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6 MINUTESafterMIDNIGHT May31,2017 #Trump tweeted "Despite the constant negative press #covfefe" He deleted the tweet 6HOURS later but implied that its wording was intentional
At 06:09 AM He deleted the original&Tweeted:"Who can figure out the true meaning of 'covfefe' ??? Enjoy!"…
Inferno Premiered on October 28, 2016, ten years after release of The Da Vinci Code

“Q” post 1 appeared on October 28, 2017…

Fond of saying sometimes great “Plans” Start as “Prayers”

WTF 🤷‍♂️ but honestly WTF… Image
Read 55 tweets
"Een discussie is gebaat bij nuance, niet bij polarisatie of oneliners die makkelijk scoren. Ik blijf via (social) media die hoognodige feiten aandragen, ik hou niet van fabels." Ik ook plus ik ook niet. Laten we daarom even kijken naar de fabels.…
Hier hebben we er één: "Export is prima, mits er geen sprake is van oneigenlijke voordelen. Oneigenlijke voordelen zijn er als je sociale of milieuregels overschrijdt, die moet je aanpakken. Als je bijvoorbeeld kinderarbeid gebruikt voor voedselproductie."
We hebben in de Nederlandse landbouw oneigenlijke voordelen: voorsprong, welvaart, handelsakkoorden, #derogatie (nog net) en overschrijden systematisch sociale regels (stank, gezondheid) en milieuregels (natuur, water, klimaat). Al jaren en we pakken dat niet aan.
Read 29 tweets
C'est moi où il y a là, a minima, une grosse maladresse de la part du CSP ?!🤔
#ÉcoleNumérique #ÉgalitéFH #OuPas
Source :… (p17)
Donc, pour le CSP, il faut être attentif à aider les élèves à distinguer "réalité et virtualité" sous peine de mettre en péril leur équilibre psychique... texte écrit en 202 !🤦‍♀️ #OkBoomer
#ÉcoleNumérique #OuPas
On a un vocabulaire très parlant dans ce texte du CSP : il faut "inculquer", "leur expliquer"... bon il y a quand même "mettre en activité" et sur les 34 occurrences du mot "projet" (document de 105 pages), 3 seulement peuvent concerner les élèves...
#ÉcoleNumérique #OuPas
Read 28 tweets
The idiots just claimed 500,000 people are at Canberra protesting because cookers are dumb and can't math. Fasist flags are being waved and Hells Angels have arrived.

#ConvoyToCanberra #cookers #dumbernats
Qanon tshirts and signs.

#ConvoyToCanberra #cookers #dumbernats
Same old speeches. Few more grifters are there to grift.

Nothing actually changes.

#ConvoyToCanberra #cookers #dumbernats
Read 456 tweets
1/ THRILLED to share my 1st @BrennanCenter
report, out TODAY! It looks at HR1/S1 through an equity lens. What’s that mean?? America was formed by WE the People – yet for too long we deliberately excluded people based on sex, skin color & economic status.…
2/We feel those effects today – in disenfranchisement laws, voter ID laws hurting women & trans voters, & in voter purges w/ race impacts. We need to let people vote (louder for the folks in back, TY @staceyabrams!), but the system isn’t fixed until we address who can RUN, too!
3/Current campaign finance laws do NOT give everyone a fair shot to run for office & rep the needs of the people. We know what it means when donors don’t support you because you don’t seem “electable.” 2018: big donors gave Black women candidates barely 1/3 what they gave other♀️
Read 21 tweets
🆕Studie zu digitaler #Nachrichtenkompetenz

Mit der @snv_berlin haben wir die digitale #Medienkompetenz der 🇩🇪 erstmals repräsentativ gemessen. Gerade ist der Bericht von @leopunkt, @altreflexion & @_alexfuture erschienen:

⬇️ Highlights im Thread [1/13]
💡 Nur 22 % der befragten Deutschen haben eine (sehr) hohe, 46 % der Befragten dagegen eine (sehr) geringe digitale Nachrichten- & Informationskompetenz.

Im Ø wurden 13,3 von 30 möglichen Punkten erreicht. Oft fehlen ganz konkrete Kenntnisse & Fähigkeiten.

#OKBoomer? ❌

💡 Die jüngeren Generationen sind kompetenter als die älteren. Unter 30-Jährige schnitten mit durchschnittlich 15,2 Punkten am besten ab.

