Bhakts are going after this with hammer and tongs. But look at how this little incident brings about the best in Nehru’s leadership. 1. He had excellent taste in smoking and also was careful about not overdoing the vice. Just one cigarette. Not more than that. No overdoing stuff
2. He needed just one cigarette after lunch but the loyalty he inspired from his employees, I mean, his followers was akin to Hanuman’s loyalty of Shri Ram! Look at how they acquired the entire carton instead of just that one cigarette.
3. To add to how he inspired loyalty, his most humble servants didn’t think twice before using taxpayer resources to get his wish fulfilled. This not only shows bravery of not fearing legal consequences but also great prudence for they didn’t spend that money from their own
pocket. Where there is less of the self in service that is true selfless service! So you see how truly intelligent people were his followers unlike some leaders of today who have only bhakts as their followers. 4. Nehru ji was himself a socialist, but didn’t discriminate
between capitalist and socialist societies. So instead of the Havana cigar he smoked the British 555. The socialism was symbolic where all the three digits of the name were same. Such was his commitment to equality. Lesser beings won’t understand this passion for equality.
5. Nehru ji once remarked to the crazy money minded capitalist JRD Tata that he hated the word ‘profit’. These were not just empty words & hollow values. He meant it so he set up a system that would ensure that the exchequer would never be polluted by the word ‘profit’.
6. His passion, shared by his devoted devotees (not bhakts), ensured that an entire plane was used merely to acquire a pack of cigarettes. Again here you see how preference was not given to a single cigarette but to an entire pack symbolising the spirit of socialism.
7. Raj Bhawan MP should have noted the date of this historic day, so that India could celebrate it as World Socialism Day by distributing free packets of 555 among the youth. Would have emphasised that Nehruji was as much favourite of the youth as he was of the children.
Next time bhakts talk about what Nehru has done for the nation just throw this infographic at their face. It is this idea of India that the current dispensation is trying so hard to get rid of. But as long as 555 remains in this world, nobody will forget the bravery, resolve &
sheer loyalty of those men who bought the Sanjivani Parvat to their leader. Salute!
I was educated in English. Marathi was spoken primarily at home. It was in the last year of my college that I picked up a novel by the great Marathi litterateur, GoNi Dandekar - Kuna Ekachi Bhramangatha. By the time I reached the last page of the novel, I had an epiphany. 1/n
English (and other European languages) may have the world’s best literature, but literature that talked about me and my environment could be found in Marathi and in Marathi only. It propelled me to learn my mother tongue seriously. I must thank my parents who were avid 2/n
readers and also enthusiastic book collectors. When I came into contact with the Marathi playwright, Chetan Datar, this urge to know the subtleties of the language grew manifold. I started exploring #Marathi through poetry and music. I think it was exactly this that led me to 3/n
I seriously think we should stop this nonsense of boycott calls. Attention is what they want and attention is what they get. Spend your energy and money behind creating content that suits your thinking or ideology. If you don’t like something or feel outraged, just shut it off.
There is a great space for Indic content and people who are producing that are either amateurish or totally unsubtle. (Read ‘loud’). The more people come in the more diversity of expression we will have. Content doesn’t have to be always upfront. The fact that the left is rattled
by an Indic resurgence can be gauged by the fact that their content is becoming increasingly loud, provocative and gross. Don’t feed it by giving too much attention (keywords being ‘too much’). Leftist propaganda/ expression used to be subtler, more aesthetic in 70s-80s because
One of my friends in college got married to a guy. Her own family disowned her. After marriage and one kid, the slow harassment of pressure to convert began. The kid was influenced by in laws to hate kaffirs and his own mother. That’s when she took a rather brave decision to
walk out of the house with her son. The whole experience was traumatic but she is a strong woman and she came out and could stand on her own feet as she was educated. A couple of years ago she remarried and is very happy. But a decade of her life was lost to this trauma.
People like you Mr. Basu obviously think that this is ok. In your dictionary, false representation, harassment of women and a latent violence laced with hatred for kaffirs may be women empowerment. In the real world it is not. I also have a cousin who married into a Muslim
दर वर्षी या दिवशी मला पुलंची ही भेट आठवते. चांगलं दोन अडीच तास पुलंच्या सहवासात घालवलेला हा वेळ मला आयुष्यभर पुरेल!
‘कवितेला चाली देऊन त्यांचा कार्यक्रम का करावासा वाटला?’ या त्यांच्या प्रश्नाला माझ्यातल्या नवख्या, अतिउत्साही आणि त्यांच्या कौतुकाने हुरळून गेलेल्या संगीतकाराने
- “मला काहीतरी वेगळं करायचं होतं” असं त्या वेळी भारी वाटणारं पण अतिसामान्य असं उत्तर दिलं तेव्हा त्यांनी अतिशय प्रेमाने खांद्यावर हात ठेवला आणि म्हणाले - “तू चांगलं कर. वेगळं आपोआप होईल.” हा मंत्र मी आयुष्यात विसरलो नाही.
याच भेटीत त्यांनी ‘बाई या पावसानं’ या अनिलांच्या कवितेला
मी दिलेली चाल ऐकून भरभरून दाद दिली. मला माहीत होतं की याच कवितेला त्यांचीही चाल आहे. मी हिम्मत करून विचारलं - “तुम्हाला कुठली चाल जास्त आवडली?”
क्षणभर ते शांत होते, मग पुलंच्या डोळ्यांत एक मिस्किल चमक आली आणि ते म्हणाले - “माझी!”
आम्ही सगळेच यावर मनमुराद हसलो.
पुढच्याच वर्षी
In Harry Potter's final book, Harry asks Dumbledore, "Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?"
To which Dumbledore replies - "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” 1/5
In a way, this affirmed my belief that reality is more multilayered than it appears. People perceive reality or even the truth into a low resolution, monolithic concept simply because it is so complex to grasp. 2/5
Art is that device which helps us look at this reality in high resolution. Dostoevsky's 'Crime & Punishment' or Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' or Kusumagraj's 'Pruthviche Premgeet' (The Earth's Lovesong) may be all fiction and by that 3/5
I debated a lot whether to put up this post. But this being the #SuicidePrevention month, I thought I should put it up while protecting the identity of the person concerned. I got this message on FB yesterday. For those who don’t understand Marathi the message says -“I had 1/5
decided to put an end to my life yesterday. It’s not that I am a loser but I was tired of the treatment I was getting at home. I was set to commit the act. I thought I would listen to one song before I took the final step. Coincidentally it was your song that was playing 2/5
on @YouTube. The song was #Parwardigar from the movie Balgandharva. I am an electrical engineer in charge of building an operation theatre. Your song brought me back and I wanted you to know it.”
I have always maintained that music goes beyond entertainment, but here it 3/5