Even more nuggets of wisdom from the writing of @deewhock (the founder of Visa)
Consider reading slowly, saving, and re-reading later
It is wiser to place trust in those with the will to do no evil than those with the will to do good.
- Dee Hock
Most troubles in life are attributable to two causes: first, not getting what we want, and second, getting what we want.
- Dee Hock
The art of politics lies in successfully creating false reasons to conceal real ones.
- Dee Hock
Those who proclaim loudest that what they do is right are the first to assert when things go awry that they were not allowed to do enough of it. It is always insufficiency they blame, never error or incompetence.
- Dee Hock
Don’t preach. Don’t teach. Don’t judge. Take a loved child by the hand and explore something fascinating together.
- Dee Hock
One of the more curious facts about human beings is that they can spend a day of introspection without discovering what is obvious to anyone who has spent a half hour in their company.
- Dee Hock
The essential reward of anything well done is to have done it. Everything else is surfeit.
- Dee Hock
surfeit = an excessive amount of something
(I had to look up that word, figured this might save folks like me a dictionary lookup)
What societies we might create if no one were impressed by authority, constrained by custom, mesmerized by religion, or influenced by fashion.
- Dee Hock
Man is half insatiable desire and half misery from want of satisfying it.
- Dee Hock
“Should have” cannot create a better life. It can only make miserable the one we have. “Ought to”, with commitment, has a chance.