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Oct 2nd 2021
Portfolio update


#THS remains in portfolio as my biggest holding. I believe the company should do well within the next 2 years, its highly cash generative & once the current chip shortage is over, margins should slowly keep going up in line with PGM's /1
(not that they are bad atm)All gains from this investment have been recently wiped out, but its a conviction play and I would be extremely surprised if sp stays at current level for longer. A quick twitter search should highlight opportunities/financial aspects of the business /2
I have missed most of the massive gas rally, only having exposure through #RDSB #BP in family portfolio, but missing my entry in SQZ which I have been watching for a long time. Although the gas rally exceeded all expectations, I can only blame myself for not paying closer /3
Read 28 tweets
Feb 9th 2021
$LOAC - SPAC for 4D Pharma (#DDDD) due diligence thread including:

✅Company overview
✅Product overview
✅Collaborations with major #pharma companies ( $MRK, $PFE, and Merck KGaA)
✅Key competitors
✅Pipeline and upcoming catalysts
𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬
4D Pharma (#DDDD) is a pharmaceutical company leading the development of a novel class of drugs derived from the microbiome (LBPs).🦠

Here is a quick overview of how 4D utilizes the microbiome for unique solutions.
#DDDD / $LOAC is leading the microbiome sector with:

✅More than 1,000 granted patents
✅Partnerships with several large biopharma companies (Merck, Pfizer, Merck KGaA) and in talks with others
✅Unique discovery platform of live biotherapeutic products (LBPs)
Read 35 tweets
Jan 9th 2021

I think the fact that MRx0518 is showing massive near term promise in cancer, yet 4D continue to focus on Parkinson's Disease shows me how excited and effective they believe MRx0029 may be for Parkinson's
(Market expected to reach $8.3bn by 2026)… Image

After discussing MRx0029 in the text, the author from 4D heavily alludes to bringing in a partner... Image

BOLD Statement

'MRx0029 has shown promise as a potentially
disease-modifying therapy, by indicating a potentially neuro-regenerative effect' Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 16th 2020

Good question.

#NCYT has been installing Q16s and Q32s weekly now in the NHS, so what they've done with the care home trial is expand it now to include the NHS hospitals.

The care home Q16/Q32 trial held up to lab testing.


What happens if you go all-in, and get data from supply to hospital wards too?

Well if it can hold 99%, then you can approve rapid RT-qPCR machines as permanent installations across the entire NHS and social care
We obviously want our kit in there, but what we're suggesting is an entire rewrite of the UK's microbiology network.

That involves change at all levels of the NHS - a major public policy change too.

Nothing has been done on this scale in diagnostics in our generation.
Read 19 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
#DDDD is a big holding for me that I built between March and, well, last Friday. A lot of people think of it as a pharma company with the attendant risks of drug development. I don’t think that’s right. My understanding is that @4dpharmaplc have a huge amount of data
concerning the make up of gut bacteria in people with various conditions and “healthy” people. From analysis they can see what bacteria are dominant and which are missing among those with afflictions. But crunching the data is key, as is the philosophy of using
Bacteria that occur naturally in the gut. So it is a data driven, bottom up (almost literally) process, where the biome of the ill pinpoints what they are missing. As a result, I think the risk of phase 2/3 failure is much lower than in traditional pharma. There is
Read 4 tweets
Aug 26th 2020

Today 4D announce phenomenal trial results for the combination of @Merck's KEYTRUDA with MRx0518 in Lung and Kidney Cancer💥🚨

A staggering 42% achieved clinical benefit in a population that had exhausted all other methods of disease/cancer treatment

For a population which has been resistant to all other lines of therapies, this is hugely encouraging... if they can treat the most resistant...
...cancers in terminally ill patients, this bodes EXTREMELY well for earlier lines of therapy😬

Also, as the patient population has no other effective treatment this significantly increases the chances of early approval off the back of Phase 2 data
Potentially FDA...
Read 10 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020

Why I believe @4dpharmaplc are on the cusp of a multi hundred million pound licencing deal for IBD and IBS?


Great Video 'Our Approach' highlighting @4dpharmaplc world leading innovative concept

Harnessing the bodies own Microbiome (Gut Bacteria) to solve genetic imbalances and malfunctions commonly referred to as diseases…

Are you excited yet?

Read 96 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020

Why I believe @4dpharmaplc are on the cusp of a multi hundred million pound licencing deal for IBD and IBS?

Phase 1 data for @4dpharmaplc Blautix's treatment of IBS highlights significant efficacy

-82% Improvement in a reduction of symptoms
-More diverse stable gut bacteria… ImageImage

Interim Safety Data for Blautix Phase 2 larger study shows excellent safety profile

-Comparable to placebo

We are awaiting efficacy data from the Phase 2 study anticipated this Quarter… Image
Read 5 tweets
May 4th 2020
I have substantially bought #DDDD today

I have done extensive research into #COVID19 treatments companies listed on AIM over the weekend (Around 30 HOURS❗❗) and came to the conclusions DDDD is the drug which is most likely to have great efficacy and safety data 💥💥💥

The Microbiome Therapeutics company focused on using an innovative solutions for treatment in unmet 21st century ailments

Areas of focus

-Oncology (Cancer)
-Respiratory illnesses inc
---SARS-CoV-2 #COVID19
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-Central Nervous System

Firstly, I would like to draw your attention towards the extensive co operation between 4D and @Merck

Merck are a $200b company

With the 4th Largest drug in the world 💥

KEYTRUDER®️ (based on $7+ billion Revenues in 2019)…
Read 51 tweets

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