Many Financial / Middle Office Risk and other Quantitative Economics/ Financial Market-led research roles interface at one level or the other across FIs.
I don't know if a bank uses Employee Rotation, to foster employee learning, training and development across the 3LOD Model?
But, most of the banks, in the Advanced Markets, to use job rotation as a tool, to disseminate professional knowledge and understanding of financial market operations, among their employees.
I started my career as a Derivatives Dealer in the front office, but later ended up in the Middle Office Risk Control Unit, and further onwards in my career, moved directly into the Front Office, as a Fund Portfolio Risk Controller
Model Risk Assessment and its Validation now exists as an independent function among most of the large banks, funds and insurance firms.
@BIS_org Guidelines issued over the years includes instructions, on how a bank should validate and stress test it’s Economic Capital, Stress Testing and other Pricing Models.
Hence, a GSIB - (Global Systematically Important Bank), ideally ought to develop Operational Risk Controls, to identify, measure, mitigate and monitor the Desks - wide Process and Transaction Level Risks, by outlining and explaining the following taxonomies for further processing
•Establishing the Model Risk Governance Architecture,
•Developing the Model Risk Parameters across different Model tiers,
•Overseeing the larger picture, by structuring the SPC -Statistical Process Control/s to ensure adherence to established Quality Standards and for further providing end to end Model Operational Risk Assurances,
•Highlight the Model Risk Appetite, Model Risk Tolerance Levels, Model Risk Thresholds, Model Risk Budgets, Model Risk Limits and validation and stress testing of the same,
•Structuring appropriate Model Detection(Diagnostic and Descriptive) and Prevention(Predictive and Prescriptive) Controls or Haircut/s, as part of the approved Model #Risk Management Policy,
•Which, last but not the least, should be made a part of the Integrated #ERM - Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Processes ( i.e. across the 3 tiers spreading out as the LOD - Lines of Defences) in general and the #ORM - Operational Risk Management Policy in particular.
How this sort of work experience, might push you into various probable Front Office Role/s, as a Treasury Rates Dealer, or an Equity Broker, or as a Fund Manager at an Asset Management Firm?
Well, difficult to say!
I have read job advertisements, on e- financial careers, where financial institutions, are hiring Front Office Model Risk Quants and Validation Experts, as part of the Risk Assessment Processes,
Board’s insistence on pro-actively and independently, testing Key Model Risk Controls with regard to the Key Model Risk Indicators, in order to meet the overall KPIs - assigned to each risk type and line of business activity across trading and hedging desk/s.
Additionally, the Central Bank Regulations on MRM - Model Risk Management, and the overall Basel Capital Adequacy Compliance Requirements and the Internal and External Audit Points are also helping to create momentum in favour of Model Risk Validation
and Cross-Validation Experts in different ways. Kindly note: That the Upcoming FRTB implementation, as part of the BASEL IV, is expected to create a further push into this direction.
#FRTB led Economic Capital Modeling will lead to Model Development and Frenzy like never seen before because of the extensive computational compulsions, which an FI shall be required to undertake to optimize model dashboard/s and market risks reporting frameworks.
Hence, there is no DIRECT relationship between the Front Office Trading and Model Validation Roles, as such; but it might inevitably be of benefit to a person, who walks into a dealing - room boxing ring, with an appropriate Operational Risk Management and Control background/s.
However, this sort of prior experiences, can INDIRECTLY, help the Dealer to understand the Controls, that might come into force due to (FRTB) Economic Capital Modeling, Risk Aggregation, Reporting and Regulatory Compliance Requirements across the P&L Desk Levels.
Did the Asian Financial Crisis (1997) had any influence in the 2008 crisis? @GARP_Risk
No, Not really!
#SOX Compliance came after ENRON and WORLD COM Frauds and Financial Reporting Failures.
You cannot mix the two events.
Asian Financial Crisis came about as a result of Unsound Macroeconomic Policies, disrespect for stabilization, excessive price competition among trading nations, lack of Asset Liability Risk Management done at the Central Banks, monopolistic market structures,
By understanding what risk is in terms of its purported definition?
If you get the definition wrong, you won't understand the technical expression in either theory or practice.
So, get that right first!
Financial Econometrics basically utilizes Financial Market Data to build mathematical and statistical financial models and later analyze the statistical significance and make predictions.
It is generally used by risk managers and economists to predict(forecast) and study the return market characteristics. GARCH models and other Time Series Models are used to study the pattern of Return Volatility Clusters, Tail Dependence Events, Covariances,
How do I know if #Actuarial Science is meant for me? @SOActuaries@actuarynews
It is not easy to assess your aptitude in a given subject by only passing high school exams or getting good grades in Math, Statistics and/or Further Maths(Advance Math) at the higher secondary level.
I know many Math geniuses, who entered into Actuarial Science and Risk, but later moved out because they didn't want to restrict themselves & their field of specialization to just Insurance and risk management sectors in the economy.
So, it all depends on whether you would like to work solely within the risk management area and insurance, or you would like to have a more broad-based career.
How do I secure a role in FRM - Financial Risk Management at Fis Financial Institutions?
What would be the starting point for a person interested in risk management? @GARP_Risk@actuarynews
Do a basic undergraduate or preferably a postgraduate degree in Quantitative Finance/ FE Financial Engineering / Risk management or Actuarial Science.
Even a degree in other highly numerate fields such as Data Science and Machine Learning can help you in different areas of FRM.
Some students, who come from other numerate backgrounds, such as Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, or even Computing Sciences with a strong background in Technology or Programming/Coding, can also end up doing well in the FRM Profession.
Our #narratives on theology, nationalism, wars, economics, philosophy, logic, methodology, sociology, history and anthropology, shall determine the amount of #complexity that exists within an #ecosystem, such as a society or something bigger which takes on the mantle of a state.
what sustains an Open Society based on Bourgeoisie Sentiments?
That is what will make us understand the notion of #pertification in a complex, agile, and adaptative ecosystem that consists of living organisms.
the greater the diversity of views, the more complex the national narratives shall become, leading to a greater demand among the intelligentsia to curb liberal thinking and individual freedoms.
Hence, higher complexity shall lead to society and its planners to impose controls!