Look at that Form? Lets talk about that LOP via @YouTube
Now if you don't want to press the link I understand. We will talk about it here. Lets talk about the Letter of Security Possession or better know as LOP Form. first of all this form is not a ruling as their is no SR-(Governing Body) - YR- Code written on the form itself.
Second, what is the purpose of the form? The firm on it's face has to deal with underwriting? What is underwriting? It is the process by which a bank/agency raises capital for a client from investors in the form of equity or debt securities. Underwriting is mostly used with IPOs
or Follow on Offerings. Okay well an you tell me what an equity security is? This represents the ownership claims to the companies net assets. What is a debt security? A debt security is a debt instrument that can be bought or sold between two parties and has basic terms i.e.
interest rate, maturity date, payment amount, when it's to be paid (monthly, quarterly, yearly, or balloon payment). The two types of equity are different in that the latter has the owner of the debt security pay interest and principal. Types of Debt Securities are: Muni bonds,
collateralized securities, government bonds, corporate bonds. So with that in mind let's cover the form. This form acts like the cover page for the group of stock certificates. It outlines the name of the company, carrier used, with tracking #, similar to how you would send a
certified letter to the IRS, or a fax in business (Yes people still send faxes lol). The purpose of all of this is that the stock certificates be sent out in good faith to the DTC in a timely manner and fashion and when the underwriter cannot as a result of Extraordinary
circumstances i.e. the truck carrying the certificates caught on fire, plane crashed into the ocean, or a tornado ran through the warehouse holding the certificates. When that happens they meet the exception to the rule and the DTC will put everything on pause until it receives
the shares. Now If this is done in bad faith i.e. you break your promise to do something then the DTC has the right to do one of the following things: 1. if you have an account with them they can charge your account 100% of the total certificate value for those that are not
received. So lets say I have a 100 shares at $10 dollars a piece and those failed to be delivered as a result of bad faith then the DTC will charge my account $1,000 dollars to make up for the difference in the shares. This should apply to more IPOs than anything else as the
next option seems to offer more of a penalty if the shares are already selling on the open market. So if the shares are on the open market already, the DTC will go ahead and buy the 100 shares at the FMC we'll say that's $15 dollars. They will pay for those shares and then charge
you an additional 130% X FMV per share. I think I have $1,950. Finally the third rule is that they can reverse the distribution and scrap it all together. Additionally, so what happens, when a third party comes to play, we'll if its a third party underwriter then the DTC will
charge the third party for all of the expenses it incurred due to the failure of the underwriter not delivering the new shares. So how does this apply to us? Right now this form is not applicable as it represents the deliver of shares for IPOS or Follow On Offerings (additional
public offering). I say that with the caveat that if either $GME, $AMC, $TSLA have another follow on offering then this form would be filed and come into play but until then it's a moot point and folks shouldn't worry about it too much as this won't affect our squeeze at all.
Alright, next topic will be "Skin-In -TheGame." This will also come as a video. I hope you all enjoy. I'll see and catch up with each of you shortly. I do apologize for going MIA today was a busy day for me between working
and also trying to read up on as much DD as I could before I worked on the video. This is not financial advice but just me sharing with you how I see this form and document being played out. Part 2 on the way. @KateGentle7@StockRetail@Helirapeller1@N8zHoney@LivesTorrence
#AMC#GME#TSLA#KOSS#OCGN#MEMESTOCK#MOONING#L2BU Part 3 Skin In The Game like I said in part 1 I will post a video of this today. So that way I will walk you through each part and what it ultimately means but I wanted you all to get the general gist of it here before I spoke
about it on my YouTube channel. So I digress lol!. Continuing where I left off in regards to short call options....It is important to understand if the call option is higher than the strike price at expiration then its in the money. This means that the person who bought the
option from you will expect to sell shares at the entire strike price. If the stock does a gamma squeeze then this strategy goes to the graveyard as you will have to cover the contract. 👀 For example theoretically thinking as a HF/MM a share of AMC @ 9.90 you think is going to
#AMC#GME#TSLA#KOSS#OCGN#MEMESTOCK#MOONING#L2BU Part 2 Skin In The Game - We were talking about the importance of the clearing fund...here is what it is used for "The Clearing Fund may also be used to make good losses or expenses suffered by the Corporation or losses
suffered by the Clearing Fund resulting from borrowings pursuant to the authority in Rule 1006(f): (i) as a result of the failure of any Clearing Member to discharge duly any obligation on or arising from any confirmed trade accepted by the Corporation, (ii) as a result of the
failure of any Clearing Member (including any Appointed Clearing Member) or of CDS to perform its obligations (including its obligations to the correspondent clearing corporation) under or arising from any exercised or assigned option contract or matured future or any other
#AMC#GME#TSLA#KOSS#OCGN#MEMESTOCK#MOONING#L2BU Alright folks, so the moment you've all pretty much been waiting for the the SR - OCC - 2021 - 801 rule as it stands IF THEY HAVE "SKIN-IN-THE-GAME"
There is so much to unpack here and I'm going to solely cover one part of the rule. I will also post the video on this after this is posted. So here we go. Basic Structure we need to understand is that the SEC is at the Head of the two organizations sitting underneath it.
On one side you have the OCC and the other side you have the NSCC. We've talked about and discussed for months the NSCC rules and how they apply to securities. We've gone through the NSCC 801, 005, 004, and the 003 rules. Now we're getting to the point that the other branch of
$AMC #GME#TSLA#OCGN alright folks. Good morning everyone I hope and trust you all are well. Before I pass on the Ortex info for this morning I’d like to say this - remember why you are in this journey as the road ahead is not easy find the strength n courage you need to push
Forward to our goal. We are all onto something big. Oh I almost forgot... be careful of folks interpreting rules that are not researched and vetted thoroughly. Lol ok on to more important news pay attention to AMC and GME over next few days I have a feeling we are gearing up for
Another show down. Good or bad just know I’m on the front lines with you and I’m rooting for us all to win. Have a blessed and beautiful morning. Ortex data is below. #AMC#GME#TSLA#OCGN#stonks#mooning#OptionsTrading oh and just so you know we’ve had a crap ton of weird
out to you. So what is next....part of my conclusion if you will The DTC knows the plays that are being made within the ATS network they may not be able to tell us how much, but we know that most of them have overleveraged assets that they do not have nor owned just to be able to
combat retails buying power. The DTC knows that at some point they will have to be margin called for these deals. The stuff is already hitting the fan. I predict that more and more HF and MM and banks will still bite the dust in the coming week. Do not think for a second that
short position and the volatility of the market. You will need to pay up immediately. 2) The NSCC showed us that we have a liquidity issue when it comes to these stocks. Liquidity in accounting means that you don’t have enough current assets to cover short term obligations and
the other assets you do have are not that is translatable into cash. It’s like if I have 2M dollars between cash and investments but I have a huge Fixed Asset that wont be sold immediately to cover whatever short term obligation should I get called out on it aka margin.