Read 13 tweets
1. Correct Dan. I will spend the next 10 months, as Ds considers nominees for races in places like PA, reminding folks that when change finally came to the Deep South it came in the form of REALIGNMENT. W the D's NEW COALITION. Which includes the PERMANENT REALIGNMENT of college
2. whites, bc the "preference change" wasn't a preference change entirely. A LARGE COMPONENT of it was a participation change. It was millennial & Zoomer college edu voters doing the oppo of what the COOL Boomers did in the 60s. Cool Boomers- the ones that aged and vote D & hated
3. Bush & still smoke pot & created quality over quantity industries in wine, beer, cheese, pot, basically everything that doesn't suck about this country other than @CFTalk- THAT may well be the ONLY think Republicans ever did for the country that actually was value added) so
Read 14 tweets
"You know what will fix this country? A dictator."

If you belong to a middle class upper caste family, you must have heard this line being uttered often.

You know why they say it so confidently?

Because the basic assumption is that this dictator is *always* on their side.
Those who say "need a dictator" think that they are the ones who are being good citizens while others aren't.

In their heads, the rowdy folk who lack discipline need to be "fixed" by using force.

This is a sign that the people who want dictatorship are ok with being slaves.
When you ask them, "alright so what do you think this dictator of yours should do to fix things?"

They'll be like, "Oh I don't know. But *somebody* will know. It's their job not mine. I toh just fill excel sheets all day."

So convenient, no?
Read 4 tweets
(1/n) #Thread ÉDITO - Les collapso ne sous-estiment pas l'état... ils lui disent merde. Nuance.
Par @JacquesTiberi. Réponse aux Larrère et à leur livre Le pire n’est pas certain. Essai sur l’aveuglement catastrophiste, Ed.Premier Parallèle). ça va SHTF !…
2/n Ah les livres de #collapsologie se vendent comme des petits était temps que les anti-collapso tentent de goûter à leur part du gâteau ! Vite un énième bouquin! Et hop: voici le nouvel essai des Larrère. L'avantage avec celui-ci est qu'on aura pas besoin de le lire.
3/n Le résumé suffit. Le voici : "la pensée des collapsologues freine l'action écologique locale plus qu'elle ne l'encourage". Mais oui mais bien sûr ! Tirons sur le messager ! Haro sur les Cassandre ! C'est vieux comme une tragédie antique, mais ça peut encore rapporter gros.
Read 19 tweets
The reasons being given to justify holding JEE - NEET exams are ridiculous.

- "Admit cards have been downloaded"

Downloading admit cards DOES NOT mean they're OK with giving an exam during a pandemic. Students can ask for postponement *and* DL cards at the same time.
- "Admit cards have been downloaded."


If our daft govt doesn't open another window or website doesn't work or the exam happens as planned, students wouldn't DL admit cards in anticipation?
- "Students will lose an year! Career career success success youth youth!"

Look around you, the entire WORLD is losing an year.

If a student, says in the future, "Yeah it was the COVID year & I didn't go to college", the other person will not ask:

