@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Considerations for possible switching - requests from parents with students with special needs is a different process - on a case by case basis
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Model 2 - Bricks and Mortar and Remote Learning - more student requests can be honoured - if we do this model there is reorganization
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Staff support a hybrid - phased in approach - with anticipated return to school - complex process - potential of exact switches first - then what spaces remain in both virtual school - detailed communications need to be developed - again - prioritize high-risk neighbourhoods
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Onto Qs and As - class sizes for virtual school? Based on existing class targets - staff are not proposing simultaneous teaching in elementary which is why they are proposing a hybrid - staff confirming priority neighbourhoods as they exist in January 2021 will go first
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Staff confirming Feb 11 would be the first day back if the closure ends on Feb 10 with Feb 12 a PA Day - looking at the Tuesday after the Family Day weekend for switch - asking Ministry about phasing back to reopening
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter In order to facilitate the switch, staff has confirmed that they are working from the survey to enact the first phase of the switch - re French - very limited switching opportunities - request to consider leaving French as is
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter More questions to staff - requesting Ministry to possibly change March Break - need the break but timing may not work... move it up? Another comment on how important communication will be
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Staff confirm that aspects of each model will be considered - hybrid they are referencing IS NOT in-class and virtual at the same time!
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Question - did the Minister speak to extending Feb 10 date? Chair responding no - back on Feb 11 at this time is the plan - staff are now speaking to home school hub model - but would be local school decision - how to facilitate as many switches as possible without reorganizing
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Staff confirm we do not have as many spaces as there are requests for Virtual School - beginning with space where it exists in priority areas - there will be give and take... class size is important but staff will do their best
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter The Director confirms staff will address as many needs as possible... AD Snider speaks to the fact that there may need to be some additional resources required - looking at financial impact - could use up to $3M - AD Gold speaks to concerns over stability of staff if ramping up
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Staff confirm they are doing a combination of two plans - @TDSBDirector speaks to operationalizing request - pathway forward - and confirmed that parents could change their mind in terms of switching if a virtual class may have triple grades
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter Reiteration - new variants of COVID-19 strains, delayed vaccine rollout, no approved vaccine for children - we don't know whether the ministry will do a full-school return - are we working with the right assumptions from @TOPublicHealth? Would we phase K-3 only?
@tdsb@TDSBDirector@Singhpeter@TOPublicHealth Director responds - we would still try and accommodate as many switches - and communicate to parents requesting switches - then communication to all families - we do not have controls over the provincial decisions and need to clarify that where we were in September is not now
While this is true (tdsb.on.ca/Community/How-…) it is important to note that this work was completed before the break - this work related specifically to Covid-19 precautions -@tdsb spends millions on mechanical system upgrades as part of our school renewal program... 1/5
... and those upgrades include replacing existing mechanical ventilation components and building automation systems... but replacement of mechanical system upgrades takes months to plan and implement and funding... 2/5
... in the last FBEC there were two reports - facility contract awards notes that although we have spent $12M on mechanical upgrades in 20-21 so far, there remains a renewal backlog in mechanical of over $1.4B (tdsb.on.ca/Leadership/Boa…)... 3/5
@tdsb Following delegations - now hearing from @kgfalcon Interim Director - updated based on @TOPublicHealth advice... agenda below
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth SO Andrew Gowdy - #COVID19 in geographic context - June-August through most recent (Nov-Dec) - deeper the blue greater the risk - overlaid with elementary schools and secondary schools
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth Slides show the high-risk neighbourhoods - in the 3rd map added in the 12 schools @TOPublicHealth dismissed - number in the central part of the city; this also shows the schools participating in the asymmetric pilot as purple dots
Michelle speaks to the behind the scenes work @tdsb to ensure systems are disrupted to engage parents and caregivers within classrooms in meaningful ways - learning through virtual schools regarding possibilities #PIACReadySetEngage
Special Committee of the Whole on COVID-19 related issues beginning at 4:30 - Join us here tdsb.on.ca/stream/boardme…
For today's update @TDSBDirector shares agenda - will be sharing new information and updating other information
An update on devices - glad to see that there is a plan to replenish/pay back the schools who lent equipment - @manonjgardner - plan and timelines will come Friday
ADs are now answering questions through the moderator - suggest additional questions through Principals and Superintendents - Trustees can also facilitate Qs&As from patents and communities #TDSBParentConf
Important @TDSBDirector speaks to keeping focus during these Pandemic times... working on dismantling structures and policies that have created barriers for students - creating pathways, changing disciplinary practices, professional learning on anti-oppression and anti-racism...
And continues to speak to initiatives to close the achievement gap - how data is essential and helps us to differentiate resources #TDSPParentConf
@tdsb@TDSBDirector On devices, @Singhpeter speaks to remote learning - up until June requests from 60,488 units shipped - devices were collected from 370 schools