cicerfics Profile picture
4 Mar, 257 tweets, 41 min read
Got the Bunji brainworms, so you're all gonna suffer with me.

LWJ is a shapeshifter! He forcibly shifts into bunny form whenever he gets too exhausted/sick/overextended. Sometimes, it takes him a while to recuperate enough to shift back.
One week, he lets himself get overtired with his job.

Oopsie! He's suddenly a fluffy white bunny!

Now, he could manage this situation if he were at home. It's happened before.
He has a little alert system rigged up so he can contact his brother and let him know he's stuck as a bunny.

LXC will come over to collect him. He'll take LWJ to his home and look after him for a few days. He'll call LWJ's workplace, too, and let them know he's "out sick".
But unfortunately, this time the shift happens while he's out running errands!

LWJ is struggling. It happens near the dog park, and he has to flee from a bunch of doggies that are Very Excited to see a rabbit bounding down the sidewalk.
In the end, LWJ winds up huddling under a bush outside an apartment building, wet and quivering and exhausted.

Naturally, this is when WWX comes home for the day.

He spots the fluffy while bunny in an instant. Bunji does not camouflage well at all!
WWX immediately drops his bag and crouches down. He starts cooing at Bunji to come out from under the bush and say hello!

Wei-gege is friendly, don't worry! Did the bunny get attacked by a mean old dog? Wei-gege will take him inside! The dogs can't get them in there!
WWX is, as we all know, full of terrifying chaotic energy. That makes him very unappealing to small animals!

But Bunji isn't a real animal. And he understands human speech perfectly well in his bunny form.
He runs the calculations. Eventually, he decides that he might as well take his chances with this man.

Bunji doesn't have many options!
He can either camp outside overnight and hope he doesn't die while he waits to shift back into his human form.

Or he can go with this guy, who's cooing at him and promising to feed him.

Not really a hard choice, in the end.
So Bunji reluctantly edges out from beneath the bush, and WWX snatches him up.

He is, in fact, terrible at holding small animals. His technique is all wrong, and if Bunji were a real bunny, he would bite. At the very least, he would struggle to get down.
But WWX is very excited to be holding a bunny. He chatters away, promising food and warm towels and a comfy place to sleep.

So Bunji grits his teeth and puts up with being manhandled.

Up in WWX's apartment, he makes good on his promises.
Bunji gets a towel that's been warmed up in the dryer. He gets some sauce-free steamed veggies (from a Chinese restaurant down the road). He gets a pile of cushions on the sofa, with WWX's hoodie ceremoniously spread on top.
WWX fixes up a water bowl on the kitchen floor, and an empty shoebox.

"That's your bathroom," he tells Bunji seriously. "Are you litterbox trained? Please say yes. I can't afford to lose my security deposit."
It is very degrading. But needs must. Bunji is indebted to this man, and he doesn't want to soil the carpeting anyway.

So when he feels the need, he uses the box.

WWX cheers him on, which only makes the situation more humiliating.
"Ah, you're so well-behaved!" WWX says, once they're back on the sofa. "What a good boy! Or are you a girl?"

He looks like he's thinking about checking for himself.

Bunji wiggles his bottom under the hoodie to prevent that sort of inspection.
WWX gives up and scratches Bunji's ears.

"You're a good bunny, anyway! Someone must be missing you a lot! Don't worry. Wei-gege will find your human!"

He takes a picture of Bunji. He explains that he'll post it online to find out if anyone nearby is missing a pet rabbit.
Bunji hopes it won't come to that. Sometimes, the shift lasts less than 24 hours. He might change back sometime in the night, while WWX is asleep. Then he can slip out of the house on his own.
That will be very confusing for WWX, of course. He'll wonder why he's woken up to find the door unlocked and his rabbit missing. But Bunji can't do anything about that.

At any rate, he's clearly not in any danger here. There are no other pets. Not even any other roommates.
WWX is very poor at holding rabbits, but he obviously means well. He isn't going to harm Bunji.

So Bunji nestles into the couch and falls asleep.

When he wakes up he is...still a rabbit. It's nearly dawn, more than 18 hours since he shifted. And he's still a rabbit.
Bunji is rather disgruntled about that. He sulks into the kitchen, drinks some water, and uses his "bathroom".

He knows he doesn't have anyone to blame but himself. His brother told him he was working too hard and overextending himself.
He told LWJ he had to be more careful, or he would get exhausted and force a shift.

LWJ said he knew his limits. He said he wouldn't allow himself to grow too exhausted.

And now he's a rabbit, doing his business in a shoebox in a stranger's home.
If (when) his brother finds out about this, he is going to be insufferable. He will hold this over Bunji's head for the rest of eternity.

Bunji heaves a small sigh. Then he roots around the apartment and waits for his host to wake up.

It takes a very long time.
Bunji watches the clock and thumps impatiently. At 10:30, he noses into the bedroom.

WWX is still asleep on the bed.

Fortunately, Bunji is agile. He leaps onto the bed and thumps on WWX's back.
That doesn't work, so Bunji tries nibbling on WWX's hair. That doesn't work either, so Bunji licks his ears.

This is very improper, of course. But Bunji is hungry. He needs to rebuild his strength so he can shift back, and he can't do that until someone feed him.
When WWX finally cracks open an eye, he starts to laugh.

"Ah, sorry, Your Majesty. I'm so sorry!"

He scoops up Bunji and places him on his chest.

"I forgot about you!" He pokes Bunji's nose. "Were you angry because your breakfast is late?"
Bunji huffs.

That only makes WWX laugh harder.

"You startled me," he complains, smoothing Bunji's fur. "I couldn't figure out who was nibbling on my ears. I thought, 'Who's in bed with me?! Did I get lucky last night and forget about it?"
He heaves a sigh, carrying Bunji into the kitchen.

"Well, I did get lucky after all! It's not every day that such a handsome rabbit comes to visit me."

Bunji preens a little, in spite of himself. The compliment is satisfactory.
The wilted vegetables that WWX provides are less so. But once WWX has had some coffee, he stuffs Bunji into his jacket and they make a trip to the pet store.

WWX purchases hay and pellets, along with a proper bed and a proper litterbox.
Then he smuggles Bunji into the grocery store. With the help of his smartphone, he selects rabbit-safe vegetables and herbs.

They return to WWX's apartment with this bounty, and Bunji receives a much better breakfast.
Afterward, WWX carries him around the apartment, showing off the new bed and litterbox.

"The internet says I have to watch out because you might chew on power cords," WWX adds, squinting at his phone. "Are you going to chew things? Are you going to electrocute yourself?"
Bunji gives him a haughty, supercilious look. He is not going to chew anything except an approved chew-toy!

WWX seems to understand that, and he laughs.

"Ah, good, good." He scratches his chin. "Although, if you fried yourself, I guess you'd be pretty tasty! Roast rabbit!"
Bunji spends the next twenty minutes hiding under the sofa. WWX has to coax him out with some fresh dill and several promises not to eat rabbit ever again.

Once WWX is restored to favor, he keeps Bunji on his lap for the rest of the day.
Bunji allows this treatment because, after all, he is tired and still recuperating. He needs to rest as much as possible so he can shift back quickly. It only makes sense.

But he must have let himself get more run-down than he thought.
He doesn't shift back that day, or that night. He eats all the food WWX provides, and he takes as many naps as he can. But he doesn't shift back the day after that, either.

