Some folks not heavily involved w/ the fight have asked why we want to stop Enbridge from digging (on top of stopping the compressor itself). They don’t know the history of that bit of land, and they also don’t know @MassDEP is rubbish at actually protecting the environment. 1/n
@MassDEP The North Parcel should've been categorized as a superfund site long ago. The entire spit of land didn't exist b4 50 years of dumping industrial coal waste, which contains arsenic. Within that toxic mess are burner bricks. The farther they dig, the older the bricks. 2/
@MassDEP Older bricks means asbestos. Erosion of the “land” can be clearly seen at the cove side/low tide. Bricks have the name of the companies that made them inscribed. Quick google search shows you history of the company, & materials used. See this video: