#Thread on K-12 funding in the Covid relief bill, which also prevents a government shutdown by funding the federal government. $900 Billion. 5,000+ pages, nobody read, except whatever each congressm@n contributed, for sure. via edsource.org/2020/congress-…
$82B for education, $54B in particular for #K12. Quadrupling what was set aside on the first round of the #CARESAct
CA expected to receive about 10% of the monies (CA is Pelosi's and VP elect Harris' turf). Makes FASFA easier to fill- IDK, it was never that hard... The entire bill voted by 92-6 in the Senate. That is a majority, not to exaggerate, if you know how Congress has operated recently
Follows the usual Title I formula (not aligned to what is on Biden's #edu platform, which I mentioned would need further legislation. Schools will keep same CARESAct flexibility re school opening and distance learning.
Not much allocated for governors', as the CARESAct did, discretionary spending. Includes money for vaccination (I just realized this article is mostly about CA, but they're the same rules)
$50 a month per household to defer internet costs. Also includes an extension of funding not yet used under the original CARESAct. Funds, states and districts, have been slow to roll out spending.
Analyzing PuertoRico's incoming governor's pubic policy on education. First it cites a little plagiarized sentence I wrote in 2012, again, without credit.
"Educacion sirve de punto de lanza para el desarrollo social y economico del pueblo". "Eperienza educativa donde nuestros jovenes se desenvuelvan en las destresas... a ser productivos y ciudadanos de pensamiento critico e independiente".
Includes the often said "decentralizing". This would mean a break in PuertoRico as an SEA/LEA that would mean a huge leap, it requires @usedgov approval. And a technology and data management overhaul (E-rate), funds received under my administration, frozen again bc mismanagement
Writing about the Biden public policy on education. "For so many young people, knowing they have a teacher and school community believing in and fighting for them can make all the difference."
On unions, "educators around the country – in states from West Virginia to Arizona to Kentucky – heroically organize walk-outs and other actions to stand up not just for their own wages and benefits"
"Pay and dignity" all over the place, no definition or specifics.