We're testing a group meet where you can do any workout or training plan you like, yet the group stays together using the new Meet Up Keep Together function!
If you fancy doing 3 or 4 workouts a week, load up a plan that suits you and stay motivated by joining the Meet Ups at 5:30pm Tuesday and Thursday then earlier rides Sat & Sunday. Times could change this week to group's preference though.
If you fancy testing doing a workout while in a group meetup then pop along today, post here and get invited in game!
The 1st deceit is the lack of emphasis on how extremely volatile the market is for any particular stock on AIM - it only really gets discussed after the fact, like today for example.
#NCYT has been installing Q16s and Q32s weekly now in the NHS, so what they've done with the care home trial is expand it now to include the NHS hospitals.
As investors and traders we can easily take money and put it into a whole host of stocks which we think might 'bag or multi-bag' - just to make money - even though we don't really know or genuinely care for those companies or products.
Many of us here now have been holding because there is a genuine team at @PrimerdesignLtd & @MicrogenBioProd and they are worth following and investing in.
If your relatives were vulnerable in a care home..
Do you trust visitors tested by PrimerDesign or by something else?
Also sent Tweet over to @JolyonMaugham as he's been very active on chasing up dodgy test firms who're selling UK Gov test kits with no independent assessments.
Please see study on Viasure's covid test in pic. It is shockingly bad. But they're still trying to sell it to NHS and even trying to push out a multiplex now too. They won't show ANY assessment of it. Just say it's 'CE marked'