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Most recents (5)

Apr 10th 2021
1. The mysterious case of Eddie Holmes and the SARS-COV-2 genome sequence publication delay

Seems that Eddie was playing the "innocent card"

@TheSeeker268 @franciscodeasis @ydeigin @AntGDuarte @edwardcholmes @K_G_Andersen
2. Was the motive of’s rush release due to competition to get the first releaser credit for the sars-cov-2 genome?
3. @GISAID claims 'the access credentials of some of the persons listed as authors of Wuhan-hu-1 were among the access credentials used on January 10, 2020 to access the first genomes available on GISAID'
Read 33 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
#MN908947 #2019_nCov #GISAID #CHINACDC

GISAID Submission date disputeπŸ‘‡

Yong-Zhen Zhang's Genbank submission disputeπŸ‘‡
@R_H_Ebright @seeshawn @strom_m @edwardcholmes @arambaut @Ayjchan This dispute on 'first open' is getting 'better'. GISAID formally wrote to authors who acknowledged Virological post as world's first release of 2019ncov, penalised authors of MN908947, didn't ID who...... 1/3
Supposedly from Fudan or UoS, ACCESSED and KNEW IVDC's 'initial' submission of IVDC-01/05 on GISAID on 10th Jan, 2020, via login records of his/her/theirs GISAID account credentials. Hence as a point to point rebuttal to 'pressure' & 'urge' to release the fastaqc file... 2/3
Read 19 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
1. Anonymous Microbiologist Spills the Beans on early SARS-COV-2 sequences, CCDC and GISAID…
2. The Chinese guidance for 2019-ncov on 15th Jan.
Pay Attention to Page 46!

3. This thread uncovers the secrets of the authors of the 1st genome sequences & their own/affiliated private companies which benefited from outbreaks during the decade leading up to covid-19

Read 9 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
This thread is #Genbank records regarding #MN908947. Evidence only, any further analysis upon this record subjects to individuals' own discretion. So, let's roll.
1/n ImageImageImageImage
2/n ImageImageImageImage
Read 52 tweets
Feb 19th 2021
A thread ONLY aimed to present PREVIOUS information on PREVIOUS outbreaks. History sometimes repeats itself, so do persons/institutions/procedures. Any analysis based on reappearance of similar institutions/procedures/persons should take difference in time/tech into consideration
#2013H7N9 #H7N9
The 2013 H7N9 has similarities with COVID-19: first detected, Shanghai public health center et al.
So, let's roll.
#H7N9 Well, it also had online remours, chatting, before authority acknowledged the cases. ImageImageImageImage
Read 302 tweets

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