By the time Monday rolls around, Bunji is restless.
It is very unlike him to fail to show up to work. His employer and his coworkers will notice his absence. They will wonder what's happened to him.

If he fails to show up tomorrow, they may call his emergency contact. Then his brother will find out that he's missing.
His brother will worry. He'll realize what's happened very quickly, of course. But when he can't find Bunji - when he realizes that Bunji isn't at his own apartment, hiding under the bed - he'll be very worried.
For the first time, Bunji realizes that it might have been better if WWX had taken him to an animal rescue.

He felt very fortunate, when he realized that WWX intended to keep him at home. He didn't want to be crammed into a cage with other sick, distressed animals.
But when his brother can't find him, he'll call shelters and rescue organizations.

Bunji isn't sure if his brother will see WWX's post. So far as he can tell, WWX only posted his picture online once, the day he was found.

WWX doesn't seem too eager to find Bunji's 'owners'.
Bunji gets the impression that WWX would like a pet, and thinks he's found one.

And if he were truly a rabbit, it would be a fine arrangement. WWX is a good pet owner. He provides plenty of food and clean water. He scratches Bunji's ears and back nicely.
He warms up Bunji's bedding in the dryer each night, and he talks to Bunji continually. He's good company. Bunji thinks that any rabbit would be lucky to have WWX.

But Bunji will recover eventually. It's never taken him more than a week to shift back.
He counts out the days on his paws. It's been three and a half days so far. He might change back very soon.

Bunji hasn't decided what to do if he changes back while WWX is in the room. He's hoping it won't happen involuntarily.
Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes he regains the ability to shift, but he can consciously remain in his rabbit form.

But if he does shift unexpectedly and WWX is watching, it will be awkward.

He'll have to explain about shifters, and he doesn't know how WWX will take that news.
Even if WWX doesn't panic or become violent, he might be angry. He might feel that Bunji tricked him. He might be embarrassed that he allowed a strange man to sleep on his chest, in the guise of a rabbit.
He certainly might object to the way Bunji licks his ears when he wants attention.

Bunji should probably stop doing that. Immediately.
But it works very well. WWX always gives him whatever he wants when he does it. He only has to give a little lick, and WWX will get up to fetch more food. Or he'll scratch Bunji's sides a little longer. Or he'll set aside his work and play with Bunji.

Bunji frowns to himself.
It's difficult to make these decisions in his rabbit form, after all. Animals are not especially good at delaying gratification, and Bunji isn't any exception.

But he decides that the licking must stop at once. He intends to stick to that self-imposed rule.
But WWX receives a phone call that night, and it upsets him.

Bunji doesn't understand the particulars. He can only hear half the conversation, and most of it doesn't make any sense.

He thinks it's WWX's brother. He's angry about something, and he's taking it out on WWX.
WWX tries to say something, but his brother won't let him speak. His voice is raised, loud enough that Bunji can hear the tinny sound coming from the speaker from halfway across the room.
After a few minutes, during which WWX tries and fails to get in a word edgewise, his brother hangs up.

Then WWX sits down on the couch and starts to cry.

Bunji freezes.
This sort of family disharmony is foreign to him, and it's extremely upsetting. People in his family are sometimes annoyed with each other. But nobody yells, and nobody is driven to tears. So he is not sure what to do.

Slowly, he edges over to WWX. He sits on WWX's feet.
He doesn't know if his presence is welcome at all. WWX may prefer to be left alone.

But WWX reaches down and scoops him up. He buries his wet face in Bunji's fur.

Bunji hesitates. He had intended to stop the licking. But surely there are exceptions to every rule?
Tentatively, he cleans WWX's face with his tongue.

WWX starts to laugh.

"Oh? I'm all messy, so you need to clean me up?"

He sounds rather congested. But he clears his throat. Then he wipes his face with his sleeve and smiles.
"Or do you just feel bad for me? I look sad and pitiful, huh? Are you trying to make me feel better?"

Bunji licks his cheek assertively, and WWX laughs harder than ever.

He presses a kiss to Bunji's head. Then he fetches Bunji a snack, and keeps Bunji on his lap while he eats.
At bedtime, he takes Bunji into bed with him. He arranges a pillow and blanket so Bunji can sleep beside him. Then he strokes Bunji's soft fur.

"You can stay with me," he whispers, very quietly. "We can keep each other company from now on, okay?"
Sometime around midnight, Bunji senses that he's made a full recovery. He senses that it would be possible for him to shift back.

But he doesn't.
He doesn't shift back the next day, or the day after that. He doesn't shift back on Thursday, and he doesn't shift back on Friday. It's been a full week since he shifted into a rabbit, but he doesn't have the heart to change back.
He can't quite bring himself to leave all this behind. He can't bring himself to abandon WWX, who talks to him and feeds him and lets Bunji share his bed.

He doesn't want to give up WWX's companionship, his chatter, the way he sings along with the radio and dances with Bunji.
He knows he's living on borrowed time. He can't remain a rabbit forever. He has a family and a job. There is only so long he can maintain this lie.

But each morning, he tells himself: One more day.
He tells himself that this will work out somehow. And it seems to be working out fairly well. Bunji receives treats and cuddles and an endless supply of attention. It's all going very nicely.

Right up until his brother appears on WWX's doorstep.
LXC has had an absolutely harrowing week, by the way.

On Tuesday morning, he received a call from his younger brother's employer. Wangji hadn't shown up to work, for the second day in a row. He provided no notice of his absence, and he was not answering his phone.
LXC went straight to his brother's apartment. But he wasn't there. Everything appeared undisturbed, and his brother was nowhere to be found.

He tried tracking his brother's cell phone next. But that merely led him to a footpath in the park.
The cellphone had been abandoned (or lost) beneath some bushes.

LXC tried the animal shelters next. He called every rescue organization he could find. But no one had taken custody of a white rabbit in the last few days.
The footpath was located near a dog park, which made LXC extremely nervous.

He assumed that his brother had shifted unexpectedly, and lost his cellphone in the process. But if that was what happened, perhaps there had been an...incident with one of the dogs.
He tried not to think of that. But the only alternative was that Wangji was somewhere else, injured and alone. Or perhaps he hadn't shifted at all. Perhaps he'd been kidnapped or assaulted in human form.
LXC grew increasingly frantic, running around the city and scouring the internet for leads.

Finally, he found a short post on a neighborhood blog.

A white rabbit had been found, on March 17th, near Lincoln Ave.

There was a picture of the rabbit, and a phone number to call.
For the first time in a week, LXC took a deep, gasping breath of relief.

He dialed the number within three seconds, and got ahold of a young man.

He sounded reluctant to talk. But after some pressing, he admitted that he'd made the blog post.
He had, indeed, found a white rabbit. It was well-behaved and litterbox trained. He believed it must have been a household pet.

With obvious misgivings, the young man provided his address.

LXC was at his apartment building within fifteen minutes.
The young man was visibly disappointed when he opened the door and let LXC inside. But LXC couldn't pay any attention to that.

His eyes had fallen upon a plump white rabbit, which froze when it saw him.

Then it tried to slink guiltily behind the couch.
Bunji did not, in fact, expect that his feeble attempt at hiding would prove successful.

He was not surprised when his brother scooped him up and gave him a look of mingled exasperation, relief, and fondness.
Bunji hid his face in his brother's jacket. He hoped that the scolding would be delayed until they were somewhere private, at least.

