1. Let's try to bring some perspective to this tragic death.
First, if anyone ever wanted a better illustration of the #doublestandards applied to cases where a police officer is injured or killed, compared to when a #Police officer injures of kills ...
2. ... a member of the public, look no further. The investigation was not even complete (and still isn't) when, within hours, @CalgaryPolice, presumably with the agreement of the Crown, laid 1st degree murder charges against the driver AND the passenger. #Cops and jail ...
3. ... guards were given special status by deeming murder to be 1st degree if they were the alleged victims but still the prosecution has to prove each of them intended to kill or meant to hurt him, knowing it would likely kill him & despite that acted recklessly. That's ...
4. ... highly unlikely. I don't know all the facts but neither do the police or the Crown. For police killing someone the investigation lasts YEARS.
Second, I saw the first version of this publication which published the youth's name and picture. As reported, it is highly ...
5. ... unusual. It also appears it may be unjustified based on the facts published. It was obtained by @CalgaryPolice. It will be very interesting to see what evidence was provided to prove the attached requirements of s. 110(4) YCJA. If absent, it might jeopardize the ...
6. ... prosecution of the youth. They both turned themselves in and the police knew who they were and, it appears, where they lived.
Third, it may be that the full-blown tactical assault on the residence and arrests at the home were unlawful. Let's see what the ITO ...
7. ... used to obtain the warrant says.
Fourth, but not least in importance, this is now being used as propaganda to emphasize how dangerous police officers jobs are. Let's review how many #CPS officers have died while on duty. 12 in over 100 years. ...
2. ... Examples. 2005 revelation of 2002 EPS Racist email eventually led to restorative justice measures...
3. ... In that case the LERB found it was not racist, just bad humour. Would that be the finding today?
Next, 2005 Sweatbox Incident. I disagree with the finding it was not racially motivated. I doubt that would be the finding today. At least it would...