Thanks to @VentureValkyrie and @DShaywitz I got to learn from some of the superstars of health & technology - here are some of my favorite shows & guests...
A friend of a friend was recently diagnosed with #LongCovid. She is receiving good clinical care but asked for recommendations for where she could find #PeerHealthAdvice. Here's what I wrote back (and yes, I'm looking for feedback & more suggestions!):
In 2014, many of us were shocked and dismayed by a cruel and senseless attack on @AdamsLisa, who was living with metastatic breast cancer. @zeynep wrote one of the best take-downs in response:…
It was vintage @zeynep - unsparing in her critique, generous in her explanation of the lessons that people could learn from the episode, loyal to the facts, and deeply humane. So much so that @Sulliview cited it in her column:…
I’m reflecting on a challenging week as a caregiver for an elder who lives 3 hours away from me. Thanks to luck and preparation, he is OK. [THREAD]
I want to share resources for anyone who has family members living alone -- young, old, and in-between. If we had not done the work to prepare for a crisis, my loved one may not have survived this week.
First: Everyone should make an @atlasofcare Care Map. It will help you visualize the people, love, and services that surround a person. And it will expose holes that need to be filled.
@S4PM Like a swimmer coming to the surface for oxygen I am finally out of my meetings and can say THANK YOU for the wonderful surprise of the award! #S4PM2019
@S4PM@ePatientDave@WheezyNurse I'm honored by this award and humbled to reflect on the principles that I try to share with the world in my work. Here's a story that I love to tell because it captures one of the key principles: To exist in possibility. #S4PM2019
A conference organizer emailed to ask for advice about topics, speakers, and panelists for an event focused on patient-controlled data sharing. Here are some of the ideas I shared (thread)...
The @quantifiedself movement is full of people with ideas about capturing and controlling their own data, then using it to solve problems
The @Data4BlackLives community is a creative, critical group of engaged scientists, technologists, activists, and organizers around the use & misuse of data
Nine out of ten U.S. teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms say they have gone online for information on mental health issues (compared to 48% of those without depressive symptoms)
75% of teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms say they have watched, listened to, or read people sharing about their health experiences online (compared to 54% of those with no depressive symptoms) - @Hopelab@WellBeingTrust study
Half of teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms have tried to find people online with similar health concerns (compared to 27% of those who report no depressive symptoms) - @Hopelab@WellBeingTrust#PeerHealthAdvice