@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Changes to the questions highlighted - now siblings and families in addition to student
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth This is the students screening tool... the first one was the staff
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Recommendation - best mask is the one that fits! @tdsb has this in place - 2 layer mask with filter layer is best
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth What else can we do? Students attend school - should not gather even with those in their cohort - playdate is different than in-school setting
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Testing - another important tool - fall and winter two types of testing strategies @TOPublicHealth determined schools to test as well as cohort testing
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Results from the testing - sites across the city - testing update was low - school positivity rates reflected community rates
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth These are the results of the coordinating testing - asymptomatic testing
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Questions - concern re cohort switching - with in-school kids are returning with virtual students returning - principles should remain the same - physical distancing is still the best guidance - other questions - if a child has a higher risk the Psfier vaccine can be given 12-15
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Question - @TOPublicHealth provided guidance specific to Toronto Schools in their updated screening guidelines - and has provided staff updated information on neighbourhood risk
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth There is not a recommendation for asymptomatic testing for all - @TOPublicHealth supports targeted testing - they are, however, discussing additional rapid testing that may be available to be followed up with a standard test
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Re question on schools reopening - @TOPublicHealth supports seeing what happens first before reopening the economy - no comment yet on March Break - wants to wait and see what happens when schools reopen before providing advice
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Pilot testing continues to help inform steps when testing will happen - @TOPublicHealth began to outline in their letter to parents and staff yesterday - on their website
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth Encouraging staff and students that have symptoms get tested - just one symptom - @TOPublicHealth best advice still is to physically distance where possible, wash hands, wear a mask and stay home if sick... these measures are critical to stop community spread
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth All positive testing will be screened for the variant - Q how do we encourage communities to be tested - understand that sick time and job security is a barrier - @TOPublicHealth advocating for paid sick leave - trying to address inequities - perhaps providing take home testing
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector 8,400 students initially in-school - that number has now become 6,200 thanks to the conversations Superintendents and Principals have had with families - @s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner provide perspectives on circling back to families who had requests
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector@s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner Team effort - in support of students and their families to accommodate as many as possible - with an equity lens across the system prioritizing Q5 schools - minimizing disruption and stabilizing as much as possible - Superintendents thank all Principals and school staff
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector@s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner@tdsbMsP@tdsbvs Qs now on this section from Trustees - AD Gold speaking to relationships with Unions/Federations - working together - next question re anyone entering our schools must abide by screening protocols - limits exist still for the number of people allowed into our buildings
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector@s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner@tdsbMsP@tdsbvs Key principles - learning from running the two parallel systems this year - requires flexibility, stability and predictability going forward - key learning re relationships are critical and, of course, working within budget resources
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector@s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner@tdsbMsP@tdsbvs Back to Qs - will school staffing models still be in play? Answer is yes - new question re reminding all students for both virtual and bricks and mortar receive communications in addition to parents/guardians - hear by February 19 - message to all families critical
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector@s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner@tdsbMsP@tdsbvs Q re HVACs - all the schools that we identified without mechanical and closed windows already have - when do we expect the rollout of the new HEPA filters? Staff replies we have our own supplier that we hope to use - we could have delivered 1000/week; concern over funding rollout
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector@s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner@tdsbMsP@tdsbvs New rollout of HEPA filters will go to congregated sites and start with Q5 filters and work way down the LOI list - filters have 3yr lifespan before you need to change the filters - new units - individual classrooms - to put HEPA unit in all LOI classrooms
@tdsb@TOPublicHealth@TDSBDirector@s_spyropoulos@kathleengardner@tdsbMsP@tdsbvs Re 2021-22 - staff still discussing elementary staffing re librarians and guidance back in schools - and whether or not secondary would stay semestered - and whether or not virtual would be by "choice" or for Human Rights and Health and Safety only - more will come on these items
While this is true (tdsb.on.ca/Community/How-…) it is important to note that this work was completed before the break - this work related specifically to Covid-19 precautions -@tdsb spends millions on mechanical system upgrades as part of our school renewal program... 1/5
... and those upgrades include replacing existing mechanical ventilation components and building automation systems... but replacement of mechanical system upgrades takes months to plan and implement and funding... 2/5
... in the last FBEC there were two reports - facility contract awards notes that although we have spent $12M on mechanical upgrades in 20-21 so far, there remains a renewal backlog in mechanical of over $1.4B (tdsb.on.ca/Leadership/Boa…)... 3/5
@tdsb Following delegations - now hearing from @kgfalcon Interim Director - updated based on @TOPublicHealth advice... agenda below
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth SO Andrew Gowdy - #COVID19 in geographic context - June-August through most recent (Nov-Dec) - deeper the blue greater the risk - overlaid with elementary schools and secondary schools
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth Slides show the high-risk neighbourhoods - in the 3rd map added in the 12 schools @TOPublicHealth dismissed - number in the central part of the city; this also shows the schools participating in the asymmetric pilot as purple dots
Michelle speaks to the behind the scenes work @tdsb to ensure systems are disrupted to engage parents and caregivers within classrooms in meaningful ways - learning through virtual schools regarding possibilities #PIACReadySetEngage
Special Committee of the Whole on COVID-19 related issues beginning at 4:30 - Join us here tdsb.on.ca/stream/boardme…
For today's update @TDSBDirector shares agenda - will be sharing new information and updating other information
An update on devices - glad to see that there is a plan to replenish/pay back the schools who lent equipment - @manonjgardner - plan and timelines will come Friday
ADs are now answering questions through the moderator - suggest additional questions through Principals and Superintendents - Trustees can also facilitate Qs&As from patents and communities #TDSBParentConf
Important @TDSBDirector speaks to keeping focus during these Pandemic times... working on dismantling structures and policies that have created barriers for students - creating pathways, changing disciplinary practices, professional learning on anti-oppression and anti-racism...
And continues to speak to initiatives to close the achievement gap - how data is essential and helps us to differentiate resources #TDSPParentConf