1. Correct Dan. I will spend the next 10 months, as Ds considers nominees for races in places like PA, reminding folks that when change finally came to the Deep South it came in the form of REALIGNMENT. W the D's NEW COALITION. Which includes the PERMANENT REALIGNMENT of college
2. whites, bc the "preference change" wasn't a preference change entirely. A LARGE COMPONENT of it was a participation change. It was millennial & Zoomer college edu voters doing the oppo of what the COOL Boomers did in the 60s. Cool Boomers- the ones that aged and vote D & hated
3. Bush & still smoke pot & created quality over quantity industries in wine, beer, cheese, pot, basically everything that doesn't suck about this country other than @CFTalk- THAT may well be the ONLY think Republicans ever did for the country that actually was value added) so
4. we are NOT talking about the #OKBOOMER Boomers- we're talking about the 30% or so that protested Vietnam & joined Black protestors in the South even though they knew they might get murdered. But the bulk of Boomers & a big chunk of their offspring, Gen X, the "greed is good"
5. Gen-- esp. the leading end of that Gen, those folks, esp college edu whites (don't forget- all the conservative white people that loved Nixon and were so jazzed for his anti-communism war sent their kids to college, then grad schools to "respectfully" draft dodge it. Minority
6. voters, for a long time, just meant Black voters, bc our immigration laws limited immigration from non-European countries so tightly. So in terms of electoral behavior, Latino voting was a pretty limited occurrence- CA, TX, but NOTHING like today. The thing that put the US
7. on its "majority-minority" status (meaning combined, all racial minorities make the US majority non-white was the major immigration reform bill passed in the 1960s which did away with quota systems and opened up immigration from countries all over the world. Opponents
8. (many conservatives) lost their minds over that bill and warned it would destroy America by making it less white. Perhaps even causing it to one day making whites a minority.😆Anyway, that & the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in the South making conservative whites
9. quit the Democratic Party- a massive coalitional realignment was kicked into gear. One that has been going for decades. In the 90s and 2000s the candidates Dan mentions were good nominees for states that had BBEN Dem states and were slipping away, like Arkansas. To win w just
10 enough of the old coalition if the right national tides and right candidate came along. But once the realignment hit a certain point the strategy became untenable. Its still working w Manchin in WVA, at least it was still working. But no other D can win that state. And Manchin
11. may not even be able to against the right R. Which is why it'd be nice if he could just use the f'ing power he has, while he has it. The new Dem coalition is filling up w white college edu voters who look at the modern GOP and think "OMG, I don't want to be with the stupid/
12. anti/science/racist party. There is room for growth here in two ways. Turnout bc as the young age & get educated, they increase voting- esp when they are scared (neg. partisanship) and they are living at a very scary time. And once young people start to engage- they generally
13. stay w engagement AND the party they started with. That said, I have IDEAS that I think no only can increase turnout of all voters, I have ideas that I think can persuade a couple pts additional of white voters and Latino voters. That would hurt Rs down ballot significantly.
14. But yeah- anytime someone tells you that you have to nom a tough talking white dude to win PA PLEASE for god's sake remind them that "new" GA just sent two outspoken liberal Ds to the senate on JAN 5 no less (Ds suck at special elections) AND they were not white "Blue Dogs"
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1. BTW- this phenomena that @davidshor finds in his work, about non-white conservative voter "slippage"- the slippage is all from these voters being targeted for the first time w messaging (persuasion messaging from the Death Star). Effective lies.
No one would believe this
2. could pay dividends, bc "digital ads don't do anything." But when you have Black & Latino voters who have never been targeted bc they are reliable voters & all the sudden they are getting these "law & order" ads from the Trump campaign...
Proof is in your own data. If Trump
3. campaign had used abortion as their big issue (& they may well have if the Dem socialists weren't dumb enough to come up w something as god awful as "defund the police" then your non-white conservatives who went Clinton-Trump would be pinging off of THAT issue. Its not an
1. Couldn't have said it better myself. When I 1st emerged I was teaching at a little liberal arts college. Regardless, @neeratanden immediately treated me w respect even though she didn't really jive on my thesis (esp. strawman version some people use for it)
2. to meet someone you really like, or really jive w. Its harder when its someone, esp a woman, fighting hard to find a spot in a competitive frankly brutal environ. She had every opp to shun me & instead, she treated me as an equal- as someone who deserved a seat at the table.
3. I will always be grateful for that & when I found out that Manchin was going to abuse his power to rob her of this opp, I got pissed. Bc I know that if her name was Bob, if she was some white dude w half the qualifications, she'd be leading the OMB. All I can say is @JoeBiden
1. I'm so excited that the GOP is dusting off their "the Dem Party has abandoned the working class" talking point.
They've never pulled this out & gotten obliterated before, which, if I get my way, will be what happens this time.
That is, of course, there is no party that
2. shits on the "working class" more than the Republican Party. Also, the middle class. And there's a nice long list of all the shit that Ds have done for working class/middle class American- & guess what? Reps voted no on virtually every single one of them.
SO- D candidates
3. incumbents will be sent out there with a nice long list of "what have you done for me lately" to credit claim for the bottom 90% that simultaneously indicts the GOP for "you have totally screwed me over." I think about all the time the 1st time one of these GOPers get to see
1. Yep & no one's buying Abbot is stupid. I'm sure some Ds tell themselves this. But he's not. Nor is Cruz, or Paxton. They're not dumb. They know EXACTLY what they're doing. AND Reps, SO DO YOU. You're not fooling us. We know you're not dumb either.
2. I'm sure you prefer to go through your days w your little bubbles intact, w no one w balls big enough (or free of jobs anyway) to be able to call your sorry asses out. But I can. And I will
You're killing people. And you stopped caring once the data told you it was minorities
3. Now you just want to do your think and don't give 2 fucks that some Black friends of mine know 3, 4, hell 6 people that have died of COVID. Meanwhile you know 0 & want your nails done & a beer at the bar so you hide behind the needs of business who should have been subsidized
1. In my teeny-tiny corner of poli sci, Mayhew's The Electoral College is the functional equal to The Good Book bc it teaches you the 1 truth: candidates are single-minded seekers of election/reelection & everything they say/do/think serves that goal before & above all others.
2. This was The Truth before the Trump Era. Now we'll call it The Indisputable Truth bc all of the stop gaps we used to believe that cut this off, or served as buffers or limits to The Truth prior to the last 5 yrs (at least on the Right) have failed. Now you can be exhaustably
3. corrupt & demean everything about God & country and enjoy a 90% approval rate if you secure electoral safety. You can allow senators to flee their states during disasters & be reelectable. When Mayhew wrote the E.C. getting reelected was really, really, really imp to members-
1. Survey update: To all who contributed to my research study on extremism in the GOP I wanted to updated you on where I'm at. Right now, I'm haggling over some options trying to max the # of questions I can include w the # of what are called "demographics" bc I really need both
2. to make best use of the data for analysis. Goal is most questions w most demos w best methodology possible given the MASSIVE budget constraint we have. Again, bc I only need data collection & sample & can guerillo some of the other aspects, we're gonna pull this sucker off on
3. about 1/3 of the normal budget. Which is CRAZY! And I'll never do it again. Until the next time I decide to do it again. Right now, my general design idea is a GA statewide with an oversample of respondents from MTG's district w enbough completes to be able to run cross tabs.