Read 6 tweets
[thread] Le Bac de maths de nombreux pays africains francophones est-il d'un niveau supérieur à celui de la France ?
Oui, et cela ne date pas d'hier.
Souvenirs (lointains) de mes 2 ans en Centrafrique où j'y ai enseigné pour la première fois dans de bien particulières conditions.
Lorsque je me suis récemment ému de la situation de l'enseignement des maths en France avec la réforme du Bac, j'ai proposé une comparaison qui a impressionné voire choqué : le Bac 2017 de maths en Côte d'Ivoire, dont la difficulté saute aux yeux.
Oui, aucun élève issu du système éducatif français ne serait capable de le réussir.
Quand bien même l'histoire ait eu lieu il y a plus de vingt ans dans un pays voisin, je voudrais cependant nuancer le propos et apporter par ce témoignage quelques éléments de contextualisation.
Read 18 tweets
Je fais du vélo avec ma môman à #Wambrechies. Arrivés à cet endroit, elle manque l'entrée ̶de la v̶o̶i̶e̶ ̶v̶e̶r̶t̶e̶ du trottoir partagé sur le pont (passke faire une piste ça coûtait sûrement trop cher🙄)
Je suis dessus et elle sur la route. Tout va bien, mais… #ThreadImage
Un piéton🚶‍♂️ arrive en face sur le pont :
"Hééé la piste c'est obligatoire!"😤
Bon, tu me connais.😁Je m'arrête.
"Non c'est pas obligatoire, monsieur."😏 Panneau carré, tout ça.
"Si c'est obligatoire! Je l'ai payé avec mes impôts, c'est pour qu'on l'utilise!" #okboomer
Et là le type me sort "En plus c'est super dangereux pour les piétons comme aménagement!"
- Ah ben nous sommes d'accord! Mais alors pourquoi vous insistez autant pour qu'on aille dessus?
- Parce que quand je passe en voiture sur le pont, les cycliss me ralentissent!
Read 3 tweets
If this data proves accurate and can be replicated, the ones saying #OKBoomer will quite literally be the ones most responsible for killing the Boomers from #coronavirus. That is if they don't start practicing #SocialDistancingNow. #CoronaKatie Image
South Korea tested people extensively across all age groups. Italy has not. Guess what the take home is? To #FlattenTheCurve & save lives we ALL need 2 practice #SocialDistancingNow. The 20-29 yr age group ARE carriers and spreading COVID-19 even though you aren't feeling sick. Image
This is the source for this graph and it is well worth the read. Not sure the author realized the big elephant in the room with his findings. But Italy has a case fatality rate of 6.6% & South Korea 0.8% #coronavirus #SocialDistancingNow. #CoronaKatie…
Read 12 tweets
Glad to say, in light of #COVID19, many are #flatteningthecurve with social distancing, frequent hand washing, and other practices.

Though this is likely to reduce the rationing of hospital beds, ventilators, and provider is not likely to eradicate such rationing. 1/
My dissertation (which became the book below) acknowledged impossibility of not rationing in some sense. We have virtually unlimited care needs and limited resources. But because we rarely think about this reality...explicit rationing can be unsettling. 2/…
Italy is now facing this reality...and intentionally preferring the young to the old. This is deeply problematic and arguably unjust. One major problem here is many health care providers and institutions are uncritically utilitarian in their approach. 3/
Read 10 tweets
📌Progressive, old, Wisconsin, white dude and @ewarren supporter going #WarrenToBiden ...

<here's why in about 100 words or less>


📌Look, I like Bernie Sanders and am very appreciative he has pulled the Left toward more humane and liberal policies. This is where our party needs to be rooted, in my opinion.

📌He has engaged and empowered our youth to get more politically involved -- and not a minute too soon. He has said what needed saying in so many instances, and I am deeply thankful for it.

Read 9 tweets
[THREAD] Soybean futures, Solidere shares and the #FourthTurning: Lebanon’s crisis from a historical and demographic perspective
1. In #Lebanon these days, it’s easy to get lost in the minutae of daily developments, from what a minister said to eurobond this and capital control that.
2. These events are at the core of people’s daily lives, but how do they fit within the bigger picture, in the larger story being written?
Read 45 tweets
I'm staying up way too long playing with @mhpdata's Data Town feature. It's an easy way to explore all sorts of demographic data.
But I want to address housing production. Since 2010, the regional population (Boston MSA, minus NH portion) has grown by 7.3%.…

Where has the production of multifamily housing kept up?
For instance: Chelsea has added 1400 units, and based on its 2010 population of 35,000, that's 1 unit per 25 people.

Boston: 1 for 30
Cambridge: 1 for 36
Watertown: 1 for 21
Everett: 1 for 30
Read 11 tweets
Well I've heard your bile and your so-called jokes
Your vile distain for modern folks
Refusing to accede your sense of humour
And those who help their fellow man
Are undermining every plan
You’ve made to accrue riches, OK boomer
OK boomer
OK boomer
OK boomer
You threaten kids who want to save
The world and travel wave by wave
Upon the face of Earth you are a tumour
A shame you’ll never get to see
The mess you’ve made and left for me
The future’s fucked and far from OK boomer
OK boomer
OK boomer
OK boomer
Your apathy closed factories
You sit or lie as each nurse flees
You’re tripling the price of a satsuma
You’ll save the banks and start a war
God only knows what fucking for
You only care that you’ll be OK boomer
OK boomer
OK boomer
OK boomer
Read 7 tweets
#Desintox "Justice"

