#BlackHistoryMonth Since 2004, I’ve been consistently attacked by racists within Calvinism. I naively walked into the PCA assuming the denom & Reformed evangelicalism was like RUF. Wrong. “Big God,” gospel folks believe *others* are always the problem. abradleyexposed.blogspot.com/?m=1
A posture that says, “we have the gospel right” becomes “therefore, we don’t need to learn from anyone else”—fingering-wagging at liberals & creating .orgs for that purpose to provide “resources” created a culture that fosters hypocrisy & plugs ears. Teaching, not listening.
For solutions, I published this book in 2013. Eight years later, what has changed? Every page of this book still holds true. Lecrae, Mason, Tisby etc. are still attacked. No major Christian College or evangelical seminary has a black president, VP, etc. amazon.com/dp/1596382341?…
The National of Islam represents a legacy of black conservatism that’s ignored. While progressive Christians believe more government programs are needed for the black community, Malcolm X’s legacy says, “the Democratic Party is the enemy of black progress.” #BlackHistoryMonth
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man.” ~Malcolm X
Black Muslims are stumbling block for progressive because they reject government as a means of black progress & prefer economic empowerment & political liberty; they share race critiques but are no fans of Israel.
The Gospel: “The good news of God’s saving work in Christ and the Spirit by which the powers of sin, death, and judgment are overcome and the life of the new creation is inaugurated, moving towards the glorification of the whole cosmos.” Evangelicals do not believe this.
Since evangelicals don't believe this, they have no idea what to do with social issues because justice requires a focus on the redemptive story beginning with Gen. 1 & 2, not Genesis 3(like the evangelicals do) to orient the Church's people. blog.acton.org/archives/58497…
Covenant theology (the original derived from a redemptive-historical approach to the Bible, rather than a grammatical-historical approach) frees you up to not see justice issues in society as a conjunction to the gospel but part of redemption of the entire cosmos though Christ.
Friends, seriously, I want you to listen carefully to these young guys inside the Capital. The Capital event involved more: men needing affectionate validation that they matter. Almost cried listening to this. Watch the hugging at the end. Long hugs. Why?
America’s elites have spent the past 10+ years disparaging, expressing contempt for, & mocking working class/lower class whites. This guy is from Covington, VA. Ave. income: $21,243. 81.5% white. Don’t blame all of this on “they’re just Trump racists.” bestplaces.net/economy/city/v…
In 1 sense, they aren’t behaving much differently than urban men who are also the recipients of disparaging labels “thugs,” social contempt by elites, etc. One difference: urban men are also dehumanized by progressive paternalism & infantilization trapping them in “programs.”
It's really heartbreaking to see so many hard-working single moms carry their sons into college & have the lads fizzle out the first semester. Here's often why: the guys lack internal motivation. It never had a chance to develop. When he leaves home, he *must* to have it!
I've read too much psych data & I know what's going on. I see the guys with strong father relationships breeze through the 1st semester & guys from divorce limping. It's generally the pattern. All these guys need a 25-to-40 year-old guy to meet with them semi-regularly.
The data shows that a guy's internal motivation drive is usually activated by being invested in one-on-one by someone else, esp. a father/big brother figure. Everyone needs someone who believes in them. Everyone. Here's what I see over and over and over and over and over again:
The song before I preached in Harlem yesterday at GZHBC. Earlier in my career, I was encouraged to turn my back on the black church for the multi-ethnic dream but I always resisted b/c I needed actual Big God theology not limited to the micro-concerns of Reformed Evangelicalism.
To my young black evangelical brothers & sisters, do not let them buy your allegiance away from caring about the black experience & the black church. If the black church didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be free to enjoy the “we’re so glad you’re here” evangelical side-hug.
And walk away if they recruit you out of the black community but only give you multi-ethnic $$$ & won’t long-term fund a black-focussed project (that’s not just about poverty). A white-focussed hipster church of urban gentrifiers is praised & so should black-focussed mission.
Sigh. Someone gave an academic theology book a one-star rating on Amazon because: "Unless you have taken some college courses in English, you'll have to have a Dictionary to go along with reading this book...
I can see that this book could be really amazing if I could keep up with the English but after the 2nd chapter I gave up. Words like dichotomy, soteriological, connote,...these are words found on just the first few pages.
[The] writer assumes that you know what these things are and talks as if you already have a background in these subjects. Also, another thing that is rather annoying, and it's not just this book but other books do this too, when the book refers to a bible passage,