The oil "super majors" are reinventing themselves for net-zero life, deploying their engineering and offshore know-how to lock carbon underground and unlock hydrogen above ground…
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are doing the same.
Abu Dhabi is already developing desert solar power for $1.35 per kWh.
This will be converted into hydrogen through electrolysis to make clean synthetic jet fuel.
It means carbon-free air travel is in sight…
Firms are also pushing hard for a clean hydrogen future.
US conglomerate @airproducts is investing $10bn, starting with a colossal venture at Saudi Arabia's NEOM "zero carbon" city project, harnessing wind and solar from the Gulf of Aqaba to generate four gigawatts of power…
In the US, Mitsubishi is turning a Utah coal dinosaur into a green hydrogen plant that will cover the entire peak electricity demand of Greater Los Angeles.
Siemens Energy, meanwhile, is building a plant to make hydrogen in southern Chile from wind 👇
But this is what's happening today.
If you want a futuristic leap, try the new hydrogen paste unveiled by Germany's Fraunhofer Institute, which has found a way to make the gas safe, portable and energy-dense…
❓ How does it work?
You simply insert a cartridge of paste into your car. A plunger squirts out a dose and that mixes with water to produce hydrogen for the fuel cell, and runs the vehicle. A single fill potentially has longer mileage than a full tank of petrol…
Ultimately, everything depends on the cost of green hydrogen.
But urgency is the mother of invention. Just as science has conjured Covid vaccines in 10 months, it's finding ways to conjure cheap power out of water, wind and sun…
Find out more in Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's analysis.
LIVE: Rishi Sunak has announced £4.6bn in grants to help firms weather the latest #lockdown.
Retail, leisure and hospitality businesses will be eligible for one-off top-up grants of up to £9,000, with a £594m discretionary fund launched for other firms…
The one-off top-ups will be granted to closed businesses as follows:
• £4,000 for firms with a rateable value of £15,000 or under
• £6,000 for firms with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000
• £9,000 for firms with a rateable value of more than £51,000
If you're just logging back in, fear not; we've rounded-up some of the best @telebusiness reads from the past week below… #thread
We first wrote about there being yet more pain for retailers, with the number of people visiting shops on Christmas Eve falling by 9.4% compared to the same day last year…
.@Tim_Wallace then delivered some in-depth analysis about how Britain's economic growth is set to reach a solid rate at the end of 2020 and potentially a faster pace beyond (assuming #Brexit is done on time)…