This @WHO review is really poor. No wonder they are spinning their wheels in this issue. They use a very very narrow view of evidence, as @CathNoakes explains
This @WHO-funded group would conclude "measles is NOT airborne" because it has never been cultivated from air samples!
And to my knowledge, @WHO has not funded similar reviews of large droplet or surface transmission. If they did, they would come up empty (e.g.…)
Then we'd reach the startling conclusion that, according to @WHO, we have no idea how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted
Apparently there is a similar review for fomite transmission. Similarly too narrow. Does conclude that "Lack of positive viral cultures and variation in cycle thresholds create uncertainty about fomites as a mode of transmission"
2/ La carta se ha enviado al Gobierno de España, y a todos los gobiernos autonómicos, pidiéndoles que apliquen las medidas de forma urgente y coordinada.
3/ En la carta resaltamos que la comunidad científica internacional esta convergiendo en la gran importancia de la transmisión por el aire de COVID-19 (e.g. 20.…).
La OMS @WHO va muy por detrás, pero no podemos esperar para aplicar medidas ya.
2/ La OMS @WHO & la mayoría de autoridades nacionales siguen sin explicar claramente como se transmite el virus (como un humo invisible que exhalamos e inhalamos)
Como nos dice el virólogo alemán @c_drosten, lo mas importante es explicarlo claramente:
3/ @WHO admitted that there are ZERO cases proven of surface transmission. Scientific community agrees it is unlikely. @Nature is basically yelling at @WHO to say it clearly.
@WHO has NOT clarified that surfaces are minor. Lots of disinfection waste.
3/ Y recordaros que el informe oficial del Ministerio de Ciencia @cienciagob ya recomendó la medición de CO2 y el límite de 700 ppm en su informe de noviembre 2020.
2/ "An epidemiological study in a building in Seoul, South Korea where there were eight Covid-19 infections in five apartments sharing bathroom ventilation, concluded that there was “no other possible contact” between those infected other than their communal air duct."
3/ Apartment buildings and people who live in them need to pay attention to this possible issue.
Solutions may include blocking or installing filters on all internal air vents, or (better) installing extractors at the top so the air is always going out and cannot flow btw apts.
1/ Por su gran importancia, traduzco el **testimonio de la Profesora @linseymarr al Congreso de Estados Unidos** hoy, sobre la transmisión de COVID-19 y cómo proteger a los trabajadores del contagio.
@kprather88 y un servidor ayudamos un poquito a pulir el borrador.