Perhaps he could stay in his rabbit form a little longer. His brother found it difficult to scold him when he was a small, fluffy creature.
"This is certainly Wangji," his brother sighed.

"Oh," WWX said.

He sounded....very disappointed.

Bunji peeked over his brother's arm.
WWX looked crushed, in fact.

Bunji wriggled restlessly. He had gotten used to comforting WWX when he looked sad.

But he supposed that he couldn't comfort WWX now. If he tried to lick WWX's face, his brother would never let him live it down.
"Oh," WWX said again.

He took in a deep breath and forced a smile.

"Well. I'm glad you saw my post, then! He looked pretty worn out when I found him. I was afraid someone had abandoned him."
Bunji squirmed.

WWX wasn't afraid he'd been abandoned. Bunji knew that. WWX was hoping he was abandoned. He was hoping that he'd found a pet he could keep.

His brother seemed to sense that, too.
"He wasn't abandoned," LXC said gently. "But he's very strong-willed, and he certainly has a mind of his own! Sometimes he doesn't listen when I give him advice and try to keep him safe."

He gave Bunji a very pointed look. Bunji hid his face again.
"I'm sorry he put you to so much trouble. Of course, I'll reimburse you for any expenses."

LXC's eyes lingered on the pet bed, the litterbox, the rabbit toys scattered around the living room floor.

WWX waved his hands.
"No, you don't have to-"

"I insist."

LXC was smiling, but his tone was implacable. He kept smiling determinedly until WWX wrote down his name, e-mail address, and Venmo username.
"And I have your phone number and address," he added, pleasantly. "So Wangji and I know where to find you!"

He gave Bunji another meaningful stare.

Bunji burrowed into his brother's jacket, where he was safe from such dreadful looks.
WWX laughed weakly.

"Oh, wow. He really likes you, huh?"

He sounded sad. But a note of hope had entered his voice.

"Can we stay in touch, then? Maybe I can visit him sometime...?"

"I think that can be arranged."

His brother's voice was aggressively pleasant.
Bunji was turned over to WWX so he could say 'goodbye, for the present'.

Much to his mortification, WWX kissed him right between the ears.

"Bye, little guy," WWX whispered.

He sounded terribly sad.
Bunji hesitated.

His brother was watching. But he couldn't help himself. He couldn't endure that sort of voice and do nothing.

He gave WWX's cheek a quick, surreptitious lick.
WWX laughed then, and so did his brother.

Rabbit could not blush. But Bunji swore that he felt his ears burn as his brother took him back.

LXC refused to take the rabbit bed and toys, even though WWX offered them.
"You should keep them," LXC said cheerfully. "You might need them someday."

Bunji squirmed again.

"We'll call you," his brother promised, at the front door. "We'll call you very soon to arrange a visit."

WWX seemed to be cheered up by that promise, anyhow. Bunji was not.
As they climbed into his brother's car, LXC leaned in close.

"We are going to drive to your apartment," he whispered. "And then, we are going to TALK."

Bunji hid beneath the passenger seat. His brother had to fish him out once they returned home.
(Pausing here for now! I'll come back and finish this tomorrow.

Also, if you noticed that I accidentally changed tenses halfway through, no you didn't. ♥️)
LXC carries Bunji inside the apartment and sits him down on the sofa. He instructs Bunji to change back to his human form, so they can discuss the events of the previous week.
Bunji promptly dives beneath the sofa and huddles at the back, near the wall. He knows from experience that his brother can't reach him if he hides back there.

LXC knows it, too. He heaves a very long sigh.

Then he sits down on the sofa and discusses his own week.
LXC places special emphasis upon the fact that he call the animal shelters and hospitals three times a day.

He mentions, with a pleasant sort of nonchalance, that he was unable to sleep at night. By the fifth day, he was nearly convinced that his brother was dead.
He made some rudimentary plans for his brother's funeral, at three o'clock in the morning, while he was unable to fall asleep.

He wonders if Bunji would like to hear these plans now. Bunji can weigh in and let his brother know what sort of funeral he would prefer.
Bunji squirms miserably.

He knew his brother would be worried, of course. But he had tried to push that knowledge from his mind.

He told himself that his brother knew he was smart and capable, even in rabbit form. He told himself his brother wouldn't be too worried.
He knew it was a lie then. He knows it's a lie now.

Of course his brother was worried. Of course LXC was miserable this past week, terrified that Bunji might have met a tragic end beneath the wheels of a truck or between the jaws of a stray dog.

Bunji's ears sag with shame.
He slinks out from beneath the sofa. Then he slumps against his brother's ankles and nuzzles his leg penitently.

LXC sighs. He reaches down and pats Bunji gently, far more gently than he deserves.
"You must be able to change back by now," LXC says, after a moment. "It's been a full week. A forced shift has never lasted that long before."

Bunji writhes unhappily. But he has been selfish and cowardly long enough.

He shifts back into his human form.
Then he sits beside his brother on the couch. He still can't quite bring himself to meet his brother's eyes.

His brother sighs anyway, as if relieved.

"When did you regain the ability to change back?"

His voice is almost pleasant. LWJ is not fooled.
He hesitates for too long, and he feels his brother's interest sharpen.

"Early Wednesday morning," LWJ says, rather meekly.

It is Saturday now. He certainly had many options for sending a message to his brother.
He could have slipped out of WWX's apartment for a moment, and placed a call at a pay phone. He could have found a way to smuggle a note to his brother's apartment. There were options.

But LWJ did not take them.
He and WWX had seemed to exist in their own small bubble. So long as LWJ forgot about everything else - his job, his family, his life as a human - the bubble remained intact.

But the moment LWJ contacted his brother, the bubble would have popped.
LWJ would have been forced to consider the consequences of his own behavior.

His brother would have asked whether it was really proper to remain with WWX, in the guise of a lost rabbit.

LWJ would have had to admit that it was quite wrong to take advantage of WWX's generosity.
Then everything would have been ruined. He would have had to return home, and pretend that his time with WWX had never existed.

LWJ hadn't wanted that. But he supposed that he couldn't do much to prevent it. They had come to that crossroads eventually.
And in the meantime, he had worried his brother greatly.

LWJ hangs his head.

"I am sorry for frightening you," he murmurs.

His brother is quiet for a time. Then he sighs and puts a hand on LWJ's back.
"You did frighten me quite a bit," he says, gently reproachful.

But he rubs LWJ's back anyway.

"I told you that you were exhausting yourself," he adds. "I warned you that you would force a shift."
LWJ remains silent.

There is an intolerably smug note in his brother's voice, an unmistakable undercurrent of I-told-you-so. But under the circumstances, LWJ cannot afford to resent it.

"Yes. I was careless."
His brother rewards that painful admission with another pat on LWJ's back.

"I called your workplace," he says. "I told them you had bronchitis, which triggered laryngitis. You were unable to speak on the phone, and too feverish to remember to call in sick."
LWJ squirms again.

His coworkers and supervisors are considerate, professional people. They would have been alarmed by his unexplained absence, and they will be concerned to hear of his 'illness'.

LWJ does not deserve their concern or consideration.
He is very fortunate that his brother has made excuses which will prevent LWJ from being fired. He doesn't deserve that, either.

"Thank you," he says, humbly.

