The percentage of #EPeep self-identifying as #digitalhealth#innovators & early adopters significantly increased while early majority adopters decreased:
Routine use of video #telehealth also increased significantly (6% ➡️59%, p<0.001), for all types of #EPeeps visits, including #CIED interrogations, wound checks, new & f/u consultations:
For #EPeeps#mApps prescribing, there was a significant ⬇️ in heart rate monitoring #mApp Rx’s (p=0.022), while disease management (p=0.01) & vital signs tracker (p=0.04) Rx’s ⬆️ significantly:
We know from @SashaShillcutt & @JulieSilverMD’s @NEJM paper, that social media has become an important avenue for women physicians to gather, providing #WomeninMedicine new avenues to share information & experiences:
We wanted to better understand the #womenincardiology Twitter network – not just how many tweets, but more *how* the network is being used & if it is *useful*
The #AppleHeartStudy aimed to test the ability of a smartwatch algorithm to detect an irregular pulse consistent with AF, & to estimate its diagnostic yield in a large population: #ACC19#ACCEP
The cool thing about the #AppleHeartStudy, is that all of it was done virtually. ALL. OF. IT. Enrollment, consent, study visits, patch monitoring. Here are the #AppleHeartStudy ‘s main objectives in detail: #ACC19#ACCEP