With a potentially more infectious variant lurking around
Rate of transmission of the variant (B.1.1.7), estimated to be 71% (95% CI 67% to 75%) higher than for other variants, and pontentially it may also have a higher viral load. 1/5 bmj.com/content/371/bm…
If the new variant in more infectious, that means R0-value will also be higher, which means a higher threshold for herd immunity, which means more than the original 60% of the population needs to be infected/vaccinated. 2/5 cell.com/immunity/fullt…
As R0 increases, the proportion of the population that must be immune to generate herd immunity increases
(1 – 1/R0).
Goldman Sachs expect UK will have vaccinated about 50% of its population by March, while CA & US will have done so in April. The EU, AU, & JP will likely reach that point by May, and vaccinations may exceed 70% in all developed economies by the fall 4/5 qz.com/1938908/goldma…
Variant less sensitive to PCR S-domain "Less is known about the mutations’ effect on lateral flow tests.. An investigation into this is ongoing."
Could this be a challenge for quicktests? Worth looking into perhaps? @henrik_ullum 5/5
Man kan nemt blive snydt af tal. Denne graf bliver delt på sociale medier, og bliver brugt som argumentation for ikke at vaccinere <65 årige.
Jeg har set lidt på det, og hvorfor det er helt forkert @henrik_ullum@SSTbrostrom@Heunicke 1/x
Hvis man regner med at virus bliver endemisk over tid, og vil smitte de fleste på et eller andet tidspunkt, samt bruger O'Driscoll aldersjusterede dødeligheds-data (IFR) for Europa og USA, så vil det klart være at foretrække, at vaccinere de fleste, inklusiv yngre under 65 år
I Europa vil man regne med at >600.000 vil død under 65 år, hvis alle blev smittet på et tidspunkt.
Her vil man kunne redde mange liv, ved at vaccinere yngre personer, måske helt op til ½ million mennesker <65 år alene i Europa og USA. 3/x
Graf som viser sammenhæng mellem overdødelighed og Covid-19 dødsfald.
Lande med lidt smitte har også haft lav overdødelighed, mens lande med megen smitte har haft stor overdødelighed.
Det indikerer at restriktioner dræber markant færre end Covid-19
Another new paper just out, contradicts this finding:
Looked at 36 children (1-17 yo) and 168 adults (18-90 yo) finds that pre-pandemic cross-reactive antibodies do not confer protection against infection or disease severity 2/x
Of the 225 530 excess deaths, 150 541 (67%) were attributed to COVID-19. US mortality rates for heart disease and Alzheimer disease/dementia increased Mar-Apr. AD deaths also up in June-July, coinciding with the summer surge in sunbelt states. jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…
Deaths from non–COVID-19 causes (eg, Alzheimer disease, diabetes, heart disease) increased sharply in 5 states with the most COVID-19 deaths
The reason for worse prognosis in ppl w diabetes is likely to be multifactorial. Age, sex, ethnicity, comorbidities hypertension and cardiovascular disease, obesity, and a pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulative state all probably contribute to the risk. thelancet.com/journals/landi…
Translated: The comparison showed that hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease were halved during the shutdown when the pandemic hit Norway, and remained lower than normal in the first weeks after the gradual easing of measures.
In parallel with the shutdown, there was an increase in admissions for covid-19 and a as the authorities gradually eased the restrictions, there was an increase in admissions for cardiovascular disease, but to a lower level than before the onset of the epidemic in Norway.