#PleistocenePark: "The current mixture of Yakutian horses, bison, musk oxen, elk, reindeer, sheep, yak & Kalmyk cattle have helped grasslands re-emerge. Average annual soil temperatures are 2°C cooler in grazed areas. More carbon is being sequestered" economist.com/christmas-spec…
More from Zimov: "mammalian grazers [..] extinction could have contributed substantially to the shift from predominance of steppe to tundra [..] Our hypothesis suggests a mechanism by which the steppe ecosystem could be restored" semanticscholar.org/paper/Steppe-T…
And this, still from Zimov: "For the late Pleistocene, the largest methane source was megaherbivores, whose total biomass is estimated to have exceeded that of present-day humans and domestic animals." journals.plos.org/plosone/articl…
Are #vegan diets really the 'single biggest way' to reduce our carbon footprints & environmental impact on the planet? We argue that this is a highly misleading claim & that the evaluation of dietary change comes with a lot of context & complexity
1) Global data shouldn't be used to evaluate local contexts
Regional differences are important & due to very large variations in feed digestibility, slaughter age & weight, climate conditions, management, sociocultural factors, & nutrient security.
2) Further mitigation is possible
A lot of margin is left for higher productivity, feed strategies, veterinary care, smart use of manure, & herd management. A reduction of waste, the re-use of meat-processing by-products, & the valorization of biogas also hold potential.
As if @ProfKlausSchwab is talking here: "Earth..finishes a transformation..that allows a New Earth to be birthed..#TheGreatConjunction represents a changing of an era..As our world view changes, so too does society & the way we choose to approach things"
Marketeers are geniuses: "And what if we tell them our product is in their best interest?"👼
"Companies that aim to win converts to green products need to convince consumers that they’re also acting in their own best interests" wsj.com/articles/beyon…
You can't make this up: "Beyond Meat’s founder...has long preached this gospel: The quest to get people to save the planet has to include the promise they are saving themselves" 😜
"Our mission is to completely replace the use of animals as a food technology by 2035. We’re dead serious about it ... It’s #gameover for the incumbent [meat] industry—they just don’t realize it yet” vegnews.com/2020/12/imposs…
"Previous summits saw a..fully supported participation of Civil Society...the UNFSS21 hasn't received any mandate from an intergovernmental decision or process. Instead, the decision was taken by the UN General Secretary, in response to a request made by the World Economic Forum"
"it had crucial support from a few powerful member states & major ‘philanthro-capitalist’ organizations as sponsors. The governance of the Summit remains firmly in the hands of a handful of large international corporations."
It outlines perfectly why FoP systems such as #Nutriscore are so deceitful and why they're favorites of transnational corporations.
The "nutrient focus distracts from the effects of the highly processed, deconstituted, and chemically transformed ingredients and additives"
These corporations play out the "strategy of credibility engineering—by publishing studies in academic journals" & "commodifying nutritional advances around which there is much promise & hype"
Illustrated by the astonishing example below. Thread 👇