In case it helps anyone else wanting to contact their Congressional reps to #ImpeachTrump, here is the text of the letter I just sent to my rep:
Dear Congressman Schiff,
First and foremost, I hope you and everyone else in the capitol are safe as these terrible events unfold.
I am a constituent of yours. My zip code is ______. I am writing today to ask you to push to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump when the House is able to reconvene. If driving an attempted coup does not merit impeachment, what would?
It is the job of this Congress to send a clear and lasting message that Donald Trump and his toxic, corrupt brand of politics have no place in American democracy.
If we do not answer this moment with real and substantive action, this will almost definitely happen again — and I fear next time will be worse. Please impeach Trump.
“We are gathered at a time when democracy is in crisis.”
(Because I, Ted Cruz, have helped put it in crisis and I am furthering that crisis right now. (Also, you never decoded all the letters I sent to the San Francisco Chronicle. Mu-hu-hahahahaha.))
I’ve had depression all my life. I’ve gotten pretty good at dealing with it, and I’m using those skills to stay mentally healthy right now.
But I’m sure there are a lot of people facing depression for the first time. So if it helps, here’s what I’ve learned over the years.
Depression isn’t just “feeling sad.” Every sane person in the world is sad right now. Depression is something different and darker. It’s existential outrage turned inward. It’s a biological process, a vicious cycle can get worse and worse unless you do something to stop it.
So what can you do? As with so many things, the first step is admitting that the problem exists. All of my recoveries have started with the admission that I’m struggling with depression. Why is this important? Because it separates you from the disease.
@realDonaldTrump The President of the United States is lying to you. His own Presidential Advisory Committee on Election Integrity found that voter fraud is incredibly, incredibly rare. The Committee found so little evidence that it had to be disbanded in January of 2018.…
@realDonaldTrump When Trump told you “millions of people voted illegally,” he was either lying or had been fooled by a conspiracy theory. Trump has never provided evidence for this claim, & no evidence has been found.…
@benwikler Thank you for posting this. Here is the comment I posted, in case it helps anyone else post theirs:
“This is wrong. It is a blatant obstruction of First Amendment rights to free speech, to peaceful assembly, and to petition the government for redress of grievances —
@benwikler using the same techniques employed by racists charging “poll taxes” in the Jim Crow South. As the ACLU points out, these unAmerican restrictions would have made Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Million Man March and his historic “I Have A Dream” speech impossible —
@benwikler which is, of course, the point. If the Trump administration fears peaceful protests by angry and disgusted Americans, then they should consider changing the policies of their administration — not the National Park Service.