His brother merely sighs and continues to pat his back.
It is selfish and cowardly to return to rabbit form. But LWJ does it anyway. Then he creeps into his brother's lap and curls up into a tight ball.

LXC makes a sound of mingled amusement and exasperation. Then he rubs Bunji's ears anyway.
"You cannot always escape difficult situations by changing your form," he says.

But he's almost laughing as he says it.

Bunji chooses to ignore that remark. As a child, he often responded to difficult situations by reverting to rabbit form.
Being a rabbit allowed him to hide under furniture and creep into family members' laps for comfort.

It was, perhaps, not the most courageous way of resolving problems. But it was highly effective.

LXC sighs loudly as he scratches Bunji's back.
"Shall we talk about the kind gentleman who found you?" he asks.

Bunji shakes his head.

He cannot talk in this form. It is one of the greatest benefits of being a rabbit. Talking is entirely impossible.
But his brother isn't dissuaded.

"It was very considerate of him to take you in," he muses. "And he clearly put a great deal of effort into caring for you! We'll have to repay him for spending so much money on rabbit food and toys."
Bunji scratches restlessly against his brother's slacks.

"He looked so disappointed when I arrived to pick you up," LXC adds, slyly. "You must have made a very endearing pet."

Bunji hides his head beneath his paws.
But his brother lifts him up, mercilessly, until they're face-to-face.

"You certainly gave him a very affectionate farewell!"

His smile is absolutely infuriating.

Bunji tries to glare, but he knows that his indignant looks are not particularly intimidating in this form.
He treated WWX very badly. He knows that, too. He exploited WWX's kindness and generosity. He will have to repay the man for every penny he spent on Bunji.

He will try to think up another way to clear the slate, to make amends for the trouble he caused.
Perhaps he can locate a pair of rabbits, and offer them to WWX as replacement pets.

Bunji feels an absurd pulse of jealousy at that idea. It's infuriating to think of another rabbit, taking his place on WWX's lap and in WWX's bed.
But that was never really HIS place, after all. He was never the innocent, helpless rabbit WWX believed he was.

He scratches angrily at his brother's slacks as LXC continues to speak.
His brother is wondering aloud what Bunji might have done during the week he spent in WWX's apartment. He wonders how the pair might have spent their time, and why WWX had seemed so devastated to see Bunji leave.

Bunji pretends that he has gone deaf.
"This isn't like you!" his brother adds, with a disturbing sort of glee. "You never seek out the company of strangers. Not even in this form."

He runs a hand down Bunji's back.

"I wonder why you were so taken with this man."

Bunji remains sullenly silent.
There isn't any answer he can provide. He doesn't like strangers. He doesn't like most people, in fact. He certainly doesn't trust them when he's in his rabbit form.

People are often loud and careless and unkind. Bunji prefers to keep them at a cautious distance.
But WWX was kind and gentle and loving. He was funny, too. He told Bunji jokes and danced with him.

He ate his dinner with Bunji, the two of them sitting side by side on the couch. As they ate, WWX shared the details of his workday and told Bunji about his friends.
Bunji liked him. He liked WWX's humor and vivacity. He liked WWX's voice and smile. He liked WWX's companionship. He liked the way WWX always brought home vegetables that Bunji enjoyed. He liked the way WWX was careful to scratch Bunji's ears in just the right spot.
He can't explain why he likes this man. Not in a way his brother will understand, anyway. If he tries, his brother will only laugh at him. He'll laugh, and he'll tease Bunji for his 'crush'.

He remains in rabbit form, so he won't have to explain. But that doesn't help.
"When are you going to see him again?" his brother asks.

Bunji glares. He does not intend to do any such thing, in fact.

He will Venmo WWX enough money to reimburse him for his expenses. He will offer to purchase a replacement pet.
He will send a message thanking WWX for his kindness and apologizing for the trouble the rabbit caused.

But he doesn't intend to SEE him again.

His brother gives an amused, exasperated sigh.
"Of course you must see him again!" He pats Bunji's round rump. "You have to explain what happened."

Bunji stares.

They don't explain this sort of thing to outsiders. That is a family rule. There are only a few bloodlines that still carry the shifter gene.
There are the Lans and the Nies. The Jiangs and the Jins. The Wens, who have nearly gone extinct.

No others remain. Outside of a handful of family, the ability has vanished and the world has forgotten than it ever existed. It remains a closely guarded secret among their people.
He cannot tell WWX - a stranger, an outsider - about this.

But when he stares at his brother, wide-eyed, his brother's face is calm and implacable.
"Of course, you must tell him. You took advantage of his hospitality."

He strokes Bunji's back.

"He might have saved your life during a moment of crisis! You can tell him. It's allowed."

Bunji continues to stare.
These are old laws. They have nearly gone extinct too. They're relics from another time, and it's strange that his brother has chosen to unearth them now.

But he isn't wrong. If an ordinary person saves a shifter's life, the shifter may disclose their secret.
If a shifter is offered hospitality, shelter under an ordinary person's roof. If they receive permission from the head of the clan. Then they may disclose their secret.

Bunji twitches his nose thoughtfully.
WWX might have saved his life. He certainly offered Bunji shelter and hospitality. And Bunji has just received permission from his brother, the head of their clan. He can disclose his secret, then.

But he is not sure if it would be wise. WWX would only be confused and alarmed.
He would be frightened. He might even be repulsed or angry.

Bunji couldn't bear that.

He remains in his rabbit form for the rest of the night. After dinner, his brother shifts, too. They cuddle together on the sofa, grooming each other's fur as they watch television.
In the morning, LWJ forces himself to shift back to human form. He takes a proper shower and brushes his teeth. He brushes his hair too, and puts on clean clothes.

Then he sits diligently at his desk, and spends an hour catching up on e-mails and text messages.
He notifies his employer that he has recovered, and he will return to work on Monday. He cleans the spoiled food out of the refrigerator and does a load of laundry.

His brother helps him grocery shop and meal-prep.
Under his brother's watchful eye, LWJ sends WWX $300 through Venmo. But he doesn't allow himself to look WWX up on social media, or scrounge around for other information.
His brother leaves after lunch. But not before extracting a promise that LWJ will visit WWX soon, to have the promised conversation.

"Not on Monday," LWJ says, uneasily. "I will have to catch up on work."

He is stalling, and he knows it. His brother knows it too.
"Tuesday, then." LXC's voice is very bright. "After work. I'll drive you to his apartment."

LWJ sighs. He will not be allowed to wriggle out of it, then.

He agrees, and he spends the next forty-eight hours dreading the conversation.
As expected, he's very busy the next day. A lot of work piled up in his absence, and he has no time for distractions.

But at home, he paces the floor and frets. Perhaps WWX won't believe him at first. Perhaps he'll panic and call the police or the newspapers.
Or perhaps he'll be angry at LWJ. Perhaps he'll tell LWJ that he is disgusting for deceiving people, for securing kindness under false pretenses. Perhaps he'll throw LWJ out of his apartment and tell him never to darken his doorstep again.
It would be no worse than LWJ deserves. But the thought of seeing WWX's kind, cheerful face distorted in anger makes his stomach churn.
As the clock ticks down to 4:30pm on Tuesday, LWJ grows progressively more anxious. But he cannot stop time from marching onward.

His brother picks him up at 4:35pm, and deposits him upon WWX's doorstep.
LWJ gives his brother an unhappy look. But LXC merely smiles blithely.

