Taimur is an Islamic tyrant you made a mountain of Hindu skulls—common people, not warriors. His name still evokes terror in collective memory as Taimurlang. Saif is a "history buff" who specifically chose the name for the historical Taimur, per Kareena.
Saif's act reflects Islamic triumphalism, much like ISIS converted young Yezidi boys and used them to attack their own community. This fanaticism births Taimur from Saif's "conquest" of the native.
Brahmanvaad is a made-up term. It is a product of colonialism. No one used it before that. For missionaries Brahmins were rivals and thus targets of hate. That is its origin.
Nice thread by @BharadwajSpeaks. There is a long tradition of record-keeping by the Brahmins at Haridwar etc. This is a rich source of historical record which has not really been tapped.
It will be interesting to find the purohit of the "Sikh" Sodhis and when the records stop.
Exactly, this is what I meant. I suspect that it is only after Macaullife-Sikhi made by the British that they stopped going to Haridwar. Before that all records must be present of their purohits.