Russian couple expected to plead guilty in NC murder-for-hire scheme - Leonid & Tatyana Teyf are accused of money laundering & $150 million kickback scheme w/Russian military. Leonid Teyf has reported links to Putin's chef Yevgeny Prigozhin HT DDulany…
Tatyana Teyf received money from a Hong Kong company that received millions from a company used by Sergei Magin who led an organized crime group that moved $2 billion out of Russia
Politico originally broke the story last April that Andrii Artemenko, who renamed himself Kuchma runs Airtrans LLC which is part of Erik Prince's Frontier Resources Group - but there has been little coverage of this connection since
The 2020 FARA related to Andrii Derkach - whose activities Putin had purview over per DNI report - was for consultancy services from Global Management Association, majority owned by Oksana Kuchma, wife of Andrii Artemenko aka Kuchma
Colibri Technologies - an investor in Agent Vi w/Erik Prince, Dorian Barak & others - is also an investor in Eitanium Ltd (found by @ktskts11) where Erik Prince is a director along with several directors linked to surveillance firms Circles & NSO group
After Rosen and Sapir ended their business partnership, Rotem Rosen worked with Jerry Rotunda, who was previously CFO for Deutsche Bank’s Americas wealth management branch
Rosen & Rotunda were spotted w/Michael Cohen during a court break in 2018
Rovt was an investor in Spruce Capital - a subsidiary of Spruce made a $3.5 million loan to Paul Manafort right after he left the Trump campaign in August 2016
An associate of Erik Prince in Blackwater Ammunition, James Fenech, who was charged w/violating EU Libya sanctions, was involved in Maltese construction project bid with Turkish partners with numerous ties to Libya
Several items in thread HT (ex-twitter researcher) BrazenCapital
Jan 2021 @ahmetsyayla story on billions in shady construction deals between Turkey & Libya - Abdul Hamid Dabaiba gave billions in contracts to Turkish companies 2006-2011 HT @annmarlowe
Several of these massive Turkish construction deals in Libya involved several people with links to Trump associates and with links to James Fenech (Erik Prince’s ex associate w/Nicola Bandini in Maltese based Blackwater Ammunition renamed PBM Ammunition)