He waits, watching his brother pointedly from inside the car.

LWJ stretches out a reluctant finger. He rings the doorbell.
(Sorry to stop on a cliffhanger, but this threadfic is taking longer than I thought it would. I have to go run errands and take care of some chores. 😭

I will come back later tonight or tomorrow to finish!)
In the meantime, have a stupid meme-poem about Bunji comforting WWX:

my name is bun
and when you're sad
down in the dumps
just feeling bad
fought with your bro
the world is bleak:
fret not, my dear
i lick your cheek
LWJ hopes, irrationally, that no one will answer the door.

Perhaps WWX will be out.

When Bunji was staying with him, he was always home at this hour. But perhaps he has altered his habits in the short time they've been apart.
That won't do LWJ any good, of course.

If WWX fails to answer the door, his brother will bring him back to the apartment tomorrow. LXC will personally escort him to WWX's doorstep as many times as necessary. Until LWJ can make his apologies and offer his explanations.
LWJ casts a slightly resentful glance over his shoulder.

His brother, waiting in the car, gives him a bright smile and a thumbs-up.

LWJ glares, but he doesn't have time for anything more. The door opens.

WWX stands before him and LWJ's mouth goes dry.
WWX looks very different, somehow.

Bunji could only focus on WWX's hands and feet. His face, when he lifted Bunji up for a kiss. His chest, which Bunji liked to curl upon.

It's strange to stand before WWX and look him in the eye.
They are nearly the same height, LWJ realizes.

WWX is tall and lithe in a way LWJ hadn't fully understood as a rabbit.

LWJ's mouth feels drier than ever.
WWX blinks. He looks rather dumbfounded, and LWJ supposes that makes sense. WWX has opened the door to find a stranger staring at him, glassy-eyed and silent.

Ears burning, LWJ averts his gaze.

"Hello," he murmurs. "I am...Lan Xichen's brother. May I speak to you?"
WWX blinks some more. Slowly, his lips part.

"Okay," he says, rather blankly. "Is something wrong? Did something happen to your brother? Or to Wangji?"

WWX's voice grows anxious.
LWJ sneaks a look at his face.

WWX looks truly distressed. It's more than LWJ's heart can bear.

Hearing his own name in WWX's mouth is unbearable too. Because WWX does not know. He speaks of 'Wangji' with fondness and concern, believing that Wangji is only a helpless rabbit.
He will know better, very soon.

LWJ wonders how WWX will speak his name, once this unpleasant conversation is through.

"No," he whispers. "Nothing is wrong."

He motions to his brother. LXC is watching them shamelessly from his car.
WWX's face grows more confused than ever.

But LXC must wave, because WWX waves back. He smiles. His shoulders relax, as if he's relieved. Then he stares at LWJ with puzzled, curious eyes.

"May we speak indoors?" LWJ asks, hurriedly.
He cannot bear to have this conversation outside.

It might be safer, in the long run. If WWX reacts badly, LWJ might have to make a hasty retreat. It might be better if he remains in public view, within his brother's line of sight.
But speaking of his shifting abilities feels like speaking of his very soul. LWJ does not want to do that here, beside the apartment mailboxes, next to an empty trash bin.

WWX steps back and holds the door open.
He ushers LWJ inside. Then he scurries around, showing LWJ to the sofa and offering something to drink.

"I'm Wei Wuxian, by the way," he adds, once LWJ has politely refused a beverage.

"Mm. My brother...told me."
LWJ picks at the edge of his thumbnail. It feels like a lie.

It isn't, technically. His brother had spoken WWX's name often during the last few days. LWJ could have learned WWX's name through such channels.

But he hadn't, of course.
He learned WWX's name that first day, when WWX introduced himself to a small shivering rabbit.

No matter how hard LWJ tries, he cannot pretend that this name is unfamiliar to him. He can't pretend that this apartment is unfamiliar to him, either.
He knows this sofa. He slept upon it a dozen times.

LWJ glances nervously at the bathroom and bedroom doors. He knows what those rooms look like, too. He knows upon what shelf of the refrigerator WWX keeps juice and sodas. He knows so much about this home.
Sitting upon the sofa as a guest is deeply shaming. LWJ feels the weight of his transgressions more strongly than ever.

But WWX merely drops onto the couch beside him. He gives LWJ another puzzled, friendly smile.

"I didn't catch your name!" he hints.
LWJ did not give it, of course. But he must give it now.

He takes a deep breath.

"Lan Wangji," he says, softly. "Or Lan Zhan."

He can't quite keep himself from adding that last part.
He knows WWX's birth name, after all. WWX offered it to that small, bedraggled rabbit as he toweled him dry.

LWJ had rolled the syllables around in his mind: Wei Ying. But he couldn't use the name then, of course. Rabbits could not speak.
And he cannot use WWX's birth name now. He has no right to do so.

But he can offer his own birth name in turn.

WWX laughs in surprise.

"Wangji?" he echoes.

He rocks back on the sofa, smiling.
"Did your brother name his rabbit after you? That's cute!"

LWJ's ears burn hotter than ever.

It's not an unnatural assumption. But it's incorrect. LWJ cannot allow this misunderstanding to persist further.

"He did not."

LWJ draws in a sharp breath. It catches in his throat.
WWX regards him with frank amusement and curiosity. His face is relaxed, open, friendly. L

LWJ cannot bear to see his expression cloud and darken once he learns the truth. He looks away.

"I am not sure how to explain this," LWJ begins, haltingly.
"Perhaps it would be best to show you."

He stands up, then.

WWX looks rather surprised at the sudden movement. But his surprise turns to open shock as LWJ shifts into his rabbit form.
LWJ waits for a few seconds, twitching anxiously. He feels very small and vulnerable in this form. Particularly when WWX gawks at him.

His eyes are round and his mouth has dropped open. He does not speak.

LWJ waits a few seconds longer. Then he shifts back.
Tentatively, he resumes his seat on the sofa. WWX doesn't recoil in horror and revulsion, at least.

LWJ folds his hands on his lap and takes a deep breath.

"You may not be aware of this," he begins. "But there are some people who possess the ability to..."

WWX cuts him off.
"Lan Wangji," he blurts out. "Lan! You're a Lan! Ah!"

He claps a hand to his mouth.

"You're a shifter, aren't you! Your brother too?!"

LWJ stares, dumbfounded.
His mind has gone utterly blank. But WWX jumps up, pacing the room.

"Did you get stuck that way?"

He halts abruptly and buries his face in his hands.

"Fuck. I bunny-napped you! I scooped you up and took you home! I made you poop in a BOX. Oh my god. I'm so sorry!"
WWX looks genuinely horrified.

LWJ had braced himself for that reaction. But he had expected to have that horror turned upon him. He had expected WWX to demand apologies. He had not expected WWX to offer them.

He opens and closes his mouth, helplessly.
"It isn't your fault," LWJ says, rather feebly. "I became...overtired. And I..."

He doesn't know how to finish that sentence. But it doesn't matter.

WWX shakes his head furiously and drops onto the couch beside LWJ.
"That used to happen to my sister all the time!" he cries. "She was sick a lot as a kid, you know. But she's a crane, so we weren't worried that anyone was going to trap her and take her home."

LWJ flounders. He feels as though he's drowning, unable to keep himself afloat.
"A crane," he rasps. "Your sister is...a Jiang?"

