After a few hours of fitful sleep, the reality of the nightmare we're living shot me up from bed. I have no special knowledge, no guidance from above to share. Only analysis.
2) The greatest intellectual challenge we face is the enormity of the big lie. When even Mike Pence turns full Judas, and the Republican Majority Leader in the Senate rushes to as fast a certification of a false president as possible, you can feel how the fix is in. 100% Rigged.
3) Anyone who has followed the work of the great @SidneyPowell1 on behalf of @GenFlynn can find no surprise in how corrupt our judiciary is. We are witnessing a whole-of-government denial of our power as voters. In DC today, our voice is silenced. They don't need us, they think.
4) To my analytical eye, this cannot and shall not stand. I'm not predicting what will occur between now and January 20th, but truth is, I've stopped caring. It took me these several hours to realize. I am now over Election 2020. They have play acted it as theatre macabre.
5) A personal anecdote. I never voted, or even tried to, in any election until 2016. I felt the vote was a cheap trick played by parties that faked their differences but had none. I registered in 2016, in order to vote for Trump, the first attempted vote of my life.
6) I registered in order to vote for Trump. But when I got to the polling station, my registration was not in the computer. I was offered a form to address this, but was told it would take 3 weeks. I accepted the form, filled it out, and my very first actual vote was 2018.
7) 2020 was the first time I ever voted for any candidate for the Presidency. You have to grant me the irony, that the first time I do so, my vote was stolen by the worst fraud in American electoral history.
8) In my work as a coach, the 5-stage model of grief is a frequent tool I employ in hopes of serving my clients through loss. It is an old friend whom I know well. Very well. So I was surprised when I awakened, that I am completely over Pence. He is Judas.
9) It was just a few short hours earlier that I walked through my analysis of his published statement and drew my conclusion about this evil, small man. If you didn't see it, you might be interested.
10) Simple observation on its face indicates the likelihood that Biden will ascend into his fraudulent term in the Oval Office. If so, I won't run around saying "he's not my president," or, "he's not president at all." Rather, I'll just say he is the fraudulent president.
11) Again though, I have never and will never count Trump out before he's gone. If he still pulls this off, saving the union from such a disaster, I will not be surprised. I have no idea how he might do so at this point. But that he MIGHT do so, is doctrinal for me.
12) In the case where Trump somehow still succeeds, what comes next will still be hellaciously difficult for all of us. In fact, at least at first, it will be more difficult than the warm bath of surrender sold to us by all the traitors.
13) I have repeatedly brought of General McInerney's 10 Commandments To Save America, and I am doing so again right now. Abe Lincoln's leadership in just such a moment has been mentioned with growing frequency these past weeks since the fraudulent election.
14) If you pause to focus on that, there is something importantly instructive there. How many knew that Lincoln arrested Members of Congress, before this election? That the public is turning to such historical question in the quest to understand the present is powerful indeed.
15) There truly is something called the collective will of the people, and it is based upon the people's collective understanding. As days turn into weeks and months going forward, the people's collective understanding will be the most important fight we face.
16) During these coming days and weeks, I know what one of my own greatest themes of conversation will be. No member of the government, at any level, with any task relative to the election and its certification, may tolerate election fraud.
17) I'll say it again:
No member of the government, at any level, with any task relative to the election and its certification, may tolerate election fraud.
It is this that gives the lie to Judas Pence's actions. This matters.
18) Here is another theme I will return to repeatedly.
No political party may survive its betrayal of its constituents. Thus, the Republican Party of America officially died January 6, 2020. The party is over. Lincoln's Party just died. It is no longer either old or grand.
19) And I'll add, good riddance. I don't talk much - haven't studied much - about the Presidents after Lincoln and leading up to William McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt, Howard Taft, and ultimately Presidentus Horribilis Woodrow Wilson. I talk about them often. They were Progressives.
20) McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft were Republicans. In embracing Progressivism as they did, they put in motion the forces that led to the GOP's death yesterday. Progressivism does nothing more innovative that return a people to a state of tyranny and despotism.
21) While I'm over Judas Pence, I just felt it. A pang of anger, rage really, just showed up. It is not about Pence. It is about the destruction of the America we lived in up until yesterday. It too is now officially gone.
22) If we are to renew America we shall have to face that face that it will be, it cannot not be precisely that. We will have to create a New America if the Old America is to have any hope of transferring its destiny of freedom for all mankind forward. It's not a small task.
23) For the moment, I - NOT happily, but with some calming relief, at least - revert back to my role as follower. We do still have President Trump. He is the true president, and will remain so. Period. As I have so many times said, I will follow him, and await his guidance.
24) No matter what they do in DC, a man owns his own allegiance, and I know where mine is. Trump is my president. He won a great landslide. Traitors are stealing it. And I will safeguard my mind and heart with clarity over those very simple facts.
25) During the day, yesterday, I had the great benefit of many coaching clients to serve, and I will have that exact same benefit repeated again today in coming hours. I do assure you, I will treasure every minute in profound gratitude to my clients for the honor.
26) In the world of Zen, life transforming epiphanies are sought on the path to true enlightenment. With typical wry wit, the Zen Masters teach us:
Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
It is one of their inversions.
