The most important things are:
* Light pollution can be used to trace economic activity drop because of COVID-19
* Several limitations on current satellite, mainly because of their flyby time and lack of spectral sensitivity.
*That can be solved with ground sky brighntess sensors
* No much light pollution reduction after midnight.
* Big light pollution reduction in early hours.
* Chemical and light air pollution are heavily correlated.
The high lights for me of the article are:
even if human activity dropped to nearly 0 after midnight, no significant light pollution reductions happened. Except, those because of the reduction of chemical air pollution (light pollution is ALSO air pollution).
This can be seen on the VIIRS VNP46A1 images and the @eogatpayne images. (Check this to know how to use properly these daily images VNP46A2
...that have not considered the effects of the time of acquisition of VIIRS and the LED effects on this datasets.
The LEDs can produce a "fake" reduction of 50%.
One example of this is Daimiel town, where a LED transition happens in the last months.
The other main result that we find in the article is that the particles of air pollutants seem to be the main contribution to light pollution. Same seen before by our Berlin colleagues:…@AndreasJechow and Franz Hölker
But we also see a significant reduction of the light, (mainly blue light) in the first part of the night when VIIRS cannot see!!!
This effect is normal in Granada because of its very important tourism sector that was completely stopped during the lockdown. Here and ISS images from the @cities4tnight project of the normal daily early vs late emissions of Granada.
In this plot, we can see the clear link between the sky brightness and the chemical air pollutants.
Here you can see other the sky brightness differences between the lockdown and no lockdown sky brightness variations. The jumps correspond to the partial turn of the A-44 highway at 00:00 and at 2:00 Alhambra and other monuments.
Another of the issues that we note on the paper is the relevance of the angle as can be seen on these plots. The Nevada commercial center that was lighted all the time at night is not visible on most of the images.
We did a human visual inspection of the turn-off of the monuments of Granada thanks to the @aytogr That also contributed to the study with the chemical air pollution data.
Also thanks to @PoliciaGr@Policia_Granada for their help with the acquisition of the human vision images.
Nuestro nuevo estudio sobre estudio demografico de las luces de Inglaterra ya ha sido publicado!!! Gracias a @DanielTCCox por hacer la mayoria del trabajo duro. Tambien perticipan @jon_bennie@KevinJGaston y Simon A. Dzurjak.…
Todo esto empezó hace ya 15 años cuando oí a un periodista discutir si España era uno de los paises con más contaminación lumínica de Europa.
Entonces decidí, que no era posible que eso fuera una opinión. Si era, era un hecho demostrarble. Asi que decidí ponerme a estudiar los patrones demograficos para desmarañar la demografía de la cantidad de contaminación.
Measuring Sky brightness from satellites. Is it possible? Probably!!! It is what our last study says:…
I will try to explain it here. Thread👇
This paper has a long story. Everything began 11 years ago, when I was making my PhD. Thesis in Galaxy evolution and @cefalopodo and @peleonk where my PhD. supervisors. at the time, the light pollution was an extreme minority field of research.
We bought some of the very first USB Sky Quality Meters And as I was too busy with my PhD. We discussed that would be very interesting to make a map for the sky brightness distribution around Madrid. So we convinced a student Berenice Pila Diez to start it…
La primera y más obvia es hacer RT a este hilo cuando lo acabe 😉
La segunda es evitar iluminar el exterior de tu casa y si lo haces, usa detectores de movimiento para que esté apagada la mayor cantidad de tiempo posible.
(Hoy estoy de viaje así que lis twitts de este hilo lis voy a publicar a lo largo de todo el día).
Lo primero definir que es astroturismo. Wikipedia lo define como: es un tipo de turismo orientado a satisfacer los intereses de astrónomos y aficionados de astronomía.También puede ser definido como la afición a visitar lugares propicios para la observación astronómica.
Como de costumbre, tenemos que ver que es lo que realmente hablamos. Así que veamos la definición de sostenibilidad y contaminación lumínica.
Sostenibilidad: Cualidad de sostenible, especialmente las características del desarrollo que asegura las necesidades del presente sin comprometer las necesidades de futuras generaciones.