Exploring the unnatural origins of SARS-COV-2
"The laboratory origin of SARS-COV-2" 1. They (Ecohealth and WIV with US and Chinese State funding) sampled a series of bat betacoronaviruses from Mojiang which they did not publish.
2. They experimented on these bat betacoronaviruses under the Ecohealth Predict Program Part 2 and Ben Hu's Chinese Sate Funded Project, by creating chimeras and testing them in human cell lines and humanised mice at WIV labs. taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4099020
3. They were not trying to develop a bioweapon as far as we know, they were trying to develop a pan betacoronavirus vaccine, as confirmed by Peter Daszak in his TWIV interview taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4104828
4. A lab worker got infected and infected others in Wuhan or a transgenic mouse escaped and infected other animals and humans in Wuhan
5. End of Story for 2 million plus people 6. Yanks and Chinese both guilty hence the US coverup 7. Scientific establishment closes ranks because they fear public hatred and outrage leading to defunding and lab closures worldwide, hobbling the science of virology for a generation.
8. Council of Foreign Relations pushes media to promote natural origin because they hate Trump, now Trump is gone, the pressure is off, hence many roaches crawling out of woodwork & MSM suddenly "discovering" that a lab leak theory is actually plausible.
Famous Chinese Headlines from 2019 that didn't age well...
"The Emergency Response Exercise, organized by the Executive Committee of Military World Games, was held at Wuhan Airport. It simulated a passenger found to be infected with the novel coronavirus" chinascope.org/archives/21681…
Another headline that didn't age well....
Virus Origin: Henan Province Issued an Order to Safely Manage Laboratory Animals chinascope.org/archives/21658…
The Audio Recordings with Transcripts on Screen
Gravitas: Wuhan Virus Pandemic: Leaked audio featuring WHO officials rev... via @YouTube
Endlessly trying to get updates from China...This did not happen in Congo...We need to see the data..the WHO barely got out of that one with its neck intact (SARS1)
Citizen journalist Zhang Zhan's trial photos rfi.my/76hF.T 来自 @RFI_Cn
(She uploaded the YT WIV tour)
Le Monde: The heavy sentence of Zhang Zhan rfi.my/6z0w.T
14 countries call for immediate release of Zhang Zhan rfi.my/73li.T
via @RdeMaistre
Zhang Zhan. Wuhan_Virus Research Institute "Maintain World Peace" (Construction Gate)
Archived: archive.is/wip/gnIKD
Zhang Zhan. Mysterious Wuhan Institute of Virology Laboratory Visit_Is the source of the virus related to this? (Construction Site Waste)
Archived: archive.vn/or3eV