You know what I don’t miss? Parent teacher conferences.
Most of Rocketkid’s teachers were lovely, but we had two that still stick out in my mind as sad/hilarious.
The first one, he was in elementary school. The teacher said it was ‘important’ for us to come in.
So we worried about that for two days until the meeting. What could be wrong? It’s scary for parents to be left hanging like that.
So we meet his teacher, goatee and sunglasses...we live in the boonies and yet there’s something here like he’s trying to be a player.
Not like a lady-player, like he’s got an image of himself in his head. We like teachers, but this guy’s manner is just weirdly kind of pushy a little bit.
Anyway, we sit does in the kid chairs, he’s behind his desk, again, weirdly focused on ‘power,’ somehow.
Okay! Today, we wanted something fun and light for #TabletopGails today, and we chose this...GODZILLA MONOPOLY from @TheOpGames!
I know what you’re thinking, just boring old Monopoly, right?
Turns out, we had a blast. :)
Even if you are not a huge fan of Monopoly, I have to say, we had a blast with this set.
First, we got rice crackers for snacks, we played Showa Era- Godzilla soundtracks for atmosphere, and it was just sheer kaiju fun from the minute we opened the box. Godzilla bucks!
There are two sure things with this company’s games...they are beautifully designed and the components are always top-flight.
You have six classic kaiju tokens and a first-class presentation of all the pieces. The board is also gorgeous.
"Look, I am sorry if anyone took offense at my unstoppable torrent of radioactive breath. I have human friends who are also irradiated and they all know I have nothing but respect for the radioactive community."
Cons in other countries don’t separate comics people from the celebrities. So you often spend a week between two cons, getting to know actors, wrestlers, and other famous people.
We always found nearly all of them lovely people.
Guess which group consistently wasn’t?
It wasn’t actors. In general, they have nearly all been really sweet people.
Guess again.
It wasn’t wrestlers. I have had zero bad experiences with any of the wrestlers I’ve met and quite a few were above-and-beyond lovely to their fans.