1/ @Conaw really liking new CSS work you are all doing & we appreciate whenever UID's are included in HTML stream. The page UID is often included. Would be nice to get UID when HTML renders for:
+ block refs
+ attributes
+ #tags
+ and bonus, but not crucial Alias #roamosphere
2/ Page UID's in the HTML. Well done team @RoamResearch
3/ Tagged element with hash # but no UID
4/ Block ref.. no UID for the ref
5/ Attributes.. no cigar
6/ Alias are interesting. We do get some context info about aliases in class names. But only external url is revealed because of href attr on <a>
1/ @RoamResearch has silently pushed out a new feature called Command Palette (get to it through CMD+P or CTRL+P).
However the big news is the AUTOMATIC BACKUP feature (AMEN, an angel gets its wings today) #roamcult
2/ This is what the schedule backup feature looks like. You can configure the backup directory and backup frequency.
Note this screen is a little confusing, it serves two purposes. Upper area is for "export all" which we had before.
Lower half is for scheduling EDN backup.
3/ As I covered in this tweet thread, EDN is ideal for full database restore. I often backup MD because it's convenient for getting to individual files. But EDN backup is what is really important for your personal graph databas disaster recovery strategy
1/ What is a block in Roam? It is a chunk of text, right? This is true. What is a paragraph in a Word document? A chunk of text, right? What is the difference? A very important and BIG difference. In Word, you identify a paragraph by its location ... #roamcult
2/ What is the "Address" of a paragraph in Word? The address is its location in the document, which is very FRAGILE. Imagine a paragraph address of "page 5, chunk of text 2". If you add content above, its "address" changes.
3/ Because the address changes with text flow, the "address" of the paragraph is very fragile. Thus it is impossible to maintain reliable linkage in or between documents.
1/ Yesterday on @clubhouse, we were talking about the importance of going back to basics even if we have been using @RoamResearch for some time. #roamcult
We discussed in depth the importance of the "OUTLINE"
Roam is an Outliner - a powerful tool that we may underappreciate.
2/ An outliner is a tool that allows you to structure your thoughts into a tree like structure. Each discrete section is a node (bullet), and they are arranged into topic-subtopics (parent-child) relationships. You learned outlining in school and probably don't realize it.
3/ Why is outlining so valuable. Its a simple way, almost working subconsciously, for adding structure & meaning to our notes. This is done through indenting and unindenting text at each bullet (node) level. This structure creates advanced relationships within our notes.
1/5 If you use LIVE PREVIEW or DAILY NOTES POPUP feature of Roam42, you will want to read this thread. I am making an important change to the Roam42 behavior. These features will be DISABLED by default. So if you want to use them, you just need to turn them on. #roamcult#roam42
2/5 To enable DAILY NOTES POPUP, simply add the following text to a block anywhere in your graph database and refresh the browser:
3/5 If you use LIVE PREVIEW feature of Roam42, just add the following text to any block in your graph database to enable the feature and refresh your browser:
1/ Roam backup terminologies & strategies. Recently in the Slack channels a discussion was started about backup. When you do an Export you have 3 options. Markdown, JSON and EDN. These terms can be confusing.
I want to provide an opinionated view & some basic guidance. #roamcult
2/ my basic strategy is to export in EDN & Markdown. These two formats give me (1) ability to fully restore my graph & (2) to restore the text of individual pages.
JSON is JavaScript Object Notation and mostly is intended for programmers & isn't as useful for a backup strategy.
3/ EDN (from the developer documentation) is Extensible Data Notation. A superset of edn is used by Clojure to represent programs, and it is used by Datomic and other applications as a data transfer format.
1/ Roam Milestone: Write API
Today is important day in Roam history. Many users will likely not be aware of it, but those building tools & integrations on Roam have lots reason for joy. Team RR is working on extending their API allowing for some important capabilities. #roamcult
2/ History lesson, the past: Roam already has a wonderful query API. This means we can read data from a graph database with relative ease. For the most part they don't hide anything from us. The database is truly exposed to the developer. It is powerful & is graph based.
3/ Roam is currently working on a large and important project: a new scalable database backend and also a new API (client and server side). However, this is a big task, one that should not be rushed, and one we should not put pressure on Roam to rush.