27) Chopping wood and carrying water are representative of the mundane tasks of everyday life. But how wonderful is it to be able to chop wood, or to carry water? How many billions of dollars do we spend to go to a gym where, instead of water, we have heavy weights to heft?
28) Instead of an axe and a wood block, we have treadmills and ellipticals to raise our heart rate, respiration rate, and core body temperature in intense sustained exertion. Do you see? The body needs work, so one way or another we provide it work to do.
29) That the GOP has died is, in its strange way an epiphany for me. I am enlightened with this knowledge, now, and grateful to at least understand it. Now, I must return to wood chopping and water carrying, and so must you, to the degree you can.
30) Ding dong, the GOP is dead. Long live the...
Long live the what? The Patriot Party? Perhaps. Long live something better. My enlightenment leads me to know I must observe this birthing. I shall.
31) And when @realDonaldTrump guides me regarding the wood that needs chopping and the water than needs carrying for this new baby of ours, the new People's Party, I will be right there, chopping that wood and carrying that water. Won't you, too?
32) I think it was night before last, @KateScopelliti mentioned that she liked the name, The People's Party. I objected due to the typical naming of Communist nations such as The People's Republic of China, etc. But maybe it's time to consider reclaiming that word.
33) Having just a moment of rage poke through offers temporary healing for my wounded soul. Again, I reject both Judas Pence and the so-ready-to-die GOP, now that its gone. But the death of our beloved America is a very bitter pill to swallow. I certainly grieve it.
34) You might be surprised to learn that I feel anger is the most important and most healing of the 5 stages of grief, if you know how to do it properly. I do. Anger cuts the ties that denial attempts to reforge, holding on after there's nothing left to hold onto.
35) Needfully angry, I believe I might be able to snag a bit more fitful sleep before my wood chopping, water carrying coaching day kicks into motion. I will weep in my dreams over illusions lost. I will resolve myself yet again to grim determination.
And dream a new dream.
It's 10 after 4:00 AM and all is not well. But it is, for this analyst, a little less bad now. Analysis helps.
As we'll contemplate, it is very possible that this message is layered. It may have more than just its surface level meaning. We'll look at the possibilities below.
2) @KateScopelliti is a little upset with me. After I watched the video message, I conveyed to her that I thought this to be a concession speech. I shouldn't have said that, and I'm sorry. Here's why. Kate didn't watch it for about 10 or 12 hours. She just couldn't bear to.
3) But when she finally did watch it, she told me, emphatically, "That is NO concession speech!"
I apologized and told her that that was what everyone was saying to me at Twitter. Everybody disagreed with me when I posted my reaction.
Yes, it is a very dangerous, horrifying thing. Yes, it is completely predictable considering the power grab we're witnessing as a fraudulent president is installed. The suppression of the voice of the People's President is completely inside their game plan. /2
But I am not afraid. At all. Big tech has always been our enemy. There's nothing new here. Perhaps bids like Gab or Parler are part of the answer. Perhaps new answers will arise. But I have tremendous confidence that answers will arise and I have an example to happily share. /3
8:00 - or so - update. My use of the term Judas for Pence has been picked up by a Twitter trend. I don't think I was the first, but I'm getting responses from the other side as I have never gotten them before. It's rather amazing to me, honestly. /1
2) It also gives me a new perspective. I've never had them as my audience before but I imagine I must contemplate how to speak to them too. It is an interesting challenge. One thing I will not do is alter my beliefs or values due to their excoriation. /2
3) Another thing I'll do is note how profoundly the Judas image speaks to them. Once they get passed this moment in time, I suspect they'll come to understand that for us, on our side, Pence being Judas is an inescapable fact. He took 30 silver pieces yesterday without doubt. /3
I read this with great sadness, knowing in advance I would find nothing but dishonesty and calumny disguised as sacred honor and sanctimonious self-righteousness. Some small part of me hoped, still, to be wrong, but that part of me is called projection and denial. /1
I do not have many comments to make. But there is a point of logic I am compelled to express. The entire letter is built around a single term which is, in its very usage, a lie. That term is unilateral. /2
When a judge slams his gavel down handing out a sentence that he decided, no one accuses him of having made a unilateral decision. A long process led there. The laws were not of his own creation. He performs his function, holding sole responsibility for its proper execution. /3
We'll discuss Neon Revolt's 3 articles below. If you haven't, you should read them now. Before we turn to them, I'll offer my own thoughts about this terrible day.
2) Neon Revolt has forced a new perception. He has forced me to walk around a beloved topic of mine, of ours, and has forced me to look at it from its hellacious dark side. It's shadow. The topic is our reawakening as a nation of patriots. The slumbering giant slumbers no more.
3) From 2016 until this day, every time I've seen that thought cross my mind's view screen, I have smiled. And I have believed in us, in U.S. This is the sunny side of the street. A new day in America. And I have been grateful, so grateful to our great leader. And not shy either.
2) Close readers of these daily threads will recall @realTomPappert from our recent conversation where he joined us briefly. On December 3, Tom had posted this story.
3) Others were involved, but Tom's story on that memo had very real impact. In significant part, I credit it with Representative Louie Gohmert's suit that hoped to enforce Pence's obligation to ensure a voter fraud free election. You have to give Tom real street cred for that.