Thread for evidence only,timestamp according to GMT+8, the timezone of China, where first 4 SARS-COV-2 genomes released to the world. Any further analysis subject to individual's discrection. So, Let's roll
*credentials-users must register and ID themselves and agree to GISAID terms before accessing the data
*curators-GISAID had over 40 worked globally to evaluate, assist&update the data and tools
*certificates-proof issued by GISAID, sucess of submission with date and metadata.
be noted, hence the GISAID terms of use, the deposit of first/reference genome is crucial! For the explanation of massive inflow of other strains, and support from WHO, leave to the evo experts to elaborate and debate.
We are all grow-ups with intensive experience in research and international cooperation,understood the compormise,releationship, quod pro quo.
So, for once in your life, let's not exaggerate or downplay the importance of element of integrity over career success, especially in terms of a (later became)global pandemic.
GISAID initiated a post announced China CDC (CNIC/IVDC) was actually the first one to release the 2019ncov(later as SARS-COV-2) full genomes(carefully validated) with metadata of samples TO PUBLIC,
hours before Edward C. Holmes's renowned Virological post with assistance of A.Rambaut on the morning of 20200111(GMT+8).
The importance of swift sharing for emerging infectious pathogens, whilst protecting the researchers rights, an issue can be debated for eternity. Let's first acknowledge the sharing of these genomes marked the start of fight against SARS-COV-2.
Facts: i)the OPEN to the PUBLIC of 5 genomes from 3 institutes on GISAID was on 12th Jan, no matter using UTC or GMT+8. The simultaneously release was requested by China side, GISAID complied.
Facts: ii)the credential of the China submission, created by GISAID on 11th Jan, upon the request from the China side. Because the leading submitter was NOT working in influenza. And GISAID, didn't have the epicov page created yet at the beginning.
Facts: iii)The TEM image of viruses, was sent to GISAID on 12th Jan, the GISAID embeded the arrows and 'IVDC, China CDC' upon China request.
Facts: iv)The TEM image and homepage statement was sent by China CDC upon the suggestion of GISAID for 'media impact'.
Facts: v)GISAID did NOT obtain the full genomes of IVDC-01,04,05 and metadata of samples/authors Until early 12th Jan
Facts: vi)IVDC first genomes also updates for accuracy like MN908947 in following days.
Just a quick question, did any submitter take consideration of general public safety into slightest conern? As for the particular time of submission, besides the chaos created by virological post, well illustrated by press's test kits story already.
Ironically, the gisaid.org/references/in-…, if one scroll down, will find a typo '10 Januar 2020' in the original scripts, bad amendments! Two cents here, Lan Yu was not very good at English. Don't bother to change, archived.
#CHINACDC#IVDC#XABT Wenbo Xu, Xuejun Ma ey al, used TSP technology developed kits and their affiliated private company, applied and won innovation tech prize. 11/34
#CHINACDC#IVDC#XABT Wenbo Xu, Xuejun Ma ey al, used TSP technology developed kits and their affiliated private company, applied and won innovation tech prize. 12/34
#CHINACDC#IVDC#XABT Wenbo Xu, Xuejun Ma ey al, used TSP technology developed kits and their affiliated private company, applied and won innovation tech prize. 13/34
This thread tends to give background historical information regarding authors of the first genomes and their own/affiliated private companies which benefit from outbreaks over ten year prior to covid-19.
#CHINACDC#CPAM Business driven mainly under the cover of this CPAM. 1/3
#CHINACDC Business driven mainly under the cover of this CPAM. 2/3
This thread is #Genbank records regarding #MN908947. Evidence only, any further analysis upon this record subjects to individuals' own discretion. So, let's roll.