14/ Ok, the Dx isn't straightforward, but some pearls:
1⃣Consider BOTH ARR & PAC
2⃣If ARR is super high, proceed; if moderate, retest
3⃣Salt/saline/ACE challenge may help exclude PA
4⃣Imaging is important but not enough
5⃣AVS is key to finding curable dx if surgery is an option
✅PA is common & undertested
✅PA has bad CV effects, BUT is treatable
✅Screen: resistent HTN, low K, Fhx early HTN, stroke at <40 yrs, adrenal mass...but probably many others
✅ARR is key but know the caveats
✅Imaging is important, but AVS is critical
I feel comfortable diagnosing Primary Aldosteronism
A 52 yo F w/ active smoking, DM, HLD, and HTN
who p/w DOE & chest pain with evening walks
whose LHC is negative for stenoses,
& CXR, PFTs, TTE are all unrevealing?
"Don’t worry, you'll be fine…here's a xanaz", right?
- SARS-CoV2 shares ~80% identity with SARS, 51.8% with MERS-CoV
- Not a "Wuhan" or "China" disease...but GLOBAL disease
- America will face ⬆️ cases
- Lung path: hyaline membrane formation, interstitial mononuclear inflammation, thrombus in arterioles