Alex Berensen's reasoning is clear. C19 will end simply because the lie is consuming the ability of gov't and society to function. Two questions remain, why and how. I don't have clear answers to either, but I can speculate. 1/
As to why, I defer to my favorite journalist (Peter Hitchens) who reminds us to never underestimate gov'ts ability to do stunning stupid things. From the start, he linked the logic of the west's C19 response to that of the decaying eastern block nations he used to cover. 2/
C19 is most certainly real but what seems clear is that gov't got the scale of the threat wrong. This isn't trivial, when modeling is out by 25X, it massively impacts gov't actions and scares politicians into acting rashly. 3/
And that is what happened. Like it or not, Canada and other western nations are destined to have a very difficult discussion as to how people in LTCs and the subsequent months truly died. It won't be pleasant and gov't data fundamentally points to something very troubling. 4/
Add to that unprecedented gov't expenditures, shut down of business/livelihood, loss of civil liberties, the destruction of education, and crumbling mental health. It's a toxic brew that no politician wants to own, thus they obfuscate and perpetuate the problem. 5/
How does this end? Our leaders could admit their monumental mistakes akin to what Gov DeSantis did in Florida. His state is moving back to normal life and he also leads the nation with his public health program. It isn't rocket science. 6/
Unfortunately, I also believe the best predictor of future actions can be garnered from past actions. Thus, I suspect gov't might double down on its intellectually bankrupt zero covid policy. This isn't an academic concept, it's a marketing gimmick. 7/
They will pretend that lockdowns work and they will attempt to take credit for seasonality. They are indeed lying and it hurts to say that. But its like so much of the silly NPI nonsense. The academic literature is clear in that regard. 8/
Vaccines are likely to pitched as the miracle cure-all. I find this academically dishonest. They are mitigation tools but sufficient time is needed to properly develop and deploy them. 9/
The best thing you can do is to stay reasoned and balanced. Ignore the propaganda and press forward demanding answers. Live your life as you see fit. This edifice will collaspe under its own staggering weight. 10/
Let me end by saying, your voice is important as are your actions. Let them be heard and seen. That is what will bring this ineptitude to an end. End.
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There is something quite remarkable about Sweden. They decided early on to adhere to established public health practices and refused to panic. They rationalized a viral threat and established a risk based policy. 1/
That policy was built on trust and knowledge of its population. There was no fanfare or dramatic pressers filled with breying politicans. Just dull workman like activity moderating risk while society functioned. 2/
Public trust enables transparency and that is what you see below. A summarized version of Sweden's final Covid report. Take a read and appreciate the thoughtful deliberation. Data analysis is clear, candid and unromantic. 3/
Canada has shrunk as a nation. Our minds dulled by relentless propaganda, uninspiring leaders, a lazy media and an absent academic class. Those aren't my words but of a colleague travelling to his birth country with decidedly less resources. They were struck by the contrast. 1/
C19, a rather standard albeit slightly more virulent respiratory virus,has brought a nation to its knees. Panic and fear runs amuck and simple statistics fail to penetrate the collective consciousness. 2/
C19 strikes the frail and the vulnerable which was utterly predictable. Our response has been to ignore the frail, then shutter society and prevent kids from going to school and tobogganing. The logic is opaque to any reasonable citizen so where did it come from? 3/
I would like add two further comments to Mr. Baber's rational approach to C19, one of whcih centers on communication. The York MPP has been appropriately critical of the gov't narrative and the wide spread seeding of panic and fear. 1/
Rule #1 in an emergency response is to maintain trust and not to sow panic and fear. Unfortunately, the provincial and federal gov'ts have done just that aided by an undisciplined science panel. This simply needs to change for the health of everyone. 2/
The Ontario science panels lacks the skill set needed to run an effective C19 response. Academics can provide high level theory and analysis of critical data. They have little understanding of societal function, basic logistics or emergency management. 3/
Mr. Baber provides a well supported critique of gov't C19 policies and actions. He displays good working knowledge of facts which I would expect of an MPP who takes his job seriously. I have a few additional thoughts to aid this critique. 1/
The modeling by any standard has been wildly inaccurate. There are two main reasons for this. 1) the model itself is incorrectly constructed or 2) the underlying assumptions are inaccurate. Mr. Baber's information reminds me that both are likely the case. 2/
For example, the chart highlights a focus on asymptomatic transmission. This is a fringe concept. If present, and that is a big "IF", it's extremely low and not at the levels noted. This concept remains highly controversial and experimental support is near nonexistent. 3/
Too many in our public health community have spent the last year ignoring history and ground level reality, and embracing anodyne theory and jibberish models. Below is a small snapshot of what happens when you indulge in academic escapism. 1/
One observes a persistent rise in deaths in working age populations. Deaths of dispair, by self harm, just to name a few. And the response from our public health community? Its been to retreat further into anodyne theory and jibberish modeling. 2/
This is the tip of the iceberg and we know it. The economy is held together with bandaids, education is in shambles and people have lost their livelihoods and saving. And Canada's public health community egged it on, with little self reflection and a sense of entitlement. 3/
A few thoughts this morning. If you get your C19 news from a:
1)TV anchor with no science background in 30 second bites;
2)newspaper who sponsors content and has their best sports writer on the job; 3) high school teacher who believes he's Canada's top modeler;
You might consider diversifying your information sources. A couple of suggestions:
1) Dr. Robert Lee, British pathologist and columnist; 2) Carl Henehgan, Center for evidence based medicine (Oxford); 3) Sunetra Gupta, theoretical epidemiologist at Oxford; 2/
4) Martin Kulldorff, epidemiologist at Harvard; 5) Clare Craig, the Ethical Sceptic, Joel Smalley; 5) Lockdown Sceptics, indepth science reporting on C19; 6) Pandata19, an international group of data scientists and epidemiologists; 3/