[Thread] 1. NEW Early data (not yet peer reviewed) shows the #AstraZeneca#CovidVaccine, that SA will start to administer this month, doesn't appear to offer protection against mild/moderate disease caused by the #501YV2 variant identified in the country. bit.ly/3pZ30xx
2. Mild disease #COVID19 disease was defined as at least one symptom of COVID-19. Protection against moderate-severe COVID19, hospitalisation or death was not assessed in this study as the target population were at low risk (they were young and healthy - on average 31 years old).
3. The study results, which will be submitted as a preprint in the coming days, show two doses of the #AstraZeneca jab did have high efficacy against the original coronavirus non-#501YV2 variants in South Africa. bit.ly/3pZ30xx
4. Results for the Johnson & Johnson jab showed relatively low protection (57%) against the #501YV2 variant for moderate to severe #COVID19. But for severe #COVID19 the protection was very good (85%) and the same as for other variants. bit.ly/36MNr4b
5. SA trial investigator for the #AstraZeneca jab, Shabir Madhi, says the J&J results (protection @ severe #COVID19 caused by the the #501YV2 variant), gives hope that similar results could be obtained for the AstraZeneca jab, because the 2 shots use similar technology.
6. Work is already underway at the University of Oxford (#AstraZeneca’s research partner) to produce a 2nd generation of the AstraZeneca jab, adapted to target variants of the #coronavirus with mutations similar to the #501YV2, should it be needed. bit.ly/3pZ30xx
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Madhi: When researchers looked at protection that the #AstraZeneca jab provided against mild to moderate #Covid19 disease, there was considerable protection against the original form of the virus. But the antibodies induced by the jab didn't work nearly as well for #501YV2.
There was very little difference between the protection the vaccine provided for people infected with #501YV2 and the placebo group (the group that was infected with a saline solution instead of the #AstraZeneca vaccine).
Madhi's team found that the #AstraZeneca vaccine provided almost no protection against the #501YV2 variant, also known as the #B1351 variant. There is hope: the Johnson&Johnson (Jansen) jab provides 89% protection against severe #Covid19 caused by #501YV2.
.@ShabirMadh, principal investigator of the SA arm of the #astrazenecavaccine: This slide explains who participated in the SA arm of the study: Adults between 18 and 65, everyone got 2 doses, 2000 participants. To show protection we need 60% protection, Madhi says.
The Oxford/AstraZeneca study wasn't designed to determine whether the vaccine protects against severe #COVID19 disease or not. Rather, it looked at mild to moderate disease.
Those who develop severe disease are the ones who will end up in hospital or die - it's important that vaccines protect against severe disease. But our study only looked at if the vaccine protects against mild and moderate #COVID19 disease.
2. The pallets of #CovidVaccines will then go through customs and be transported to a temperature-controlled Biovac warehouse in Johannesburg. Biovac is the pharmaceutical company that will handle the logistics of today's consignment of #CovidVaccines. bit.ly/3oFLYmI
3. Each #CovidVaccine box of vials has a temperature monitoring device that keeps a record of the jabs’ temperature at all times during the trip. A vial contains 10 doses of vaccine (with each dose to be extracted by syringe at the time of vaccination). bit.ly/3oFLYmI
[Thread] 1. How will #CovidVaccines be accessed? 40 million people need to get vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Of these, 7.1 million has medical aid, 32.9 is uninsured.
2. Only the government will be allowed to buy #CovidVaccines. The vaccines will be paid for mainly by the fiscus, but augmented by private funding. If you are willing to pay for the vaccination of your employee, you can do so.
3. All vaccines will be administered free of charge. Medical schemes will be compelled to pay for this service. They will have to pay the provider directly, for e.g. pharmacies. There will be a single exit price.
[Thread] 1. Two thirds of South Africans say they'll take a #CovidVaccine, according to the @HSRCza + @go2uj's #COVID19 Democracy survey. Question asked: “If a Covid-19 vaccine became available to you, would you take it?” 67% = yes, 14% probably, 12% = no. bit.ly/3iJpn7p
2. Trust in the government's #COVID19 response influenced whether someone was willing to take a #CovidVaccine. Only 36% of those saying #CyrilRamaphosa was doing a bad job were willing to take a jab vs. 73% of those stating he was doing a good job: bit.ly/3iJpn7p
3. The results speak to the significance of leadership in shaping attitudes around #CovidVaccines. One response: “Yes I will [get the jab] as long as I get it from the trusted people who work under government, and be 100% sure that it’s a real vaccine.” bit.ly/3iJpn7p
[Thread] Some interesting points raised by the health department’s deputy director-general, Anban Pillay, in this interview. 1. #COVAX has told the SA government April is the month they’re aiming to give us #COVID19 jabs — so no longer just “quarter 2”. bit.ly/3huIUHT
2. The SA government has asked Pfizer for vaccines for health workers. SA has 2 facilities with freezers that can store Pfizer’s jabs. But Pfizer said it can only help us in March as their stock is going to richer countries that have pre-ordered shots. bit.ly/3huIUHT
3. The government is talking to AstraZeneca for early access (before April) to their jab for health workers. AstraZeneca is trying to get access for SA through one of its producers. Pillay: “This is one of the key areas we're pursuing for health workers.” bit.ly/3huIUHT