For many, you know how serious it is that Indigenous Australians are being ignored & dying early from harmful government policies.
In 2013, @theMJA concluded a study about smoking & Indigenous Australian moms with: "there is an urgent need for rigorous studies to test innovative approaches."
How did the Australian government respond as innovative approaches emerged?
3 years later the Australian government ignored an @RCPLondon conclusion that people who smoke should be encouraged to switch to nicotine vapor products.
There are decades of rigorous studies (& epidemiological data) proving that Swedish #snus helps people quit smoking & prevent it in the first place.
3 more years passed & the Australian government ignored another rigorous study published in @NEJM which concluded "E-cigarettes were more effective for smoking cessation than nicotine-replacement therapy"
Instead of listening to scientists providing evidence & ~500,000 people in Australia using nicotine vapor products or snus to avoid smoking, the government chose to tell the public that "Big Tobacco" was behind the push for these harm reduction products.
Case closed?
While the global cigarette industry is certainly a part of the equation in many nicotine discussions (that's why we crowdfunded our film), it is a cheap trick to label any support for repeatedly proven low-risk nicotine products as "Big Tobacco" to prop up harmful policies.
Calling Indigenous Australians who want access to safer products "Big Tobacco" is offensive & makes no sense.
Instead of being heard, provided helpful information, & allowed the best chance to quit smoking, they are lost in the tobacco war.
Meanwhile, the dark money interest groups we exposed in our film continue to lobby behind the scenes for policies that clearly harm public health. Because of this lobbying, more Indigenous Australians are dying early.
In no small way, incompetent or corrupted leaders are killing significant numbers of marginalised people by banning proven new ways to quit smoking...while leaving cigarettes widely available.
The disinterest public is enabling it.
If you're ready to listen deeply to science & those who are affected most, watch our film on the ibex Roku channel or online here:
If you're curious what our guiding principles are in regards to harm reduction and tobacco, the following tweets contain the principles we developed years ago after deeply listening to pioneers in other harm reduction fields.
We understand many have different goals (prohibition, tax revenue, politics, etc), but these principles are proven to work for improving the lives of our neighbors who bear the risk.
That is our mission.
Focus on People
We acknowledge that nicotine use is a part of many cultures and we choose to help minimize the negative effects of harmful delivery methods on the users and their communities rather than simply ignore, stigmatize, tax, or condemn them.
A message from our director, @Biebert: I hope you and your loved ones are doing well through all this. We wanted to give you a quick update to keep you in the loop while you navigate this difficult season.
With CDC guidance urging venues around the US to close events into mid-May, we have no choice but to postpone our Milwaukee red carpet premiere event on May 3rd until a later date.
I am truly sorry.
I’ve tried to build my career on a reputation of honoring my commitments.
Our team has been watching the #COVID19 situation for months and we pushed our initial plans beyond March/April and into May to give it time.