"Two-thirds of Canada's irrigated agriculture relies on waters from the Eastern Slopes, including the project region."
(Kevin van Tighem, landscape ecologist & conservation biologist, comment to the JRP for the Grassy Mtn coal mine project) 1/n #WaterNotCoal@JonathanWNV
Van Tighem lucidly sets out reason after reason why the coal mine on Grassy Mtn should NOT be approved. Read his statement here: iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/evaluation…
About 1,000 Albertans have written to the Joint Review Panel that will make a recommendation to the federal minister of ECCC on whether or not to approve the proposed open pit coal mine on Grassy Mountain. 1/n @350Canada@RachelNotley@CBCCanada@JustinTrudeau@globeandmail
It is worth reading through these comments, which you can find here: iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/evaluation… (You can also add your own comment, as a Canadian citizen.) 2/n
Many of the statements are very moving. Albertans feel very passionately about protecting this place, this land, this watershed, the trout, the pines, from the devastating effects of coal mining. 3/n
From Heidi Eijgel to the JRP: "My husband and I farm in SW Alberta. We are entirely dependent on abundant fresh clean water for our lives, and for our operation . . . 1/n #StoptheBengaMine#Alberta#cdnpoli
We plan to retire here, and continue to contribute towards our community, and help the natural part of the world near us in the Rocky Mountains. We are less than an hour downstream from these coal projects . . . 2/n
Without abundant clean water, our community and our farm will have nothing. We are dependent on the natural ecosystem and watershed that our past Alberta Governments protected and this current government revoked without public consultation . . . 3/n
Kate Shakespeare to the JRP:
"Water and food are essential to life and rapidly becoming unstable sources due to climate change . . . The recent pandemic has shown us how tentative global supply chains can be . . . 1/n #StoptheBengaMine
The changing of the coal policy was done without public consultation, as well as the weakening of many other environmental and land protections. Lack of transparency implies that the Alberta government suspects it would not have public support for these projects . . . 2/n
Alberta should be moving towards a sustainable future, providing jobs that are conducive with climate goals. Solar panel and wind turbine farms, even geothermal, are all greener energy sources that could provide jobs . . . 3/n
On her blog, former Wildrose Party leader, Danielle Smith, claims that she is leaving radio because "the mob of political correctness thinks nothing of destroying a person’s career and reputation over some perceived slight, real or imagined." 1/n #abpoli
I can only infer what she is referring to, but her use of the Right's favourite code, "political correctness" raises some questions for me. 2/n
What does "slights" actually stand in for? This term serves to minimize the real harms inflicted on groups who are targeted by hate speech or subjected to banalized racist beliefs. 3/n