they have a visual representation of tree growing as users complete their milestones
2/ This stuck in my mind because a few days back I was going through one of the Ted Talk which talks about designing for 5 senses you can check the video here
3/ the video explaining how designing for 5 sense leverages the overall design, experience and product value and when I saw accountably's visual tree I found it great in the visual side as many times we have milestones or some kind of tasks on the product to track
4/ but many times those trackings are not that powerful visually or pleasing to see, but these tree visual was too good to be true, it was simple and easy to understand the progress and that makes it stand out.
5/ so in case if you are designing for some kind milestones in your product you can use such type of simple and easy to understand visual to get users to engage and build product experience around that
6/ We already have touch through keyword or screen, visuals through UI/UX, hearing through sounds. Any thoughts on how we can add taste and smell factor to a digital product? (by sending users a food item related to your product :P) I guess I would write a blog on this.
7/ Let me know if I have missed something or you would like to add & also use this thread to share other tactics to improve the visual experience & see you guys in the next one till then happy hacking:)
where the genuine love of the cause needs to be there in the same for this I totally feel that Commsor have a genuine love for community & it's not just a hack
2/ No intentions here to downplay/disregard anyone or company I'm sharing this to give a perspective from the growth side. so they along with community club shared the community-led pledge with everyone you can check here
1/ ok so I have already shared a thread on clubhouse earlier but one thing got me really interested recently and now I'm like why I didn't saw and understood the first time better late than never
2/ so clubhouse has different app icons whenever they release a major update, they feature one of there creators from the community with there image as the app icon, crazy right, totally, you can check there tweet here if you don't believe me