The eager interest slips from WWX's face for a moment. He rubs the back of his neck.

"She's not really my sister," he says, slowly. "Not by blood. But yeah. She and Jiang Cheng..."

He doesn't finish.
An awkward silence descends, and LWJ struggles to find his footing.

He thought he had prepared himself for every possible reaction. But he had not prepared himself for this. The possibility that WWX might already know about shifters never even crossed LWJ's mind.
"You are not...?"

He stops, hesitates.

WWX gives him a crooked smile.

"No. I wish!" He scrunched up his nose. "It would be so fun to be able to change into another shape. But I didn't get lucky enough to be born into one of those families!"
LWJ takes three slow, deep breaths.

"I see," he murmurs. "I apologize."

WWX lets out a startled laugh.

"Lan Zhan!" He rocks forward, elbows on his knees. "What for?"
The casual use of his given name steals his breath. But LWJ tries to push through the sudden fluttering in his chest.

"If I had known..."

He catches his breath.

"If you are familiar with shifters, I could have given you a message. Explained that I wasn't truly a rabbit."
There were ways to communicate, even in rabbit form. Messages thumped out in code. A paw, pointing to a word in a book or newspaper. LWJ had found ways to communicate, even during a forced shift.

"You could have contacted my family," he adds. "It would have...saved trouble."
He would not have had to worry his brother.

And perhaps WWX would have cared for him anyway. If he already knew of the existence of shifters, he might have chosen to shelter LWJ anyway.

LWJ could have had his companionship, without the lies and deceit. Regret fills his chest.
Wei Ying gives a rueful laugh.

"I guess so. You wouldn't have been stuck with me for a whole week," he says. "Pooping in a box while listening to my horrible singing!"

LWJ frowns.
He hadn't enjoyed using the litterbox. But he hadn't felt 'stuck' with WWX. He hadn't minded WWX's singing, or anything else about his company.

"But how were you supposed to guess that I knew about that, anyway?"

WWX shrugs.
"It's not like I told you! And my surname isn't Jiang, anyway."

It isn't.

That is true. LWJ had no way of guessing that he had found one of the rare humans who knew of the existence of shifters. There was no way for LWJ to guess.
But he's still responsible for the consequences of his own foolishness.

Even if his intentions were benign, he surely caused trouble for his family and for WWX.

WWX seems to have realized that. His face crumbles, and he scrubs a hand over his jaw.
LWJ edges closer to him on the sofa.

"Wei Ying?"

The name escapes him. He can't help using it, not when Wei Ying has used LWJ's own given name half a dozen times already.

Wei Ying buries his face in his hands.
"Oh, wow." He moans softly into his palms. "I really did embarrassing things in front of you, didn't I."

LWJ is temporarily struck speechless.

After a long moment, WWX lifts his head. He's wearing a bright, artificial smile.
"Hm. Ah, well. That's okay!"

He folds his arms across his chest. His smile grows more brittle than ever.

"You can just...pretend none of it happened? Pretend you don't know me, if we walk past each other on the street!"

LWJ's heart sinks to the floor.
It is no worse than he expected, and it's better than he deserves. If WWX never wishes to see or speak to him again, then LWJ has no room to complain.

"If you wish," he says, very quietly. "But...I do not see how you embarrassed yourself."
LWJ is the only person who bears any shame here.

WWX merely behaved as anyone would with a pet or a small animal. He was a good and devoted caregiver, and naturally he saw no harm in speaking candidly with a small animal. He has no need to feel ashamed.
But WWX rubs his hands over his forehead.

"Really?" he murmurs.

He lets out a brief, slightly hysterical laugh.

"Lan Zhan. Do you remember how I twerked around the living room right in front of you? Do you remember how I made you twerk WITH me?"
LWJ doesn't know what the word 'twerk' means. But he remembers WWX shaking his behind rather aggressively to a song on the radio. He remembers WWX carrying him around the room, wiggling Bunji's small rump in time with the drumbeat.
It was very embarrassing, but also...perversely enjoyable.

WWX is a good dancer, and Bunji enjoyed watching him. He enjoyed the way WWX laughed with delight whenever Bunji made a crude attempt at dancing along with the music.
LWJ's face burns.

"Yes," he admits. "I remember. But that was not embarrassing."

It is not a lie, exactly. They're arguing about whether Wei Ying has cause to be embarrassed. LWJ maintains that he does not.

LWJ's own embarrassment is neither here nor there.
Wei Ying huffs out a quiet laugh.

"Really?" He squints doubtfully at LWJ. "You're sure?"

LWJ senses that his blush has spread from his ears to his throat. He is likely not making a persuasive argument in the case against embarrassment.

But Wei Ying shrugs.
"Ah, well! If a respectable person like Lan Zhan says so, then I guess it's not embarrassing!"

His tone is lighthearted and gentle. He clearly isn't trying to pour salt into the wound. But LWJ's shame deepens further, and he hangs his head.
"I am not...a respectable person," he whispers. "I took advantage of your hospitality."

Wei Ying gives a small, indignant cry.

"How could you help it?" He straightens up, his arms falling to his sides. "You're not like Shijie!"
"You're only a bunny! If a predator came after you, you can't fly away!"

He scoots closer to LWJ on the sofa.

"If I didn't take you inside, maybe you would've gotten eaten! Or died of exposure! Of course you wanted to get somewhere safe. That's not taking advantage."
Inwardly, LWJ squirms.

He can be forgiven for accepting Wei Ying's hospitality for a few days. He might, indeed, have died of exposure or been captured by a predator if he remained outside. Or he might have gotten sick from eating spoiled food or drinking unclean water.
It wasn't wrong to allow WWX to care for him while he was still trapped in his rabbit form. But it was entirely wrong to remain, days after he regained the ability to shift back.

LWJ licks his lips.
"I am responsible for failing to care for myself, and allowing a forced shift to occur. Also...."

He hesitates. It's unexpectedly difficult to make this confession. WWX's eyes are kind, and he has been far too understanding about the entire situation.
LWJ is loathe to forfeit his good opinion. But he cannot deceive Wei Ying any longer.

"Halfway through the week," he continues hurriedly, "I recovered. I regained the ability to shift back."

Wei Ying's mouth drops open.
He begins to say something. Then he stops, and tries again.

"Did you...not know how to escape the apartment without me seeing you?"

LWJ could say yes. He could claim that he was still trying to preserve his secret. But it would be a lie.

Miserably, he shakes his head.
"I did not want to leave," he whispers.

Wei Ying makes a small, choked noise.

"Lan Zhan. Why not?"

LWJ bites the inside of his cheek. He does not know how to explain this part. Or, rather, he does know. But he doesn't think it will be anything like what Wei Ying wants to hear.
"I enjoyed Wei Ying's company."

He makes the confession very quietly. But Wei Ying hears, and his jaw slackens further.

"You enjoyed my...!"

He stops. He clears his throat.

"You enjoyed my company? You enjoyed me making you poop in a litterbox?"
"You enjoyed me ranting at you for twenty minutes every evening about my crappy day at work? You enjoyed my terrible dance moves?!"

Wei Ying looks frankly incredulous. LWJ nods anyway.

"Yes," LWJ admits. "Wei Ying is good company. I enjoyed...the companionship."
Wei Ying looks as if he's about to burst out laughing. His eyes light with a mischievous spark, as if he intends to tease LWJ.

