2015年前五角大楼官员 Michael Pillsbury 的《百年马拉松》出版,披露CIA与中共情报部门合作的秘密。
The book “The Hundred Year Marathon” was cleared for publication by the FBI, CIA and Pentagon, thus giving many of its eye-opening disclosures an official cast. amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/…
洛杉矶时报资深记者 James Mann 在他 1998年出版的 <About Face: A History of America's Curious Relationship with China, from Nixon to Clinton> 书中,对八十年代中美秘密军事和情报合作也有描述。
James H. Mann (孟捷慕) 是位极具洞察力的调查记者和专栏作家,1984至1987年擔任「洛杉磯時報」駐北京分社主任。他遍閱數百份新近解密的政府文件、訪問數十位相關人士,寫出這本絕妙調查歷史。
<BEIJING JEEP: A Case Study of Western Business in China> (1989) 开始,
<China Fantasy: Why Capitalism Will Not Bring Democracy to China> (2007) 收官,在详实信息的基础上,剖析中美两国统治者的现实政治及其互动,可谓入木三分。
James Mann (孟捷慕) 2007年5月20日在华盛顿邮报发表文章,以《中国挑战:一个闪光的没有自由的富裕典范》(THE CHINA CHALLENGE: A Shining Model of Wealth Without Liberty)为题,介绍了国际影响力正取代美国的中国,正在给一些专制国家树立榜样。
James Mann (孟捷慕)认为,中国的中产阶级支持,或至少跟随现有的政治秩序,因为毕竟这样的政治秩序使他们变成了中产阶层。此外,中国新兴的商业社会很难产生独立党派;实际上,一切都是党的,一切都通过家庭关系和财政联系与中国的权力结构息息相关。
But in China, the middle class supports or at least goes along with the existing political order; after all, that order made it middle class in the first place.
……Moreover, China's new business community is hardly independent of the party; in effect, it is the party,
linked to China's power structure through financial connections or family ties.
In economic terms, China doesn't fit into the standard model of a free-market system, either.
If we don't take China's new model as seriously as the rest of the world does, we could find that we're the ones on the wrong side of history.
2007年5月就发表这样的文章,给出这样的结论,出版这样的书,2014年6月James Mann在接受VOA采访时承认 :“(这)给我带来了很大麻烦”。
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