Taimur is an Islamic tyrant you made a mountain of Hindu skulls—common people, not warriors. His name still evokes terror in collective memory as Taimurlang. Saif is a "history buff" who specifically chose the name for the historical Taimur, per Kareena.
Saif's act reflects Islamic triumphalism, much like ISIS converted young Yezidi boys and used them to attack their own community. This fanaticism births Taimur from Saif's "conquest" of the native.
"Taimur represents unprecedented barbarism even in the medieval context. He ordered each soldier to produce two heads of people they had slaughtered when he sacked Delhi. Some resorted to beheading their own wives...
"Secular" apologia is a bottomless pit. Nothing is too vile...
The "what about Ashoka" or about people being killed in a war is very different from mass murder of an entire city's civilian population. In Hindu sensibility there is a huge difference between combatants and non-combatants. In Abrahamism, genocide is ordered by their "god."
Saif says "As a Muslim" he named his son Taimur to "own it." He calls it a "nice name." Connected with his history.
They still imagine themselves as invaders from outside slaughtering kaffirs.
That's a source of pride. That's the history he wants to own.
When someone says Hitler, Taimur, there is a primary referent that dominates that name. Plus Saif means *that* Taimur.
When someone says Nirav, there is no dominant referent. There are many terrorists named Mohammad but no one would object to a Muslim naming their child that.
Christians and the West should take a thousand year moratorium on “saving” anyone. Whether via “Jesus” or “human rights.” Both are forms of imperialism.
In the "Buddhist" temples in Thailand, you can find Ganesha. Even Shiva-Parvati.
This has been part of a continuum of Hindu culture before the construction of "Buddhism" as a "revolt" against "Hinduism" by colonial scholarship. (and their academic progeny in India).
Brahmanvaad is a made-up term. It is a product of colonialism. No one used it before that. For missionaries Brahmins were rivals and thus targets of hate. That is its origin.