Want to know more about the effects of #Facebook political online #targeting (POT)? At 15:45 we show results of 2 studies that investigate the impact of party preference & the mediating role of message & sender perception in "S4-P2 PolitischeKampagnen&Akteure" #dach21#btw21
First, we examine the effect of party preference on attention/reception of POT with an eye tracking experiment. hypothesise that greater party preference results in more attention he/she will spend to a POT message
Second, want to know H2) how party preference affect the message evaluation & H3) the willingness to redistribute the POT message using an online experiment.
Further, we want to address potential factors (#Privacy concerns & perceived #manipluation) that come into play when addressing people that are not affiliated with the sending party and that might reduce the acceptance and the willingness to redistribute POT-messages.
H1✔️Subjects watched POT messages for the same amount of time, as they watched the other posts. However, party affiliation has a significant influence on the viewing duration of the POT message. If a respondent received a POT message of a preferred party, the viewtime was longer.
Participants with higher party preference…
H2✔️evaluated the ad more positive (i.e., persuasive)
H3✔️were more willing to redistribute/interact with content
--> Effects of party preference are mediated through perceived manipulation & perceived intrusiveness
Upshot is:it is fruitful for campaigns to use Facebook POT to address potential supporters.This might mobilize them to spread the messages & increase its reach. POT has no advantage if targeted at other party supporters. In the worst case, there is even the danger of reactance.👇
3/n 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗻𝘇: Zwar berichteten Medien während der drei Pandemie-Wellen häufiger über die Pandemie als zwischen den Wellen. Allerdings lag der Höhepunkt in erster Welle, obwohl das Infektionsgeschehen in beiden anderen Wellen deutlich dramatischer ausfiel.
Großartig, dass @janboehm im @zdfmagazin einem wichtigen Thema wie politischem #Targeting auf Facebook Aufmerksamkeit verschafft.👏Wissenschaftler*Innen & Initiativen wie @WhoTargetsMe versuchen Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen. 1 Thread über was wir bereits wissen und was nicht 1/n
2/n Wichtig ist, dass PT jede*n von uns tangiert: Wir hinterlassen überall Datenspuren. Egal ob im Internezz, auf @instagram oder @Facebook, beim Einkauf mit @PayPal, beim Einwohnermeldeamt, usw. ABER viele Menschen wissen nicht, wofür & von wem ihre Daten genutzt werden (können)