Politico originally broke the story last April that Andrii Artemenko, who renamed himself Kuchma runs Airtrans LLC which is part of Erik Prince's Frontier Resources Group - but there has been little coverage of this connection since
The 2020 FARA related to Andrii Derkach - whose activities Putin had purview over per DNI report - was for consultancy services from Global Management Association, majority owned by Oksana Kuchma, wife of Andrii Artemenko aka Kuchma
A May 2019 FARA filing showed $74,450 paid by Czech co OILPROM to Global Management Assoc owned by Oksana Kuchma for Ukraine pres elections polling data
Registered agent for Global Mgmt Vadim Trincher was arrested for running gambling ring in Trump Tower
The ODNI report names few people so it seems significant Manafort's partner Konstantin Kilimnik is named -related to not only the 2016 but also the 2020 Trump campaign w/Derkach
And notable that Andy Artemenko aka Kuchma has links to Derkach & Kilimnik
As @MacFinn44 notes Chanel Rion & OAN crew working w/Giuliani on effort to find dirt on Biden, flew on a jet to Vienna that was owned by Alexander Rovt
Rovt made his early fortune selling his fertilizer business to Dmitry Firtash (who lives in Vienna)
Russian couple expected to plead guilty in NC murder-for-hire scheme - Leonid & Tatyana Teyf are accused of money laundering & $150 million kickback scheme w/Russian military. Leonid Teyf has reported links to Putin's chef Yevgeny Prigozhin HT DDulany wral.com/russian-expect…
Colibri Technologies - an investor in Agent Vi w/Erik Prince, Dorian Barak & others - is also an investor in Eitanium Ltd (found by @ktskts11) where Erik Prince is a director along with several directors linked to surveillance firms Circles & NSO group
After Rosen and Sapir ended their business partnership, Rotem Rosen worked with Jerry Rotunda, who was previously CFO for Deutsche Bank’s Americas wealth management branch
Rosen & Rotunda were spotted w/Michael Cohen during a court break in 2018
Rovt was an investor in Spruce Capital - a subsidiary of Spruce made a $3.5 million loan to Paul Manafort right after he left the Trump campaign in August 2016
An associate of Erik Prince in Blackwater Ammunition, James Fenech, who was charged w/violating EU Libya sanctions, was involved in Maltese construction project bid with Turkish partners with numerous ties to Libya
Several items in thread HT (ex-twitter researcher) BrazenCapital
Jan 2021 @ahmetsyayla story on billions in shady construction deals between Turkey & Libya - Abdul Hamid Dabaiba gave billions in contracts to Turkish companies 2006-2011 HT @annmarlowe
Several of these massive Turkish construction deals in Libya involved several people with links to Trump associates and with links to James Fenech (Erik Prince’s ex associate w/Nicola Bandini in Maltese based Blackwater Ammunition renamed PBM Ammunition)