LWJ wouldn't mind that. Not really.

But suddenly, the light in Wei Ying's eyes dies.

"When did you figure out how to shift back? Like, when exactly?"
LWJ's stomach grows cold. Yet he cannot lie about this.

"Late Tuesday night." He pauses. "Or early Wednesday morning."

He isn't sure of the hour, exactly. And he's hoping this information will mean nothing to Wei Ying. He's hoping that Wei Ying will have forgotten.
He hopes that Wei Ying will mix up the dates, and forget when his brother called.

He hopes that Wei Ying won't remember how he cried. How Bunji licked his face afterward. How Wei Ying took Bunji into bed with him and promised they could keep each other company.
But Wei Ying looks immediately crushed.

"Lan Zhan," he whispers.

Then he shuts his mouth and turns away.

LWJ feels bile rise in his throat. Wei Ying looks as though he thinks this was about pity, and LWJ cannot tolerate that.
"It wasn't because of that."

He speaks too suddenly, too forcefully. Wei Ying flinches. But he turns, listening to LWJ's voice.

"I had already...become too comfortable here. So I wished to stay. And afterward..."
LWJ hesitates. He can't pretend that he was entirely unmoved by Wei Ying's tears. That would be a lie, too.

But he was never motivated by pity, and he must make that clear.

"I thought Wei Ying enjoyed my company too. So I told myself it wasn't wrong to stay a little longer."
He had soothed his conscience with the knowledge that he'd brought some comfort to Wei Ying. He told himself that it wasn't so shameful to linger in Wei Ying's apartment. Not if Wei Ying liked having him around.

But LWJ had known then - he knew now - that this was a lie.
"It was wrong," he adds.

His own voice sounds tense and brittle.

"It was deceptive and dishonest. Wei Ying did not possess all the facts, so he couldn't agree to friendship on those terms."

He knots his hands upon his lap.

"I was wrong."
A verbal apology seems insufficient. So LWJ rises from the sofa and offers Wei Ying a formal bow.

Wei Ying squawks and flails, dragging LWJ upright.

"Lan Zhan! Stop that, stop that! Who bows like that, in this day and age!"

He pauses. Then he groans and rubs his face.
"Old families, I guess. The Lans and the Jiangs!"

LWJ nods.

Wei Ying is quite correct. LWJ's family did teach him to bow this way when he committed a transgression. It is only proper to show humility and repentance.

He tries to bow again. But Wei Ying won't let him.
He drags LWJ onto the sofa.

"Stop that right now!"

He throws himself onto the cushion beside LWJ, huffing loudly.

"Don't you know that I'm just some minimum-wage dropout with no fancy family name! Why are you bowing to me so formally?"

LWJ frowns deeply.
"I do not care about your profession or your family name," he says sharply. "Wei Ying treated me kindly, and I repaid him with dishonesty. I must apologize properly."

Wei Ying stares incredulously for a long moment. Then he throws his head back and laughs.
"Lan Zhan!"

He shakes his head, as if astounded. But a smile creeps back onto his face.

"Well, you apologized already! And I forgive you, so stop trying to bow to me!"

Reluctantly, LWJ sinks back against the sofa.
Wei Ying sits sideways on the cushion, his legs crossed. He studies LWJ as if he's a particularly interesting laboratory specimen.

LWJ can't resent that sort of scrutiny. But his ears grow hot anyway.
Wei Ying hums to himself, toying with the edge of his shirt.

"I'm not angry, all right? Just embarrassed!" He heaves a sigh. "You saw me do stupid things, so I'm embarrassed. You should feel special, you know!"

LWJ blinks.
"Like, you don't know me, so you don't know how weird that is."

Wei Ying pulls a face.

"But if you knew me, you would know that I NEVER get embarrassed. Ask anyone! Ask my brother."

LWJ stiffens.

"I do not want to speak to your brother," he says tightly.
He doesn't know who this 'brother' is. He supposes it must be Jiang Wanyin, the scion of the Jiang clan.

LWJ hardly knows him. He believes they met as children, but LWJ does not remember it.

He already dislikes Jiang Wanyin, though.
The man reduced Wei Ying to tears during a single phone conversation.

LWJ already despises him. He doesn't ever wish to speak to Jiang Wanyin. Not if he's the sort of person who chooses to inflict pain upon someone like Wei Ying.

Wei Ying seems rather startled by this remark.
LWJ's throat grows hot, but he forces himself to continue.

"He was not kind to you." He pauses. "And I do know you."

Wei Ying claimed that LWJ does not know him. But LWJ thinks that must be incorrect. Surely he does know Wei Ying.
They lived in the same house for a week. They slept in the same bed. He comforted Wei Ying when he was upset, and Wei Ying cared for him when he was equally vulnerable. They danced together, and Wei Ying told LWJ all about his friends and coworkers.

Surely that qualifies.
Surely they do, indeed, know each other.

Wei Ying has an odd expression upon his face.

"You licked my face," he whispers. "After..."

LWJ averts his eyes in embarrassment, and Wei Ying lets out a soft laugh.

"I thought that was so cute!"
The words are slightly muffled. Wei Ying has shoved his fist against his mouth. His cheeks are red, and LWJ feels sure that his own face is equally flushed.

"It was not proper," he murmurs. "I apologize."

Wei Ying scoots closer.

"You did it again, when you left!"
LWJ squirms helplessly on the sofa.

"I am very sorry for transgressing such boundaries," he says.

His own voice is weak, feeble.

"I came here to apologize."

"But why?" Wei Ying demands. "Why did you do that? Why did you lick me goodbye?"
Wei Ying has scooted far too close. He is very nearly touching LWJ.

LWJ can sense his body heat. He can smell Wei Ying's shampoo, his soap, the coffee he must have had only an hour before.

The intensity of Wei Ying's presence makes it difficult to think clearly.
He cannot think of a diplomatic-yet-honest answer. So he blurts out the truth instead.

"You looked...sad."

He knots his hands together on his lap.

"I disliked seeing you unhappy. I wanted to...make you happy again. I wanted to see you smile."
It was a personal triumph each time he managed to put a smile on Wei Ying's face. Bunji was willing to submit to any indignity, if it would make Wei Ying laugh.

He was willing to binky around the room, to roll on the rug while Wei Ying blew raspberries upon his belly.
He was willing to 'twerk', as Wei Ying put it.

He was certainly willing to lick the tears from Wei Ying's face.

"You were very kind," LWJ adds, quietly. "I enjoyed spending time with you. I wanted to continue spending time with you, for as long as possible."
Wei Ying buries his face in his hands. LWJ watches helplessly.

If he were still Bunji, he could creep into Wei Ying's lap. He could burrow against Wei Ying's thighs and sneak under Wei Ying's shirt. He could apply his small tongue to Wei Ying's face and nibble on his hair.
He can't do that now. Without his rabbit form to smooth the way, LWJ isn't sure what to do.

But after a moment, Wei Ying lifts his face. His eyes are bright, shiny with unshed tears. Yet he's smiling. LWJ's heart stutters.

"Well," Wei Ying croaks. "What was the plan, exactly?"
He clears his throat.

"Did you think I wouldn't figure out that you're a shifter eventually?"

He pokes LWJ's shoulder.

"I'm pretty smart, you know! I admit that I wasn't on top form last week. But I definitely would've connected the dots eventually!"
"Plus, your family would've been looking everywhere for you!"