La #RetraiteParPoint s'appliquera aux générations post- 1975 confrontées à

➡️chômage 2 à 3 fois plus élevé
➡️emplois beaucoup plus précaires
➡️CDI plus tardif

Leur pension sera en moyenne plus FAIBLE que celle de leurs parents

Les femmes de moins de 44 ans
Les moins de 44 ans qui enchainent boulots mal payés et périodes de chômage
Les étudiants précaires devenus travailleurs précaires

➡️sont les perdants de ce marchandage intergénérationnel : #OkBoomer

#Retraitesparpoints #retraites Image
Cette injustice générationnelle touchera durement les plus précaires - et plus nombreux - des générations post 1975.

Cette fameuse #ClauseDuGrandPere sauvegarde les droits acquis pour liquider les droits futurs de leurs enfants : #OkBoomer
Read 5 tweets
As London suffers another horrendous attack from a fake suicide vest wearing terrorist ... remind yourself of @jeremycorbyn’s answer regarding taking out a suicide vest wearing terrorists only on Tuesday

#JC4PM #NeverCorbyn

Here is another one of Mr Corbyn disagreeing with the “shoot to kill” policy ...

Here is another video of #terroristsympathiser claiming it’s a tragedy Bin Laden was assassinated instead of arrested ... #nevercorbyn

Read 25 tweets
Aucun noir (à part Michael Jackson) ne blanchit avec l’âge.
Aucune femme ne change de sexe malgré elle.
Mais tout « jeune » est, à son corps défendant, un futur vieillard.
L’ennemi ("#Boomer") qu’il se donne n’est pas son adversaire ni son antipode, mais son destin👇
Comment brandir comme une vertu en soi le fait (hautement provisoire) d’être jeune ?
Contrairement à l’assignation religieuse, aux pratiques sexuelles ou à la couleur de la peau, la jeunesse n’a aucune chance de durer.
Il n’est pas innocent, en cela, que #OKBoomer ne soit pas
Le « baby » est tombé. Car il faut (autant que possible) oublier que les vieillards d’aujourd’hui étaient les bébés d’hier. Le slogan neutralisateur est aussi l’outil du déni.
Read 17 tweets
My annual Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving show tradition is to provide 10 handy conversation starters for around the table tomorrow, especially if there are strangers who are shy and older people who can't hear so well. #ThanksgivingConversationStarters
1. I think Sonderland made a lot of sense, didn't you?
2. Climate change? Did you see the beautiful day they are having in New York for the parade? A little wind on an island and people yell "climate change. Sheesh.
3. Pretty obvious that Hillary's got this in the bag if she jumps in. Country needs her.
4. What's #OKBoomer really mean? It can't be intended to disrespect the people who built this country...or prepared this meal? #ThanksgivingConversationStarters
Read 6 tweets
Früher sagte man immer, dass man Provokateuren keine Aufmerksamkeit schenken sollte, weil sie davon zehren. Dieselben scheinen sich heute unter der Raute #Nuhr zu versammeln. Und ich frage mich ehrlich gesagt, warum. 1/x
Vorhin las ich zum Thema darüber in der @HNA_online, und konnte mir nicht erklären, warum sich alle so aufregen; generell hat er durchaus Recht. Wahrscheinlich liegt es aber daran, dass diejenigen, die „Rechtstwitter” vorwerfen, in einer Blase zu leben, selbst in einer solchen 2/
@HNA_online hausen. #FFF für wenig realistische Konzepte einzustehen, ist nicht verwerflich, und verdient auch keinen Shitstorm. FFF polarisieren mehr als dass sie kooperieren, was letztlich ihrer Bewegung mehr schadet als nützt. Ob man es ihm abnehmen möchte, dass er die Proteste insgesamt
Read 7 tweets
In this piece for @TheAtlantic, @jonhaidt and I explore how social media has upended our institutions in the last 10 years. We seek to answer: Why does it feel like everything has gone haywire? And what can be done to fix it? 1/x…
@TheAtlantic @JonHaidt The founders of the United States thought a lot about human psychology, and included mechanisms in the Constitution to let passions cool & encourage reflection and deliberation. Many of social media’s features today do exactly the opposite. 2/x
On social media, outrageous content is naturally more viral than other types of content. And indignant disagreement garners nearly twice as much engagement. 3/x
Read 9 tweets

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