For a #WaybackWednesday this week, we go back to 1953-ish and "An Analysis of the Delaney Committee Report on the Fluoridation of Drinking Water". In which proponents of #fluoridation give lots of reasons why ignoring new research is a good thing.…
"#Fluoride occurs in drinking water primarily as free fluoride. When ingested some fluorides combine with hydrogen ions to form hydrogen fluoride (HF), depending on the pH of the contents of the stomach (2.4% HF at pH 5; 96% HF at pH 2)."
"HF easily crosses the gastric epithelium, and is the major form in which fluoride is absorbed from the stomach"…
Ireland again. -|- "In 2002, a ‘north-south’ survey showed a substantial decline from 1984 in dental caries in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in the Republic of Ireland, and in the non-fluoridated population of Northern Ireland."
"Reducing the underlying cause of disease through the restoration of normality, rather than adding a protective factor, is a more radical approach, and does not come with the risk of unwanted effects such as dental fluorosis.”
Statement Submitted on Behalf of the American Medical Association by Dr George F Lull, Secretary and General Manager to the House Select Committee to Investigate Use of Chemicals With Special Reference to #Fluoridation of Drinking Water February 27 1952
"The objective of this paper is to highlight how the current system endangers the reliability of scientific research and the very foundations of the trust system on which modern healthcare is based."