Wei Ying sits back, folding his arms across his chest.

"How would you have kept the secret forever? Just what was your plan!"

"There was no plan," Lan Wangji says, miserably. "I was very foolish."
Wei Ying nods sagely.

"You are foolish!" he cries.

There is a note of triumph in his voice, and a startlingly wide smile upon his face. He prods LWJ's shoulder again.

"Very, very foolish! Did you think I wouldn't like you just as much in this form?"
He surveys LWJ.

"You're not quite as cute in human form," he says, sadly. "But you're WAY hotter, so it all evens out. I can definitely work with this, you know!"

LWJ stares, dumbfounded.

Wei Ying reaches out and tweaks his ear.
It was the same gesture he used whenever he wished to tease Bunji. It's startlingly familiar, and LWJ can only blink in response.

"Why wouldn't I still like you?" Wei Ying demands. "Of course I still like you! So can't we just...keep spending time together?"

He falters.
"...if that's what you want?" Wei Ying adds.

For a moment, LWJ cannot speak. His heart feels too large for his chest.

"I would like that," he gasps, finally.

Wei Ying's face lights up, brighter than the rising sun.
He leans against LWJ's shoulder, laughing.

"Isn't it better that way, really?"

The mischievous gleam is back in his eyes.

"For one thing, I won't make you poop in a box anymore. Unless you're really, really into that, I guess!"
"I am not," LWJ says, with great dignity. "I would prefer...not to use a litterbox."

He would prefer for this chapter of their lives to be forgotten, in fact. There is no need to speak of the week where WWX cleaned up after LWJ's bathroom endeavors.
But from the delighted look in Wei Ying's eyes, he will never stop teasing LWJ about this incident.

LWJ supposes that's a fair punishment. At any rate, it's difficult to be angry when Wei Ying's hand is resting upon his arm.
"Well, then." Wei Ying scratches his chin. "I won't twerk around the living room and sing all the lyrics to extremely vulgar rap songs, either. How about that?"

"I did not ask you to make such a promise," LWJ murmurs.
Besides the litterbox, there is no other activity that needs to be omitted. LWJ would be quite happy to spend the rest of his life just as he had during the week he spent with Wei Ying.

Wei Ying throws his head back and laughs.
"Lan Zhan!" he cries. "Well! I won't bring home fresh zucchini and beets for you to eat! How about that?"

But LWJ shakes his head.

"I didn't ask for that promise either."
Wei Ying plunges in, making suggestions for other activities which might be omitted from their future relationship. He seems delighted when LWJ vetoes each one.
He isn't willing to give up the fresh vegetables, or the frequent gifts from the pet shop. He won't surrender the ear rubs or the belly scratches.

He won't give up the daily debriefing sessions, wherein Wei Ying complains about annoying customers or his troublesome manager.
He won't trade away Wei Ying singing, his dancing, his silly jokes, or his rambling stories about his friends. LWJ wishes to keep all of it.

"I see, I see."

Wei Ying strokes his chin. He is trying to look solemn and thoughtful, but he can't manage it.
His smile keeps peeking through. LWJ's heart feels as if it might bound straight out of his chest

"What about the face-licking?" Wei Ying demands. "What about all those little nibbles on my ear! Are those going to stop, too?"

Face hot, LWJ shakes his head.
"I leave that decision up to Wei Ying," he says humbly.

Wei Ying pounces upon him and pushes him flat against the sofa cushions.
As it turns out, Wei Ying does not require LWJ to lick his face. Not in human form, anyway.

But he does require at least a dozen kisses, dusted across his cheeks and mouth and brow. He requires a daily allotment of kisses, just as Bunji requires a daily allotment of vegetables.
And as it turns out, Wei Ying doesn't mind giving up the chance to have a pet. Not if he can receive a boyfriend in exchange.

Fortunately, LWJ doesn't object to that arrangement. Not in the slightest.
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3 Mar
So anyway.

The Twin Jades are both subs.

I said what I said.
They don't know this about each other for AGES! Because they were brought up in a way where you don't talk about this stuff with family!!

But one night, long after their respective marriages, their husbands are out.

They hired a babysitter for the kids.
They're planning on having a nice brotherly hang-out session. Just gonna watch some movies on the couch and have a lil chat. Decompress after a long work week.

...They wind up getting wine-drunk.
Read 6 tweets
2 Mar
I was rewatching CQL episode 3 to clarify a plot-point for a fic. And I got to that scene where LWJ and LXC are talking in the gardens.

And I am once again SCREAMING over LXC looking his baby brother in the face and saying, "I sometimes wonder if I was too strict with you."


The most indulgent older sibling in Ancient Fantasy China?!

You think you might have been TOO STRICT?!
LXC has exactly three modes:

#1 - Spoil my didi

#2 - Tease my didi

#3 - Protect my didi

That's it. That's all he's capable of. He's got nothing else to give.
Read 6 tweets
27 Feb
Back on my mpreg bullshit, and once again thinking about pregnant!LWJ.

I like to think that he would be one of those people who is just ENORMOUS when pregnant.
Absolutely huge belly.

He stops being able to see his feet when he's about five months along. By month 7, he struggles to get out of a soft couch/bed without help.

His babies are always nine pounds, minimum. Just huge chonky little whoppers of a newborn.
Fat babies! I just think wangxian should have fat little roly-poly babies. Huge cheeks and chubby limbs.


One of those babies where you look at them, and all you can think is, "THAT IS A FAT LITTLE DUMPLING, RIGHT THERE.

wangxian always make fat babies send tweet
Read 4 tweets
26 Feb
Absolutely obsessed with the idea of LWJ as a nude model for art classes.
Anyone who knows him would be SHOOK to find out he does this as a side-gig. Because he doesn't seem like the type?

But it's actually very impersonal! He's nothing more than a collection of muscles and sinews, shapes and angles, to these artists. It's not erotic or weird at all.
And they love him at the studio! Because:

1) He's drop-dead gorgeous


2) He can hold still for literally hours

He's an absolutely stellar live model.
Read 101 tweets
26 Feb
I am once again thinking of beautiful black widow LWJ, in a birdcage veil, smoking from a cigarette holder as he tells the police officer that yes, he is so distraught over his wealthy husband's untimely demise.


Simply crushed.
Anyway. 'Pearls for a Funeral' really awakened something in me, and I'm extremely sad that there isn't more noir-inspired fic for this fandom.

(Link for the uninitiated!
...Absolutely no one asked, BUT.

In the version of this story that lives in my head, WRH forced LWJ to marry him for some complex political/financial reasons.

The Lans were not in a position to refuse, or else their business would've been utterly destroyed by WRH's empire.
Read 8 tweets
26 Feb
Absolutely love when I'm walking down the sidewalk and I encounter a crow.

Because that crow is obviously not going to move for a PEON like me. It just does a grudging little sideways shuffle, and then goes back to eating whatever detritus it found.
Most wild animals are like, "oh shit oh FUCK a human ohgodohgod!!" And they scramble away as fast as they can.

Not crows!

"FLY away? Oh, honey. It's adorable you think you're worth that kind of effort. 💅 I will scoot six (6) inches to the side, and you will have to make do."
You're so right, little dude. I am not worth it! Don't fly away for the likes of me!

Fucking suburb, you funky little corvids. ♥️
Read 4 tweets

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