Article says “Maduro's government says opposition figures are regularly involved in plots to topple him, though officials often do not give evidence for such accusations”
US & the opposition have been openly working together to topple the government for years. Not a secret plot
Meanwhile #Ecuador’s President Moreno - a close US ally - just said he would not be surprised if Rafael Correa had been behind this weeks gruesome prison riots. Batshit thing to say but no mention from Reuters
Moreno also accused Correa of spying on him thru a hidden camera. The evidence he gave a CNN journalist was that part of the wall in his office felt hot. Another one was that Correa only improved Ecuador’s to facilitate the drug trade
Ignorance about #Ecuador , specifically about Yaku Perez & Manuela Picq (his partner), can badly confuse people outside Ecuador who should know better than to promote Perez as a leftist. Let's go over some things again
Here is 41 second clip of Yaku Perez saying that Rafael Correa, from Belgium, will use Venezuelans to infiltrate Perez's supporters to cause violence at their protests of the CNE (electoral authorities)
Perez has just taken to Ecuador's rightwing private media to spread the smears of the Colombian d Ecuadorian right wing that Presidential candidate, and winner of the first round, Andres Andres received campaign funding from ELN rebels in Colombia.
1/ The “dictatorship” label for #Ecuador will be justified if the Correaist candidate @ecuarauz is banned by electoral authorities as this piece suggests may happen. I do not throw that term around lightly
2/ I have not used that label to describe #Ecuador under Moreno despite the many ways he has assaulted & degraded democracy since 2017. Let’s review (as @GuillaumeLong ‘s does very well)
3/ Moreno created & HANDPICKED a body that took on constituent assembly powers to stack judiciary & electoral authorities to his liking in 2018.
UN report "considers that [Leopoldo] López was a victim of 'torture and cruel treatment or punishment,' even though there are no examples or records that confirm this"
The UN report is badly discredited for this claim alone.
If you claim this about Lopez then you should claim it about anyone in prison for a serious crime anywhere in the world.
If the UN report suspends judgement or otherwise fails to concede that an assassination attempt against Maduro took place in August of 2018, then that also badly damages the reports credibility
1) While @Reuters , @hrw & many others falsely depict elections in #Venezuela as fraudulent, electoral authorities in #Ecuador have been banning & blocking Correaist parties & candidates. Now threaten to eliminate Correaist presidential ticket ( @ecuarauz & @rabascallcarlos ).
2) The party I focused on here (FCS) was finally banned from participating in Ecuador's 2021 elections. And Correaists joined FCS because they were not allowed to register their own party!…
3) Correa himself was banned as @ecuarauz 's VP candidate after an appeals process that usually takes YEARS (without a pandemic going on) got rushed through in DAYS. Correa was sentenced for exerting a "psychic influence" on officials who took bribes
Moreno's worse attacks on human rights & democracy (expelling #Assange, banning political parties, jailing & exiling political opponents etc..) stem largely from Moreno's stacking the judiciary & other control authorities to the liking of Ecuador's traditional power brokers