Science is transformative when its power is used wisely to guide public policy. Its not easy to harness but on occasion, you find someone with the essential leadership skills. Let us consider the case of Gov Desantis of Flordia. 1/
Gov DeSantis broke from orthodoxy in Sept 2020, rejecting lockdowns, masks and social distancing to implement a traditional but enlightened public health approach to C19. It was grounded on sound epidemiological principles, later expressed in the Great Barington Declaration. 2/
The policy was implemented to the consternation of the chattering class. Risk groups were identified, focused protection applied and a risk based vaccination process put into action. Schools and businesses were opened and the state flourished. 3/
Gov DeSantis took a large political risk but it was no scientific gamble. He was advised by a competent public health office and top notch epidemiologists. He listen, learned, implemented and defended his policy every step of the way. 4/
It has been an impressive display of leadership, something we so rarely see. He clearly understands his policy, carefully articulates it in public and ensures there are resources to empower it. This isn't an act. 5/
His commitment to science and sound policy development was on display this week. He brought the authors of the Great Barington Declaration, along with Scott Atlas to Florida for a 2 hour public science chat. He moderated the discussion. 6/
Please take the time to listen. Its informative and empowering. Great minds and deep reflective thought. Most importantly, you see a governor, comfortable in his own skin, participating. You're watching a politician harness the power of science. 7/
Canada hasn't been so lucky. Leadership has been fickle at best and missing-in-action at worst. Public health education was replaced by propaganda and a dismissive C19 policy. Politicians were reduced to props who light candles of remembrance. 8/
John Tory isn't alone is abdicating responsibility to a small clique of dangerously incorrect academics and public health officials. All hail from the local university and they populate the Ontario Science Panel. 9/
For 12 months, Ontarians have watched this naive group of ideologs destroy every functioning aspect of the province. From business to schools to social life, nothing was left unscathed. Anodyne theory always ahead of thoughtful practicality. 10/
The results are in and outcomes are horrific. Undoubtably, the worst social policy blunder in Canadian history. Trillions of dollars and thousand of productive lives vapourized. The ideologs have retreated into a form of denialism reinforced by discredited modeling. 11/
Wise political leadership wouldn't have abdicated responsibly for governance. Like Gov DeSantis, our leaders should have deeply engaged in policy development and not let an amateur outfit of academics freewheel it. 12/
At this juncture, it would be best for politicans to admit failure and for public health to start working collaboratively with the public. Truth is, it won't happen as politicians are in full CYA mode. No one wants to own this disaster. 13/
Truth is Canada's politicians and public health officials have decided to seek absolution from sin through the vaccination process. That is why this mundane public health policy retains a creepy cult-like feel. 14/
Their rabidness is an expression of desperation, as the public becomes ever more aware of the disaster. Time is short and politicians want to quickly pivot away from this technocratic debacle. 15/
Unlike Gov. Desantis who took responsibility for leading his state, our politicians have purposely left public health out front. The writing is on the wall, public health will take the full burnt of anger for their leadership mistakes. 16/
Leadership is hard to quantify but when you see it, you know it. We have precious little of it in Canada and perhaps its time to send a boat load of current office occupants to Florida where they can learn from a professional. End.
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The C19 response in Canada has been a tragic debacle that will impoverish this nation. At the heart of this disaster was wild exaggeration of viral threats which now scar society. It never had to happen and the science reveals that. Let's dig a bit deeper. 1/
This recent paper looking at seroprevalence peaked my interest again. It's a clever study that argues that 90% of Canadians have pre existing co-immunity to C19. Antibodies in adult sera recognize four surface proteins on c19 including Spike. 2/
The authors argue that co-immunity results from previous coronavirus infections. Note, these values starkly contrast the now forgotten seroprevalence work of Canadian Blood Services which argued for 1-2% seroprevalence. Why the difference? ....3…
A debate rages in the British Medical Journal on the concept of "Social Murder". A firm definition has yet emerge but it entails:
A person in authority, coercing public action, under the guise of public health, that is knowingly murderous based on available evidence. ....2/
Certainly, murder in its various forms has been carefully codified by the legal profession. So why not "Social Murder"? Is their a group of enterprising lawyers who would like to take on the task? ......3/
This beautiful bit of data from Michigan, a state next to Ontario (my province) nicely shows you everything. C19 hit populated areas first in spring and more rural areas the following season. You can see, seasonality, regionality, and herd immunity. The virus is now endemic.
So, a virus will be a virus. It will spread where it wants and we see its impact when in season. You can pretend to control it with lockdowns, masks and the other silly nonsense. It doesn't care about your feelings or what you think.
We were told this would happen by the likes of @FatEmperor and Anders Tegnell. But the powers to be, hired people to discredit them saying they were dangerously misinformed. They weren't but took the abuse anyways. There is a price to be paid for being right.
Many have watched in horror as an undisciplined group of cloistered academics/public health officials blundered their way across the social, economic and educational landscape of the country. Edict by heresay, hunches and ignorant modeling.
Blunder after blunder rolled on, no transparency or accountability, as our public health community and political class silenced dissent through crude propaganda and the regressive application of behavioral psychology. It was disgusting.
The two most important things to remember about the C19 response.
1) It's the single largest social policy blunder ever in Canadian history.
2) It didn't have to be this way.
Lets break it down.
What do we say about an unprepared public health community. They:
1) Badly miscalculated the threat.
2) Implemented draconian policy wildly disproportionate to the threat.
3) Had no ability to adjust.
4) Had no exit strategy other than a high risk vaccine ploy.
It's been a slow motion disaster, with policy failure and weak political leadership driving it forward. Its hard not to get angry at the blundering mess public health and gov't have wrought upon a prosperous nation. The word "ineptitude" seems rather fitting.
These editorial sentiments are well meaning but lets be clear. The C19 response has revealed the dark art of public health as destructive and incompatible with 21st century life. Much to criticize especially its use of behavioral psychology....1/
Canada's C19 response started with two blundering mistakes. 1) wildly inaccurate claims of a viral threat; and 2) vaccines were the only way out. Both were disturbingly naive, but moving forward it locked Canada into a dangerous narrative....2/
That narrative involves the use of behavioral psychology to raise general anxiety and to reinforce conformity of thought and action. These dangerous weapons pull apart the underpinnings of society and shattered the psychological grounding of too many Canadians....3/