen from a university administrator — which is REALLY saying something. 1/5
The heckler’s veto is when an individual or group attempts to silence a speaker through noise, intimidation, or violence. The First Amendment requires government actors to avoid empowering the veto against protected speech. 2/5
THREAD: For Part 5 of our Catching up with Coddling series, we’re taking a look at 3 books on parenting that offer important food for thought on how we’ve gotten to where we are. 1/23
When @JonHaidt and I decided to turn our “Coddling” into a book, we had no idea it would focus so much on parenting, but the more research we did, the more evident it became that Gen Z’s peculiarities come from dramatic shifts in parenting. 2/23
For the types of kids who go to elite colleges, parenting has shifted from relaxed and permissive to intensive, scheduled, and controlled. At best it can be called “authoritative parenting” but at worst it earns the title “helicopter parenting” 3/23
THREAD about time travel: A common misconception is that time travel is either impossible or the technology is so far in the future as is to be irrelevant. This is actually not the case. 1/8
Leaving aside the theoretical possibility of traveling backwards in time, traveling forward in time at an accelerated rate has been understood for well over a century now. 2/8
It was even confirmed in a 1971 experiment where two atomic clocks were synchronized, and one was flown twice around the world in a jet. It ended up behind its twin on the ground, meaning it had "traveled" to the future! 3/8 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafele%E2…